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  1. My 11 year old female cat passed away 2.5 months ago and as I am also a cat lover and have never lived without one, I would love to adopt another female sometime in the near future. I have a 6 year old female staffordshire bull terrier and a 5 year old male pug x cavalier, but it's the staffy I'm most concerned about. Knowing this is a breed not the most cat-friendly out there, do fellow staffy owners have any suggestions as to how overcome this hurdle? I am planning on allowing the kitten/cat to sleep in the laundry at night (please note this is not the dogs sleeping place) and am looking at building a cat run down the side of the house and blocking this off from the dogs. I would, however, like all 3 animals to eventually spend time in the house together. They don't have to be the best of friends, but some tollerance of each other would be nice. Help!
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