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Everything posted by cassie

  1. He was beautiful Jules, you and Michael will treasure his memory forever. He and Renae were the most spoiled and well loved Cavs I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I'm certain Miah is no exception. You've done the kindest thing for him. I believe dogs know when it is their time, and him looking to you and wagging his tail was his way of letting you know it was ok, he was ready. Oh gosh now I'm sobbing RIP dear Joey xxx Look after yourself Jules xxx
  2. Thinking of you Jules, such a tough time Dear little Joey will be grateful he is at home surrounded by his family xxx
  3. Referring to my 43kg 5month old Saint puppy: "Holy crap did you know he was going to get so big?" No actually, I had no idea. I thought I was buying a Pomeranian and now I am so very very disappointed
  4. Wow I've never seen a pied Mastiff before either!
  5. Mine was second hand off gumtree :) Pays to keep a regular eye on there as when they are listed, they tend to get snapped up quickly!
  6. Congratulations How spectacular you have every right to be proud!
  7. In case anyone was interested here is the bath, with the help of my little model :)
  8. LOL good question! I'd say he'll be a minimum of 80kg once mature (3-4 years old) but probably closer to 90kg.
  9. Thanks :) Here is my latest purchase, these boys sure know how to keep me broke! :p
  10. OH was struggling in that pic :laugh: I hope he doesn't outgrow it Lhok, I adore his smooshy face :) We have the Adelaide Royal this Sunday so hope to get some stacked pics then if he feels like cooperating...!
  11. Great photos! Gus is beautiful and so funny! I haven't posted anything about Sumo in here for a while but I still read everything and keep up to date with all your lovely pups! For anyone who's interested I had him weighed today as we needed worming tablets (this thread actually reminded me) and he is a whopping 42.6kg at 5.5 months! The vet loved him :)
  12. I'm not sure on the purchase price of a Leo, but in terms of importing from NZ it is quite straightforward (no quarantine) and to get my 11 week old Saint pup from Auckland to Adelaide in May of this year, it cost me around the $600 mark. Less if you're on the East coast.
  13. Great that these dogs are gaining exposure and getting adopted, no one could deny that that's fantastic for them. But what happens when someone ELSE wants an Alaskan Collie Fluffy Terrier? (Or whatever it was.) This was the dog that had the most Facebook likes I think they said. What's to stop someone with dollar signs in their eyes cashing in on this niche market by trying to recreate this "breed"? ETA: I was posting at the same time as Plan B. Basically, yes what he/she said.
  14. And just for you JackC, he was weighed today! This porker is 42.6kg at 5.5 months old.
  15. First trip to our local dam, he was hilarious once he was wet as he was so much heavier than normal, watching him try to run with his big wet flipper feet was a riot! :laugh:
  16. Whaaaat! Rotten little sh*ts! Good boy Treb you've done well :) I wouldn't mess with an angry Akita either!
  17. Lhok my Dogs SA membership lapsed about 18months ago, so I just applied for a new one. It said on their website somewhere I think that that is what I had to do. Not sure if Dogs NSW is the same but maybe check their website :) Gorgeous pic of Treb! He's very handsome! And Nova is a sweetheart too :) We have the Adelaide Royal here in a week. Nerves are settling in...!
  18. Those dogs in the pictures don't look like Newfoundlands to me. In some European countries, the Landseer is actually considered to be a separate more athletic breed to the Newfoundland, whereas here in Australia the term Landseer is used to describe a colour variety of the Newfoundland. I think the pics you've posted are of Landseers, the breed. You won't find any Newfs here that look like those, or I would highly doubt it anyway. The Newfs we have here are much heavier, with a broader head and square muzzle, and in my opinion more beautiful :) But each to their own, if you like the European Landseers then that's fine, I just don't think you'll get what you want unless you were to import something. And then we're talking big bucks! In regards to Bernese, they are a very immature breed and remain puppy-like until the age of three or more. Yes they are good with children if raised with them (although as mentioned this is an individual dog thing) but can be too boisterous and bouncy for toddlers or very young kids. Most young Bernese would be too tempted to chase chickens too! Although with training I guess this could be overcome. Have you considered a Leonberger? They are quite a rare breed, but are giant and fluffy and gentle and nowhere near as "silly" as a Bernese. They have a rich golden sort of coat (stunning actually) and are more similar in outline to the Landseers you like. I would think they could definitely perform well in obedience and carting :) I love them and if I wasn't personally owned by Saints and Bernese, I'd be seriously looking at getting one. Best of luck in your search! :)
  19. I belong to a Saint Bernard group on Facebook; the majority of members are from the US and most of them shave their Saints every summer. I've tried explaining why it's not a good idea, and have posted links like in the OP but they don't get it. Many of them have little idea about a lot of things in regards to dog ownership actually. I have to bite my tongue now as OH started telling me off for clogging up his news feed with my "Saint arguments" :laugh:
  20. Poor girl 38kg wow that's tiny! I hope you find your answers.
  21. Fantasy thanks for sharing! :D A great achievement!
  22. How much exercise and mental stimulation does be get each day? Collies are a very intelligent breed and need to be kept busy :)
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