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Everything posted by cassie

  1. Having giant fluffy "teddy-bear-like" breeds, 99% of people at least LOOK at us as we go past. Most people are just in awe and happy to gaze from afar. Some are terrified and cross the road or get as far away as they can. Others stop us for a pat. We've been lucky in that most people do ask first, followed by a hundred other questions about the dogs :D But that's fine I don't mind one bit. It would be annoying if we were ever trying to get somewhere in a hurry, but I know the kind of attention they attract so take that into account.
  2. Oh gosh sorry guys I had no idea it had such a bad reputation I won't go recommending it in future, and also after hearing all these stories won't send my beloved boys there. I'm glad this thread came up, thanks for enlightening me.
  3. Thanks guys. I have him home now. It's good news and bad news. The good news is the X-rays didn't show up any bone or joint damage, phew that's a relief. Also he managed to lay still for the process so he didn't need a general anaesthetic which I'm very happy about, as I hate putting my dogs under. The bad news is it's tendon/ligament damage, which may take 6-8 weeks to heal He's likely to keep limping for a few more WEEKS! (I was thinking days.) He's on strict rest and meds for at least ten days. I'm grateful he's not very active or we'd both go insane! Poor boy though I can't believe he may not be right for up to two months The vet actually said broken bones are easier to heal than soft tissue, although I'm still thankful it's not that while he's growing. Oh and my bank balance is looking a bit sorrowful now
  4. My baby Sumo is at the vet having X-rays Sunday evening he started limping, so I took him to the vet Monday morning. (My usual vet is out of the country so I went to my local and they were bloody useless and had no idea! Anyway that's another story! ) We got some pain killers and anti-inflamatories which was the reason for going, but he's still no better so back to a different vet this morning. She was great and recommended X-rays so we could see what we're dealing with and avoid anymore stuffing around. It's his carpal joint (wrist) that he's injured, no idea how. I'm worried sick Obviously it's not life threatening or anything like that but if he's stuffed a joint while in the middle of his main growth it could be disastrous. I'm really upset and just waiting for the vet to call me back so I can go get him. My poor boy it kills me to see him limping
  5. Thanks guys. After a couple of lovely PMs suggesting the Avenue Road Vet in Stirling, I took him there this morning and was very happy.
  6. Took puppy Sumo to my local vet recently who I've never used before, but my regular vet is out of the country. I guess they don't see many Saints as all the staff were besotted and couldn't get over his size. He's 46kg at 6 months old and the VET (!!!!!) told me "He will probably be close to 50kg once he finishes growing" oh and by the way apparently he'll finish growing at 9 months and finish filling out by 12 months. I stood there with my mouth open in shock and told her we expected him to be 85kg + at maturity, at 4-5 years old. She couldn't believe it! I felt like I was teaching her! Also, as we were leaving she told Sumo he'd have to injure himself more often so they could see him again!!! That didn't sit right with me at all.
  7. I've heard good things about these guys, located just up from the tollgate. Planning to leave my own dogs there for a night in a couple of weeks. http://www.allpetsboardingvillage.com/html/location.html
  8. Well exactly. If I had no idea about Saints and was taking advice from her I could seriously screw up my boy's growth.
  9. Hi all, I'm looking for a vet anywhere in Adelaide who is experienced in giant breeds. My usual vet Dr Chris Girling whom I love is out of the country at the moment. My pup (6 month old Saint Bernard) has hurt his wrist and is limping. Yesterday I took him to my local vet, only because I needed meds for him. It shocked me to see how much they really didn't know. First she didn't know the breed, ok whatever that's not such a huge deal. When I mentioned my other dog was a Bernese she said "Aren't they basically the same breed? What's the main difference?" Umm well I'd say the main similarity is that they both have four legs and a tail, they are completely different. Then when I weighed him he was 46kg and she told me he would "Probably be close to 50kg once he finishes growing" oh and by the way apparently he'll finish growing at 9 months and finish filling out by 12 months. I stood there with my mouth open in shock and told her we expected him to be 85kg + at maturity, at 4-5 years old. She couldn't believe it! I felt like I was teaching her! It was clear she usually only sees more common breeds. Anyway she examined him and we got the meds which was the reason for going, but if he doesn't get any better I'll need to take him in again, and no way will I return there. (Also, all the nurses etc there loved him, and as I was leaving they told him he'd have to injure himself more often so they could see him again!!! That didn't sit right with me at all.) So long story short...does anyone know of a great vet who knows what a bloody Saint Bernard is for a start?!?!?
  10. Any results from today? Waiting on Saints in particular. And Pyreneans. ETA nevermind, found them.
  11. Wow call me uneducated but I had no idea so many different breeds had their ears taped. I knew British Bulldogs did and....that's about it! Tell me, are any pups born with naturally correct ears, and it's clear from day one (or eight weeks, or whenever) that they won't need taping? Or do all pups need taping? I'm intrigued! Sorry DTDO for hijacking.
  12. No don't be sorry, it's a bib through and through! :laugh: You saw the drool picture, right? :laugh:
  13. South Port, the mouth of the Onkaparinga where the river meets the sea. It's perfect as an introduction as there's no waves or strong current :) ETA ...and it's usually very quiet too!
  14. And back in his booth, all tuckered out from all the admiration :p
  15. Another showing his beautiful head :)
  16. A few pics from the Adelaide Royal. Unfortunately none of us in the ring as OH had the camera on the wrong setting and they're all super blurry But nevermind. Sumo didn't win anything but he had an absolute ball. I discovered he LOVES kids! He was getting plenty of attention in his allocated booth where we sat all day, but I know not everyone likes to invade your space and ask for a pat, so for some extra socialisation I took him over to the Advance food stand, where people know that they can come up and pat the dogs and talk to the owners. He was like a kid magnet! :D They all flocked to him! At one stage he was sitting there giving kisses to a couple of 4 year old twins, then a just-walking toddler wandered up and he immediately dropped and let her pat his head. It was just beautiful to watch him behaving so gently with the kids. He hasn't been taught that, it's just the breed and his temperament. I was so proud! :) As for his size! :laugh: It was hilarious, we had some people genuinely interested in Saints chatting to us and asking questions. When they asked what he weighed, I told them 43kg, but he would grow to at least double that. They looked at me totally puzzled and I said "He's not quite six months old yet" well their jaws dropped! They thought he was an adult! To me it's funny because I know the breed so he clearly looks like a puppy, but I guess to other non dog-savvy people he's enormous and therefore must be fully grown. We got a lot of shocked faces when we mentioned his age actually :laugh: This is Sumo and I on the Advance stand.
  17. I sympathise with your situation, I really truly do. But I think it's a little bit "cheeky" for want of a better word to expect your girl to be looked after free of charge for a year, then you get her back. I really hope you can find something that'll work for you both though, good luck.
  18. Can you contact her breeder and ask if they can take her back for the time being? Or they may know of someone? You'd probably have to pay a small boarding fee though, or at least offer to.
  19. And just in case anyone was falling TOO in love, this drool oughta turn you off! :D
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