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Everything posted by cassie

  1. Exciting Whippytails! Let us know when you do! Do you have any other dogs currently? Forgive me if you've ready told us that...
  2. Mr Smooshyface is still fine :laugh: It suits! Whippytails yes we had a show today. We won Baby Puppy of Breed again :) but didn't get the Group win.
  3. It's impossible not to Lhok. Your updates and photos in these puppy threads were enjoyed by all. We all know the joy a new puppy brings to your life. To have that cruelly ripped away so early is just shattering. We are all mourning on your behalf. Please take care of yourself xx
  4. The owner is a (former?) DOLer and really lovely!
  5. cassie


    Oh Lhok, this is the worst news I am devastated for you. Dear Raiden seemed like such a sweet boy, and was destined for great things. Life truly is unfair, he was but a baby puppy. Run free handsome man
  6. Thanks everyone, looks like a Liberty is the go.
  7. Fingers crossed for some better news or some ray of hope this morning
  8. I just watched this again, something I rarely do. This dog should be a movie star! :cool:
  9. That is amazing! So many tricks for one so little and young! I am a big dog person through and through, and wasn't even going to bother giving this thread a look, but my goodness I'm so glad I did! Pure awesomeness Well done to her owner.
  10. Is an Onga pump good? (I know nothing!)
  11. Oh goodness Lhok, I am so sorry. That's horrible news I'm sitting here in tears for you and Raiden Hoping and praying some miracle occurs in the next short while.
  12. Thankyou Stans Mum I'm looking for exactly this, a second hand hydrobath :D Does anyone know enough about them to tell me whether the one in SA is any good or not? Decent brand? etc
  13. Please let us know, is your baby boy ok? I am so sorry to read this, what a hard position it puts you in I am not a mother so can't even fully comprehend what you would be experiencing, but I do think it would be best for your son, your number one priority, if the dog was euthanized. I'm sorry x
  14. Don't beat yourself up Lhok, puppies can be real terrors and get into things that we could never even imagine as a possible threat. Please keep us updated. Sending good vibes Raiden's way. Don't be surprised at a few extra grey hairs by the time this ordeal is over
  15. I'll say!!! Bargain of the year, lucky you. Dryers are so good for coated breeds, trying to decide how much I can justify spending on one...
  16. You got a liberty for $20???!!!! Oh my gosh so jealous :)
  17. On the weekend I used a basic black material lead with a loop in it, about $6 worth. I didn't know what to buy first up so purposely got something cheap and simple. I need something stronger though which will give me more control, so plan on buying a light snake chain/choker before this Sat, again nothing too pricey because his neck is forever expanding! Some of the fancy show leads are really pretty, but I can see us sticking to basic black. Can't really picture a big male dog with jewels on his lead, I think Josh would shoot me :)
  18. Do you only include a SSAE if the show advertisement specifically mentions it? Or do you always do it? And if not, how do you know they've received your entry and you're confirmed in the show?
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