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Everything posted by Ruffles

  1. Thanks ZA... I feel so so sorry for her. She's still happy as larry but after everything else
  2. Cool thanks! Does anyone know if I like say, played with rinse then went to my sisters house down the road if I could have given it to her dog?? Also, when does it become contagious? From the get go or when the coughing starts?
  3. Thanks, I'll give it a go. I feel so sorry for her
  4. Rinse has THE WORST kennel cough I have ever seen!! I thought she had eaten a beer bottle top or something feral the neighbours threw over but no, after some "throatal exploration" they have decided she has KC (thanks neighbours, council and rspca ) The poor dear cant barely breathe, she is weezing and about every 10-15 seconds she is hacking to the point where she is almost vomitting. I swear her entire bedroom floor was covered in saliva this morning. She is obviously on anti-bio's but is there anything I can give her to help her out? She is so damn uncomfortable and after the crap she has been through lately this is the last thing she needs. Thanks guys, I have tried a search but have any of you ever typed Kennel cough into the search!?!?! There is like 20 pages of nothin eta: She would have contracted it last tuesday night/wednesday... Can it be carried on my clothes or whatever because I went to a Show on sunday? I would feel so terrible if I gave it to someones pooch
  5. Oh my Goodness, I only just found this. RIP Dear sweet little girl I dont have the right words except to give our deepest sympathies to friends and family.
  6. If this is your opinion what was the purpose of this thread? To use vile language unbecoming of a lady? To cause a stir? I am confused
  7. Ruffles

    My Baby Girl

    Sincere Condolences to you Run Free Ishka I'm very sorry
  8. Shmoo are you in my head!?!?! ;) I was about to ask this very same questions as having a dog that is a ball of rippling muscles I need to know how to massage him correctly, poor bugger gets knots everywhere
  9. I only just saw this thread. I am so very sorry for your loss. I dont know what to say RIP Pyro
  10. perhaps if he felt he couldnt control his bodily functions he didnt want to soil his bed, hence sleeping in the dirt? Just a thought I hope he gets better soon
  11. I loves it! Smells delicious and works a treat Havent used Aloveen though so I cant compare
  12. Thanks for the Info Nekhbet... I'm not actually planning on doing Shutzhund, just wanted to know. thanks again! :rolleyes:
  13. Sorry, I need this dumbed down for me... If I wanted to do Shutzhund with my dog, does that mean i CANT then show my dog in Conformation classes or I can show my dog just dont get busted or I'll get banned Or can I do both and it is alright
  14. Deepest sympathies to breeders that have lost pups, whole litters or their bitches this year. Breeding must be so hard sometimes And to anyone who has lost loved ones, condolences to you RIP Little Babies :D
  15. We're the only state in the country thats banned them as far as I know... We're on the forefront of evolution here in victoria
  16. Geez didnt you know JJ, its to choke and torture the dog into submission!!
  17. ahhh thankyou Jaybeece, I was just coming back to post that link myself
  18. I cant really give a detailed answer of how they function because I know I'll describe it incorrectly. There are heaps of sites on the net if you google it but I think basically it exerts pressure around the neck and pinches the skin a little bit. *Correct me people... I am thinking lamans terms here* But I can tell you that I have put a prong around my bare thigh and yanked as hard as I could on it, way harder than you would to a dog. Ya know what happened? Nothing... Didnt hurt, just didnt feel nice either. Actually, I tell a lie, my skin got pinched a little bit but that was actually from the chain part of the Collar. The prongs left no mark at all on bare human skin
  19. Midol you are too much!!! Loki has started sperminating everywhere. He has little emissions on his bed... which is located in the lounge room, always a good look
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