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Dogs Are Forever

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Everything posted by Dogs Are Forever

  1. My goodness but you have a good memory, that was 2 1/2 years ago, I am impressed. The trolley came from Martin who now runs OKS Engineering http://www.dogshowequipment.com/ ..... as you can see in Tasmania, but the trolley was shipped to Sydney without any problems. It weighs 13.5kg and is the largest I could possibly lift easily and fit in the back of my car. Jackson only JUST fitted in it, but then he is a giant Dally!! You can get a slightly larger size, but Martin is really great and will make to order. Highly recommended! If you need me to measure mine, just let me know, but I *think* it is closest to the jumbo size. Hope this helps.
  2. Looking for recommendations for Dog Run suppliers (for large dogs) in Melbourne, preferably eastern suburbs way. These are Dalmatians who can climb (!!) so need a roof, preferably housing attached.... Any help much appreciated. TIA. Jill
  3. Congrats, awesome achievement under difficult conditions. May I ask the breeds involved please (all, not just the first place getters)?
  4. Can someone please tell me if there is a photographer at Melbourne Royal taking photos of dogs in the ring, if so, contact details would be great. Many thanks, Jill
  5. There actually IS a Pointer Rescue Group, we are based in NSW, but try to cover dogs in need all over Australia, and a couple of members are Brisbane based. I will see what I can do to help.
  6. I am not getting the dot, that is the problem! I know what I want to do is possible, 'cos you did it!!!!!!
  7. Thanks heaps Rebanne, will go try those things - I didn't mean to make the website public, it just seemed to happen. Not sure if the fact I am doing the 30 day trial first would make a difference?
  8. As the topic says - I am obviously overlooking the obvious here, but I cannot figure out how to actually access the website (have only got as far as home page yet) to edit. Can edit text etc. OK, but cannot change basic colour scheme, also cannot find the button to temporarily hide the page whilst I work on it. TIA! Jill
  9. For anyone who doesn't read OzShow, and who runs their dogs at Erskine Park, a large brown was sighted in the last week or so and Steve the groundsman says the blacks are out and about as well.
  10. Thanks heaps. Good luck for SF. http://springfair.com.au/ringmap.pdf
  11. Lol Missymoo - LIKE!! A lot of water to flow under the bridge before that!!
  12. I cannot open the old topic with this which I had in Favourites, I would be muchly grateful if someone could post please... TIA.
  13. Thank you both - any chance of a link to the zippered coats - I could only find velco ones. TIA!
  14. Can anyone recommend really tough dog coats that are very hard for the dog to wriggle out of? Friend had a dog in a trailer at a dog show recently with a brand new coat on, dog wriggled out of coat and chewed to pieces.... Any help much appreciated. Thanks, Jill PS: Friend is very experienced dog owner, so no doubt that the coat was fitted as intended.
  15. Firstly, congrats on your girl doing so well! Secondly - this - http://www.agilitynationals2012.com.au/tickets.html Maybe give the Equestrian Centre a call in the morning and see if you can pay over the phone? Otherwise, I plan to be out there tomorrow and will ask anyway, not sure if I can make Sunday myself tho'. Hope this helps, and good luck for Sunday!
  16. Can anyone tell me who was BIS at this Show please. TIA!
  17. Too right! And sorry, I meant to PM you to thank you for your incredibly speedy service with my purchase recently - THANK YOU! It's great isn't it, you get to follow along and get all excited for everyone.
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