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    Lawn bowls , some gardening, computer dogzonline etc, and a lover of animals (all animals) voluntary work helping widows of veterans (Legacy), pensions for ex-service personell, Member of RSL. like meeting interesting people.<br />
  1. Thankyou all for the forums response to the CHECK CHAIN, I have observed the different opinions and have found it very informative. I now tend to err on the side of caution and will not use the check chain unless I find it necessary under proper instruction, of course who can give proper instructions as it seems some handlers have been giving bad advice. And that can happen in any situation in life. My only retort to it all is that I as a human wouldnt like my neck to be used by a check chain for any reason so if I wouldnt like it I'm sure that our animals wouldnt like it either. But I have to agree they should be used properly. If I can control an animal with word/hand commands such as sit, stay, heel etc I and I say I see no need of Check chains.... Im tending to lean to clickers but have to admit I havent used one yet but am looking at them. thankyou once again to your responses as Im new to DOL its great to hear all opinions and I am learning a lot from other more experienced handlers. Dol is the greatest thankyou. stan the man
  2. Hey thanks for that info everylabdeservesakid I have been following this topic with great interest and find your methods Ill put to use when I finally get my JRT (adult) . And it makes sense that they dont like their bums to touch the grass whilst doing it .
  3. I have been reading books on dog training and I find crotesque the use of the choker chain on dogs as a restraint both in training and walking. Is there a regulation against the barbarict act, Im hoping that there could be someway in which this could be stopped or at least not recomended. What does the forum think
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