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Everything posted by weisnjac

  1. Thank you! And my apologies cos I think we beat your little 'un for the MIG award. It was a ripping lineup actually. A couple of people commented that the MIG lineup was probably as good as, if not better than the group itself! Jack is still in Baby, will be until next month. I've heard there are some super up and coming Terriers over there, would love to come over for a look one day!
  2. He really looks lovely! Well done with him
  3. Group 1 ~ 1 - 178 Group 2 ~ 179 - 254 Group 3 ~ 255 - 438 Group 4 ~ 439 - 566 Group 5 ~ 567 - 681 Group 6 ~ 682 - 827 Group 7 ~ 828 - 959
  4. Group 1 ~ 1 - 174 Group 2 ~ 175 - 266 Group 3 ~ 267 - 410 Group 4 ~ 411 - 547 Group 5 ~ 548 - 653 Group 6 ~ 654 - 762 Group 7 ~ 763 - 876
  5. Mondays Results: BIS - Bedlington Terrier Gr Ch Piperdene Poleposition RUBIS - Skye Terrier Ch Spalas Mini Me Baby - Cairn Terrier Joymont Tia Maria Minor - Sealyham Terrier Chalan Flash Romeo Puppy - Stafford It was a Neworder, not sure which one though Junior - Dandie Dinmont ?? Intermediate - RUBIS Australian Bred - BIS Open - Airedale Ch Oldiron Boomerang Another great day! Glad the weekend is over though and I don't have to get up for work in the morning
  6. Sunday's Results BIS - Lakeland Terrier Victoridge Dressed To Impress RUBIS - Border Terrier Aust/Int/Swd/Nwy Ch/WW-08 Damdyke Gentil Hugel (Imp Swd) Baby - Smooth Fox Terrier Rama Rising Freeby Minor - Sealyham Terrier Chalan Flash Romeo Puppy - Stafford ?? Junior - Dandie Dinmont not sure if this was the dog or bitch Intermediate - Australian Terrier Ch Rebelglen Inya Dreams Australian Bred - Cairn Terrier Gr Ch Joymont Secret Mission Open - BIS Great day!! Looking forward to tomorrow
  7. BIS - Airedale (Anne & Ron's from Junior class) RUBIS - Stafford (Marsh, from Puppy class) Baby - JRT My Gwen I pretty much missed the rest after that, lol. I think Open was the Lakeland and Champion a Staff.
  8. Name: Pippa Nickname: Boooee / Boo Breed: Jack Russell Terrier Gender: Female Age: 7 Picture: Pippa's Profile Where did you get them from? Registered Breeder How often do you exercise your dog? Depends on the weather, most days Do they know any commands? Most, she has trialed in obedience (just won't stay ) Compete in any dog sports? Conformation, Tracking, Obedience Favourite treat: Anything, she aint fussy! Favourite toy: Pink & green ball Funny habits or quirks: Noisy! If she wants something, she will let you know! What's their personality like? Cheeky and fun. She is well behaved at home but likes making me look like a fool in public Do they get along well with other dogs? Sometimes, she has her moods. She is good off lead and when someone else is holding the lead, she can be protective of me. Are they scared of anything? Nail Clippers and ear cleaner What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? All positive, I trick trained her using a clicker. Name: Brian Nickname: Bwyan Breed: Jack Russell Terrier Gender: Male Age: 1 Picture: Brian's Profile Where did you get them from? Registered Breeder How often do you exercise your dog? Most days, depends on the weather Do they know any commands? No Not through lack of trying, I taught him how to catch, does that count?? Compete in any dog sports? Conformation Favourite treat: Hotdogs Favourite toy: Not really a toy sort of dog Funny habits or quirks: He is a major suck, will lick you to death given the chance What's their personality like? He is a bit of a softie Do they get along well with other dogs? Haven't had a problem with him yet, although he doesn't like other dogs jumping on his head Are they scared of anything? Bath time, hates it!! What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? All positive Name: Gwen Nickname: Gwendalyn / Gwennie Breed: Jack Russell Terrier Gender: Female Age: 4 months Picture: Gwen's Profile Where did you get them from? Bred myself How often do you exercise your dog? At her age, she gets enough exercise in the yard chasing Brian Do they know any commands? We are working on it! Compete in any dog sports? Conformation, hopefully tracking and obedience later on Favourite treat: Chicken necks Favourite toy: Purple moose looking thing Funny habits or quirks: Wouldn't call it funny, but she loves a game of chasey and will run away from me barking for ages until I catch her What's their personality like? Cheey and full of fun Do they get along well with other dogs? Yep Are they scared of anything? Not really What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? All positive Sorry about the pic links, I'm lazy :p
  9. I'll be there! Looking forward to it. I have 4 JRT's entered but will only bring 3, one is in season
  10. I heard Group 2 BIG - Airedale RUBIG - Staffy Beautiful weather at home today, sounds like it was the best place to be! :rolleyes:
  11. Dog CC - Ch Glenbogle Kiss Chasey Bitch CC & BOB - Ch Glenbogle Rolling In Clover Not sure on other placings, I only seen Best of Breed.
  12. I'm sorry I don't . I did hear the judge say it pushed hard for Reserve CC, so whoever it was would be mighty pleased.
  13. Good luck everyone!! Wish I was entered now that I see how many Terriers are entered
  14. Casey looked fantastic!!! Well done Spikespuppy Group 2 BIG - Airedale RUBIG - Dandie Baby - Border Minor - Staffy Junior - JRT - Ch Kermalor Simply Irresistible I missed most others
  15. Anyone know who the JRT was?
  16. Group 2 BIG - Airedale RUBIG - Staff Baby - Staff Minor - Border Puppy - Staff - I think, minor and puppy could have been the other way round Junior - Border Inter - Wire Fox Aus Bred - RUBIG Open - BIG Only one Cairn, again MM!! I don't hate Bulla, the reason I entered this weekend was to help raise funds for the grounds, I loved the Group 1, 2, 3, 4. I'm not sure if I'd like it in full time, but for something different I think it was a great idea. I just didn't like the way it was dragged out so long. Today, having the groups judges in their own rings was much better!
  17. Sweepstakes were judged by their group judge. Most judges shortlisted 4 from each group. Before Baby in Show, all the shortlisted dogs went back in (about 20) the judge went over them, shortlisted again the top 12, then picked her 10 winners. Group 1 - 7 entered Group 2 - 9 entered Group 3 - 11 entered Group 4 - 13 entered Group 5 - 7 entered Group 6 - 23 entered Group 7 - 14 entered Hope that made sense!
  18. I'd have to say, I didn't enjoy how the show was run. Group Specials judged inside, one at a time. Baby first, then Puppy, then Group 1, 2, 3, 4 then Sweepstakes for each group. It dragged the day out forever! Group two was finished about 1.30, group was done about 2.30, I didn't get back in for Baby in Show till about 5pm! I would have much prefered doing the groups in their own rings as per usual, then moving inside for General Specials. A lot of people feel the same. It wasn't until tonight, when we got home, that I seen that tomorrow will be done the same. If our stuff wasn't still down there, I wouldn't go back. Great shows, but if the run it like that again, I won't be going.
  19. Friday 9 Saturday 21 Sunday 20 More than a few I'd say! ;) ;) Wow!! Thanks for the info!
  20. Many JRT's entered?? Have fun everyone, hope it's not too cold for you all!
  21. Great to catch up with you today Amy! Baby is a wee doll. BIG - Welsh (Duff) r/u BIG - Westie - NZ Imp (Sue Stewart) Baby - Smooth FT Minor - Puppy - Junior - Westie Int - Cairn (think this is right - Cairn got something) Aust Breed - Welsh Open - Airedale (Sorraghan) That is all I remember. Cheers Gaela Minor - Staffy Puppy - Cairn Inter - Wire Fox Terrier
  22. Best in Show was the Chow Baby in Show the Weimaraner
  23. I'm entered, but not going. Central Gippsland Kennel Club's members comp is on that day, 15 minute drive sound better than 3 hours
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