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Everything posted by piper

  1. Not yet - still got about 3 or 4kg of my other food left. How much did it cost getting it through the Angaston people?
  2. When I used to instruct puppy preschool, the vet nurses woudl give a nutrition talk and they all (different clinics, independently owned) recommended against canned food due to the high level of water and low quality ingredients that are typically used. I remember 1 vet nurse saying some brands can be up to 80% water so it is a very expensive bowl of water you are feeding them. I agree with Nekhbet in that you can pick up good quality raw meaty bones, offal etc often cheaper than the price of a can of food. And the output will definitely be less as well as much easier to deal with.
  3. No not showing this weekend. I need to pull my finger out and enter something now that Jazz actually has hair again (well for her, others would still say she looks out of coat, lol) If I had been entered this weekend I would not have gone anyway as I am too sick at the moment. Kind of a bugger as the venue is only just over 5 mins away from me.
  4. Oh, but you always need more stuff!! Lol. Seriously, I know what you mean. I looked at those big things on wheels and decided against it as I really don't need to take that much with me. I ended up with a tool bag from a local cheap shop for about $7. It zips closed but has what they call a frog mouth that opens really wide. The shop at DogsSA now sells a bag very similar with a product name attached for much much more than I paid.
  5. Is it a new bypass??? Maybe whereis does not know about it yet. Bypass has been there for years and the Gomersal Rd to Tanunda from the Sturt Highway/Bypass must have been sealed for around 10 years now. Mind you, if you come in through Mt Pleasant you will approach from a different angle so won't need that road name ;) What your Tom Tom may not cope with if you go from Tanunda onto the bypass is the new Northern Expressway. Ours gets most upset when we supposedly drive across paddocks I think hubby said now he has updated the maps it is ok but i haven't been along there since to find out.
  6. LOL You are so right piper. We will plot Murray bridge then from there on the various places. Its actually and hour shorter going this way than in to Adelaide according to Whereis. I am near Gawler and can get to Murray Bridge in an hour going that way. If I go via the freeway it takes me about 20-30mins or so longer, depending on traffic.
  7. I am another that uses the Murray Bridge, Plamer, Tungkillo, Mt Pleasant way. The way I have found to get it to work on the Tom Tom is to plan a journey with "stops" and tell it each of those towns. Which is fine if you know the town names of course, and that is where places like DOL come in handy
  8. That's great. I am glad you found a way to get it relatively easily
  9. Poodlecrazy, This is what was written a couple if pages ago- Yes we have some lovely people in Angaston about to recieve Black Hawk Holistic, Their names are Marilyn & Roddy Thorn they show Fox Terriers l am sure they will be happy to help you out, if distance is a problem they do show so maybe can arrange other options, their contact phone number is 85653286. We also have a possibility of another supplier closer to Adelaide itself approx !/2 hour, they are currently trialling their dogs will know more soon. Let me know if these are good options for you Regards Sherel
  10. And taking a dog that was so sick for a run and swim at the beach and then going to the vet? I would be heading straight for the vet with a feverish dog.
  11. I sat here with it on cursing him for the same reasons as Pandii. They joked about the chi - he and the owners laughed about it. Had the dane acted that way, or the rottie they would have been recommending euthanasia. Why he didn't hand the owners a muzzle for it is beyond me.
  12. I gave the link and pointed out a couple of bags in particular to hubby as a Christmas hint. Fingers crossed!!!
  13. Sherel, Is there any further information on the availability in SA?
  14. I can't answer on those 2 brands sorry. But in regards to having something convenient to use, I once bought from pet netowrk some shampoo and conditioned bottles. They were basically clear sauce bottles with marks up the side for common dilution rates. So you just put the shampoo in to the relevant mark then filled the bottle. It was easy to use and dispense when bathing them. eta: they still have them, bottom product on this page http://www.petnetwork.com.au/cgi-bin/shopp...;cart_id=338531
  15. What a lovely considerate gift. Looks like a fantastic book with lots of little insights. I had a play with a Sony a55 today as well as a Canon 60D. Thanks possumcorner for suggesting I consider the a55. Persephone it may be 1 that you like as it is quite small and light for an slr. Sony have utilised some different technology in creating the 33 and 55. So now instead of a canon 60D with 1 step above kit lenses I am looking at the A55 with a much better quality zoom (already have a better quality shorter range lense) and for less than the new canon kit would have cost me. Still need to save some dollars, but I was seriously impressed with the play I had with the A55, especially the size and weight. Here is the A33 - https://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/...?idProduct=3094
  16. Yes. I was told at a conference with a vet behaviourist that it should not be used in fear/anxiety cases as the mind stays active but the body can't respond. Vet behaviourist said that they "appear" calm but it can heighten the anxiety so if the thing that causes the reaction occurs at an unpredicted time when the medication has not been given the reaction can be greater than pre treatment. We had a highly thunderphobic boy and were given acp for him by the vet that was on. Fortunately I went to that seminar before we administered it. Next time I was at the vet I got an appointment with my prefered vet who is the clinic owner and mentioned what we were prescribed. He was not impressed and said we should not have been give acp with what we had described and he would be discussing this with the other vet. I can't remember what we ended up getting instead - I think it was valium. Lorraine - I hope you find the cause of his anxiety. It sounds awful for you both
  17. I'm jealous. ;) I rang the guy I am intending on going to and he is in the middle of harvest so not doing any untli the new year and then it is weather dependent. So mosy likely March before we manage any work again ;) You need to get someone to video some of oyur work and upload it so we can all see.
  18. A couple more thoughts Body targetting using different body parts - shoulders, hips, bum, sides of face etc. You can then use those to get some other cute tricks. You can teach yes and no through use of targets and develop some fun questions to use as cues or a discrete hand signal so you can ask different questions. If you have to video your training of a complex behaviour don't make the msitake I did when doing my complex behaviour for my delta course when I did it years ago - I didn't think Piper would pick things up as quickly as she did so decided not to get the video camera out a few times and it was really hard to show the training of each phase when she knew what was required. I ended up doing a second complex behaviour and videoing it from the start instead.
  19. A couple more thoughts Body targetting using different body parts - shoulders, hips, bum, sides of face etc. You can then use those to get some other cute tricks. You can teach yes and no through use of targets and devel
  20. Hopefully the rest works Tenille and you avoid the surgery. Just thought of some more fun training tasks for you - look up some assistance dog training. Things like pulling zips, taking socks off, indicating a door bell or phone ringing. Hold and give of lots and lots of different type and size items.
  21. Oh that is great to hear. Barossa Valley is not far from me and I would happily go for a drive out there to pick it up. Are you able to say yet where it will be or who to contact?
  22. Can you still aim for multiple rows - some people sitting the ground with their greys laying down? Maybe use some sort of platform for some to go up on. I was going to say hay bales but they are probably not going to be big enough for grey hounds. Not overly helpful. Sorry!!
  23. I did some searching on her through old newspapers last night and she is listed in trial results as a kelpie/BC cross. You can't tell much from that photo of her. Its seems she and others like her are the basis for ee red in BCs but it still doesn't answer where it came from in kelpies. I guess whatever was behind her on the kelpie side may have introduced the cream if she listed a BC x Kelpie. Dingo always seems the most logical explanation.
  24. I am reading along with interest as I am also looking at swapping over to Canon from my Konika Minolta 5D. For me to keep my elnses I would need to got Sony and I am not too keen on their current offerings although I will look at the A55 that was mentioned to me last weekend. I have been looking at the 7D but decided I would probably be better with either 40/50/60D and better lenses. I am unsure as yet if I am better to look for a good condiiton second hand40 or 50 (although can still find new 50D on ebay) or get the 60D. tlc I have been looking at bhphoto.com - prices much better than locally. Alternatively I have looked at http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/index.asp I realise I amy end up paying some duty but the prices are so much better. 1 lens I was looking at was about half the price that I found locally.
  25. I believe if they are truely dual registered (as in ANKC main register as well as WKC) then they can be shown/bred from with ANKC. I think a lot now have what the ANKC term "sporting register" - enables working bred dogs to participate in obedience/agility/herding etc without needing to be desexed as associates do. In fact I am fairly sure that I was told that the stud books are no longer open with ANKC so WKC dogs can not be brought across onto main register any more. This is an Aust Ch Red and tan in SA: http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=24169 Ringbarka in SA own a few dual registered dogs. Here is a profile for a ringbarka dog who has a working line dam (I am fairly sure Spinifex is WKC?) http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=39470
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