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Everything posted by piper

  1. I contemplated that but in the end imported a body that isn't sold in Aust. I had Koniika Minolta and don't have heaps of money to throw around and by the time I replaced my lenses as well changing was going to cost too much. I love the body I upgraded to (the a580) and have been very happy with my decision to stay with sony. The range of lenses available to fit now are much better than they used to be. I go with the go to a store and try some out theory. I tried the sony SLTs and did not like them, had I not been able to try a 550 here and found good reviews for the 580 then I probably would have bitten the bullet and switched. One thing I hated about the slt range (a55 and 65 I think are the current models) was how small they were but if you are upgrading from a compact you may like that. I just found they felt cramped to hold and did not feel balanced with a bigger lens on them.
  2. Ah ok. I was thinking it was the scratchy side of the Velcro that was the issue.
  3. Could you use the identapup collars on "inside out" - so the soft side of the velcro is against the pup? And then when they are a bit bigger change them to the right way around.
  4. They look good!! And sound nice and durable. No, I wont do another order. I cant afford to. The ventlock I have is fine, we usually use a tether point for the beagle anyway so I will just make sure that she can;t get right to the gap. I don't think she will force her way out even if free, might try her out in the driveway and see what she does And most of the time it is only the BCs with me.
  5. It's the vent locks fault. I think I should have got the next size down. It is BC proof but I don't think it will be beagle proof and well she is the 1 that wouldn't stay in the vehicle with the back up in the first place....
  6. I got mine tonight, 13 days. The girls LOVE the songbird toys. The kong wobbler is a bargain that they all got into very quickly as well. Most of the other stuff was practical gear - vent lock, jackpot training tug, clickers, training sequences for contacts, silver mesh side walls for my gazebo. Now to wait on the other 2 part orders I have in - a couple more tug toys, walking harness for 1 of the dogs and 1 of those awesome cheap beds
  7. Weasels - I don't think I would include Aussie Shepherd in the group of breeds that are described as a mobile fence, they have a different style again. I certainly haven't heard of them being worked as a "C Course" breed - not to say that it couldn't happen though. And I am sure an Aussie person will jump in and correct me if my understanding is wrong
  8. Yep Jane would be your person. She is a wealth of knowledge on GSDs and herding and has spent time in Germany with the shepherds. You do have to realise they work differently to traditional working dogs in Australia so depending on what sort of work you need done, they may or may not be suitable for the task. Jane trains her shepherds to work as moving fences as Kavik said and it is a totally different concept. I believe once she is set up on her new property she hopes to offer training for shepherds and similar working breeds.
  9. Congratulations Trisven!! Jazz did the same as Marie and no way was she getting back in the box while the thing was in there, I had a few moments of panic at the thought of hand raising the expected litter of 8 or 9. Puppy number 2 her reaction was the same (but only 20 mins between them so no time for her to get over number 1). At a more experienced breeders suggestion we gently held her and attached the 2 pups, as soon as they attached it was like a switch flipped and she was off and knew exactly what to do with the rest and I gave a huge sigh of relief.
  10. I can help!! There are going to be a few more orders from SA after that Cathy Slot training weekend this weekend. I feel in love with this tug that 1 of the dog's has. Jazz loves things she can shake and kill so I am hoping this will really entice her http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=822&ParentCat=74&string=ram%20octopus (apologies to anyone who now finds another item to add to their cart) I added this and an udder tug or 2 to a friends order that they have just placed and then realised I forgot to add the harness that I also forgot in the first order so I can add a bit to yours if you need Ness. Been thinking what those thermo regulating crate mats are like - does anyone have 1? http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=1989&ParentCat=525
  11. No doubting there are puppies hiding in that belly!
  12. The external drain is something I had forgotten to mention. I worked with a groomer who had a bath that meant reaching into gross water to empty, my bath has a ball valve type thing and I just lift a level outside to get it to drain. MUCH nicer. Autofill is something I love on mine as well but I am not sure if many pet people would be worried about that provided the bath has a nice big rinse tank. I don't find the rinse tank on mine big enough (I don't recycle the rinse water) so if it did not have auto refill it would really annoy me.
  13. I need to stop coming in here. Thank god that 1 that Tassie linked is out of stock!!
  14. I have a hydro bath and love it. It is on wheels and I wheel it out to the edge of the lawn so that the water drains onto the lawn. I would love to have the cut out on both long sides, not just 1. Jazz is great as she will easily turn around when asked but the other 2 are less compliant so the ability to walk around and easily access from the other side would be appreciated. Mine has the slide in and out door and with the 1 who tries to escape it can be fun preventing her shoving her head through as I am trying to get the door in so I think a hinged door would be easier. I am not sure if it would be doable to have it hinge at the base so it goes down and become a ramp for big dogs? I am guessing strength of hinge could be the issue there. Another thought would be a height adjustable insert/table to accommodate different size dogs.
  15. Were you still looking to do a combined order with anyone Ness? I still haven't arranged my few items that I want to get if you are. If not no drama, I can combine with someone at dog club.
  16. My border bitch got to the point I could see skin through the bits that were left on her chest. Her paints and tail were non existent. At 3 or 4 months her daughter had more coat than her. The pups are 6 months and finally I feel we are getting there. She really did look hideous for awhile there.
  17. LOL, sorry Sheena!! I'm now working out sneaking 1 or 2 into someone else's order. I know I could easily make up a second order - I culled that much from my order but I just can't afford it.
  18. Udder tugs are the new item. I know some people in the US hat have raved about them for years. Please don't shoot me if you decide you need another order because of them! http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=3018&ParentPage=whatsnew
  19. I placed my order 2 days ago and get an email today on new products. One is something I have wanted to get for ages. Can't afford a second order as much as I would love to, had to cull a lot as it was
  20. I actually have a hydro not a booster so not sure how stable they are. The first dog bath I used was actualy an old bathtub set inti a frame at the right height with table attached so they got onto that and stepped into the bath. It the had a couple of tubs of water and a pump, similar to the poor mans hydrobath thread started by Gayle in general. So you could go to a salvage place for a bath ad have a frame with cupboards built to the height you want and jisthave the dog jump onto your portable table and jump across.
  21. I would think a laundry tub would be too small for a standard but you could get a booster bath instead of that and then a suitable grooming table next to it. My guess with 2 such different sized dogs is you might be better with an adjustable height grooming table.
  22. I see no issue with it. I guess I must be bad breeder as I let my puppies outside, unsupervised in their safe secure puppy run while I was at work, in winter. They had plenty of shelter and even got to enjoy the whole backyard with the big dogs after their devil of a mother busted them out! If it is safe and secure and has appropriate shelter then I see no issue with it.
  23. Probably a silly question - have you checked the classifieds on Dogzonline? I have seen them on there at times and I mean the 1 on the main page not the 1 in the OT forum, although you could try there too. Maybe post a wanted ad?
  24. You can add them to my order if you want Ness
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