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Everything posted by piper

  1. More great photos. The colours are amazing!
  2. My parents used the cattery section of Golden Grove quite a lot and were always pleased with it too.
  3. Thanks Snook. The blue sky was unreal. And Piper was particularly helpful in standing there for me, Jazz wasn't so keen to so I gave in on her as she looked miserable, lol. It is interested the differences in opinion and I guess that is what makes us all unique :) I was definitely impressed with how well I could recover very dark images and really push the shadows to get the details out without it looking flat.
  4. Thanks Huga. I know it wasn't best time of day - it was a spur of the moment decision. I have been wanting to do it for ages and I had an OHS&W report I was supposed to be writing so suddenly walking the dogs and taking photos became VERY appealing, lol. I thought some looked a bit over sharpened and harsh. If anything most of them I dropped the saturation down and then boosted the shadows.
  5. This 1 was quite under exposed - I was in the sun and Piper in fairly deep shade Not as sharp as I would like... Quite happy with this 1 given she was running at me.
  6. Poor Piper has to deal with this stalking her: The next 1 I prefer, I dropped the blue down a fraction compared to the 1 above. And when I look at the above 1 no I can see a slight blue tinge across the white on her muzzle.
  7. I like the feel I got in this 1, but wish I had straightened it when I cropped. I didnt actually bump the saturation up on this sky, it really was like that
  8. Argh, no idea what I did but I just lost what I had done. Restarting now and I think I will just put 1 or 2 per post so that I don't have to redo as much if it loses it. These were edited in Lightroom, I think I over did them and am thinking I will go back and tone some down. Areas of the park are very shady and others are full sun while others are dappled light. Some of these were quite underexposed and i was surprised how much I could bring back but when I look at them now I think I took them too far. I also managed to change my af settings n my playing around and not realise for the first half of the walk so I ended with lots of out of focus shots The next 2 were taken on same settings but edited slightly differently
  9. SA had their first Rally trial this weekend. I believe there are trials planned for Gawler and Riverland as well. Schedules should be on the DogsS webpage.
  10. As much as I would love to do it, I think my husband would kill me for spending that much on it. It looks awesome but way out of our current budget. I hadn't seen the price when I posted before - had I seen it I probably would have said would love to do it if I had lots of money to burn. I do want to do a course of some sort. My Dad did the WEA 1 late last year but from chatting to him it doesnt seem they did much that I dont already know, except for the night time outing. But night photos are not really my thing. Other that it was very basic.
  11. I wish we had something like that in Adelaide!! I would love to do it.
  12. She needs to be crated anyway Ness! Lol.
  13. Never had a problem! They refunded instantly when I wasn't happy.try for another customer rep maybe? Same. I had an order arrive (9 bags - my own design for y puppy packs.) and there were 1 bags in there, 8 were correct, 1 had the front side printed on it and 1 had the back only. My guess is they were stuck together when processed. I contacted them and they told me not to bother sending them back as it would cost to much and they would send a replacement. They sent 2. I also complained that the postage was outside the time they stated so they refunded me my postage, no questions asked. So although the initial service was not prefect, I had no issues with their customer service in rectifying it and the quality of the bags was fantastic.
  14. I think when the stakes are high, it's the responsible thing to do. If someone comes on with a problem of training tricks or sports etc. where the consequences of getting it wrong are low, then people have great advice. But in cases of aggression or potential aggression, the stakes are higher, and people recognise that they can't see the dog, the child or the handler, and therefore giving wrong advice could have bad bad outcomes Well said Weasels. I read the OP an thought no way I am commenting, too complex, too many variables. Someone needs to see it and several people had already said that.
  15. LOL - Jazz did until a few hours ago as well. I hate trimming feet but I hate them looking untidy too.
  16. It is not a look that I am a fan of but I have seen a couple with it done. I used to give Ricky a bit more of a tidy up but he was just a pet and it was as you said - dragging on the ground. I was forever removing sticks and burrs from it. So I just used to take a bit of length off of it and get rid of the bits that were gross from dragging through dirt, sticks and mud.
  17. Just the feet, around and under so they dont like they have snow shoes :) And neaten up the hock. Behind the ears I usually pluck out that soft crappy stuf or sometimes if being lazy or shot on time I will use thinning scissors on it. Thats pretty much it though. I have seen some tidy up straggly bits under the belly but I dont know many that do it. I like the fact they are quite wash and wear :)
  18. I finally ended up ordering the Blackrapid strap and it arrived today. It fits fine on the right shoulder, just the camera is possibly not as easy to grab as it would be around the other way but still quick and easy enough. And it is so comfortable, the camera feels so much lighter now. I am sure my neck and shoulder will appreciate this.
  19. I think you will find people say it depends on the individual dog and the type of coat they have. What sort of dog do you have? I find more important than the condititioner is what gets fed to the dog so that the hair they grow is healthy. My guys get things like sardines and eggs regularly and have lovely healthy coats. Eta: grooming also plays a part - how you brush and the tools you are using. Some brushes/combs are terrible for breaking coats.
  20. Sometimes you will be asked to pay for the bitch but reimbursed when a litter is had. At least that is how I know a couple have happened. I have also known some where no money exchanged hands. I would want it made very clear how many litters, who will whelp them, what costs (eg health testing, vet bills) each party is paying.
  21. Yes Gawler do Rally training on Friday nights. To be honest though, I went along once and probably wont worry too much. I got given some good hints (keep signs on your right!) and will work with the downloadable signs. Jazz heels nicely and works well in distractions so I dont see the need to go to the training too often. If I needed to get her used to distractions that might be different.
  22. They said on the news for us in SA that it would be at its biggest and brightest at midnight.
  23. Would depend on the choices. I have 1 of the 18 - 250 super zooms. Not my favourite lens but great for travel.
  24. There is no regular training down here right now Cass who ran training in the hills moved to tasmania a few months ago. We had a clinic 3 weeks ago and there is a come and try day in June. I am not on the herding dog club committee so not sure what else they have planned. I am fairly sure they were trying to get some training days planned.
  25. Sheena, They got rid of the 2 lots of heelwork in CD when CCD was brought in. So in CCD you do 1 lot of heel work - on lead. On CD you do 1 lot and it is off lead. I haven't trialled since it went to 1 lot of heel work so I am not going to comment on the diferences beyond that :)
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