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Everything posted by piper

  1. That I'm not sure of - I would ring them on Monday and ask, Ann may even be out tomorrow. She does sometimes drop by. And yes that would be why the desexing issue came up as it is the Sporting Register that entire dogs from other registers are supposed to go on. I think if you ring and explain it should be fine, after all they should have realised what you meant even if you didnt know the correct name of it.
  2. There are some that have no idea about the Sporting Register (that is what they should be on, not associate) and in all honesty they probably only get a half dozen regos a year on it in SA - there are some kelpies doing agility on it and a couple of those do herding as well. Off the top of my head I can only think of about 7 or 8. There are bound to be more as I havent been out to agility trials in a while but Sporting Reg is definitely not common in SA. Glad you got it sorted and he can compete under his true breed name :)
  3. They will have access to it. Even if you just say it is on the ANKC webpage under Herding Rules, list of kindred bodies if they need to clarify.
  4. I should have read the whole thread first :)
  5. I made my own and it has been going strong about 5 years so far, I made it the exact same way as I helped a friend ot make hers probably 10 years ago and hers is still going strong as well. 1. Visit Bunnings 2. Go to the ply wood section and select a nice grooming table sized piece (I think it is 900x600mm, it is a standard size that they have pre cut) 3. Find the aisle with trestles and you can buy the fold up trestle legs 4. Go to the area with floor coverings and get some pyramid matting (I bought a piece a bit bigger than the ply so I could trim it once on) 5. Go to the adhesive area and find a suitable adhesive for the pyramid matting 6. Return home, screw trestle legs (mine had screws supplied) to plywood 7. Stand table up, cover with adhesive then place pyramid mating over the top. 8. Place something heavy on table to hold pyramid matting in place or turn table upside down until glue dries. 9. Once dry, trim pyramid matting. 10. Groom dog!! I think from memory the legs were the most expensive at about $20- $25, a few dollars for the adhesive, not much for the ply and $5 or so for the matting. Including the trip to Bunnings and back home it would have been less than an hours work.
  6. Excellent!! Good luck with DogsSA tomorrow, hopefully no hassles with them. To be honest, I am not sure how up to date the office will be with them being on the sporting register list so you may want to take a copy of the list from the link I sent you the other night just in case or at least refer them to the document if needed.
  7. No I meant the dogssa rego. Hopefully you get the documents in time :)
  8. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I got this email today advertisisng a Nikon Speedlite on a 1 day sale: http://www.dwidigita...SB-910%20Flashe It is 910 for $440
  9. The other training days are for all ability levels. How did you go with registering your guys? Any problems?
  10. I cant help clarify - I only know what the email says. My suggestion would be if you are there anyway come on over and see how we are going time and number wise. My understanding is it was more a beginners day for dogs still working in a smaller space and not yet up to obstacles with a focus on the Come and Try. At least that is the impression I got but I am not on committee so was not part of the discussions around it and just sent the info out exactly as it was sent to me.
  11. Jazz sounds like Ari - she was quite active. moving around the box. She would lay down in between but stand up as soon as contractions started again. She only had a few visible contractions for each pup.
  12. My girl delivered every one of her 9 standing up.
  13. For training go with what you are comfortable with and works. I have just gone to a riding crop and am loving it, so much nicer to hold, much more balanced. I used to just go an pick up a stick before I went in the ring, lol. Mostly these days I hold the riding crop out of habit. Jazz doesn't really need it. Going to PM you about the DogsSA rego stuff, something to be aware of.
  14. I'll be 1 of the judges on Saturday, that should make it easier for you. LOL I will probably by doing some work with Jazz in between beginner runs as well as we are wanting to acclimatise the sheep to a couple of different trial like situations that they dont always cope well with when transported. So it is quite likely you will see me running from training, to working a dog, to doing paper work to judging! As for forwarding - please feel free to share with anyone interested :)
  15. 1 dog has a plastic food bowl (1 of the scoff stopper 1s) and the other 2 have stainless steel. The inside water bowl is stainless steel, 1 outside 1 is ceramic and the other is a plastic clam shell. Jazz was such a problem with water as a pup that at least with the clam shell I knew there would still be water for her and the other 2, prior to that I tried lots of things with no luck. Once she got past the puppy water issue I reintroduced a normal water bowl but they still all like to drink from the clam shell, go figure.
  16. Congratulations Huga!! Have to be happy with 2 silvers from your first attempt :)
  17. Thanks. I'm having fun playing with raw and lightroom and it was nice to take some different photos today.
  18. We went for a drive today and I decided to try my hand at a couple of landscapes, not something I normally take and I left the camera on raw. I have to say the detail and shrapness is so much better and I love the way I can bring so much more detail out of the shadows. Here are todays efforts. Copper mine ruins I think the next 1 is my favourite. View from a lookout in Burra. And a Clare valley vineyard (Annies Lane). i dont think I got the colours right in this - it looks a bit yellow to me when I look at it again.
  19. It has only been the last 6 months that I have been able to access stock on a semi-regular basis. For 8 years I have grabbed any opportunity I can and got by. Jazz gained her started title at just over 12 months. She is now 4.5 and only JUST looking ready to enter intermediate due to that. I worked out by the time she had gained her started title that her test and trial runs outnumbered her training runs on sheep, I was just lucky she wasn't my first dog so I had been able to handle her around the course and put myself in the right place to get the stock where I wanted them. Unfortunately at the moment there is no one with their own stock and the skills to train people and we can only impose on stock and property owners every so often, especially as they don't actually herd themselves. And the few of us with skills are not in a position to buy a property just to run herding classes. I would love nothing more than some acreage and stock, but it is just not going to happen any time in the near future. I believe the club is trying to work on it but it takes a very generous property owner to allow 20 people to come wandering in to their property every weekend. Not to mention somewhere that actually has suitable facilities. I know of several people that have said they would allow it but they basically have 20 to 50 acre fenced paddocks so then not only is it asking for permission to use their place every weekend but also to re fence it and adapt it to our needs. Unfortunately we are not lucky like NSW to have canine control grounds that are suitable to run stock on for clubs to use. ETA: There is a small group of people that have got together and purchased stock to train themselves. They are working together and helping each other and learning from their own mistakes, it isn't ideal but shows where there is a will there is a way.
  20. There are a couple of training days planned. PM me your email address and i will forward you the details.
  21. Petplan do6 weeks free that breders can register pups for when they sell them. Chatting with a friend tonight who was telling me of a horrific and freak fatal accident with 1 of her pups that she sold within that period and she said that Petplan had been fantastic to deal with for the owners and had no issue with paying full replacement price for pup. I always wondered how they would be if there was a big claim during the 6 week free period and this is the third time I have known of someone claiming and being happy with the service. I know their free plan but doesn't help the OP but I thought maybe hearing that they were hassle free for people to deal with would be encouraging.
  22. Our Woolworths has stopped carrying that brand too but they had a different brand available when I was in there last week. It was a white carton, I don't remember the brand though - sorry.
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