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Everything posted by piper

  1. Congratulations TSD! A great day's work with Ziggy. Stunning rosettes and sashes and an impressive prize haul :)
  2. Oh that is sounding hopeful for pom puppies soon :)
  3. We have a front loader but I am just not happy with how they come up from it. I think the pieces might be too big for our machine but I like having just a single piece so don't really want to cut them down. Might go have a look at spotlight tomorrow and see what else I can find. Polar fleece might even be cheap given it is no longer winter....
  4. Yes I always have newspaper underneath. I think normal polar fleece would be cooler than the vet bed just because it is not so thick and heavy. Does it slip too much though and can the pups get good traction on it?
  5. For my last litter I used vet bed and still have it here for this litter but I am also interested in other things people use for a couple of reasons. I found washing it quite difficulty, my mashing machine didn't cope with it that well at all and I found it really difficult to get properly clean. 1 piece is better than the other but neither are great.. And the other thing I found is it is quite a warm surface and given this litter will be an early summer litter rather than an early winter litter I am thinking it may not be the best option for encouraging Jazz to lay in there with her pups. I would be interested in hearing what other solutions people have come up with that keeps pups clean and dry but is easy to clean and not too warm for the mother. If vet bed is the best option then I will continue with that but I'm always open to things I hadn't considered :)
  6. I am so glad I don't have a fussy eater. In fact my husband commented the other day he has never seen her eat so manically. Normally she eats her dinner but is not silly about it, right now she is madly inhaling anything put down for her and often looking for food which is unlike her. Things like going and sitting near the food cupboard anytime I move. She is never a picky eater but is also not a dog that would just keep eating as much food as you put out for her (unlike Piper who would eat until she couldn't move if I let her) and I am usually working to keep weight on her so it is interesting that she is so crazy for her food right now.
  7. Well that's good to know Andisa. My last lot loved their tunnel too but it didn't love them dragging it around the concrete and pavers (they couldn't leave it on the grass where I put it - no!). Did it survive the rotties ok?
  8. Fingers crossed PomsNZ. Sounds like it is geting closer :)
  9. Sorry goldielover!! I had a kids p;ay tunnel for my last litter and they loved it but also totally trashed it by dragging it around the run as they got bigger. It was quite old though. I was looking just to replace it but the set I bought at $29.00 including postage was too cheap to resist. I would love the bigger 1 though - imagine the problem solving skills they could learn as you could start with all the elements individually and then gradually add them together and keep changing the way they are setup.
  10. My newest purchase for the puppy run http://www.crazysale...-play-tent.html They have a bigger set there on sale for $39.00 that I did consider too but thought this would probably be enough :)
  11. Mine was sent on Monday and is indicating according to the tracking page that it left New York yesterday which surprised me as I expected it would get held up there for a few more days at least due to the weather.
  12. Both tutorials are great. Thanks for sharing Huga, I always love your processing.
  13. How many is Izzy is expecting? Looks like she has a fair few on board.
  14. I wanted 1 of those as well and was also offered 1 of the donkeys or hippos instead. I think I picked the donkey. I REALLY like the periwinkle dragon though so am going to do a second order an get a mini one. LOL.
  15. Pockets, did they definitely see 9 on the first ultrasound? PomsNZ - little Ava looks about to explode. Poor girl! Any signs of labour from her?
  16. This was my Mt Jazz picture from last time 3 or 4 days before she whelped, I'm not expecting anything this spectacular this time. LOL
  17. Aww poor Ava!! I have photos like that from Jazz with her 9 last time. I took 1 of her laying on her side and we called it Mount Jazz :) No pics from me yet - too much hair to see much and last time I took weekly pics but found that until the last 10 days they really didn't do her size justice. Most of them she just looked tubby.
  18. leopuppy04, I am known to over analyise. LOL Right now I am on the she is definitely pregnant, not as big as last time at the same time but definitely has boob development and no waist. Jazz normally has such a distinct waist and abdominal tuck, when she is out of coat I have been known to joke she looks like a whippet. Right now her belly is level underneath, no tuck up at all and when she sits down there is a definite pot belly look. So now to wait and see is it 2 gigantic buggers or just that some were hiding.
  19. This thread makes me want a macro lens. TLC you have certainly mastered yours!
  20. Excellent news Evolving!! I had the fun of cuddling and playing with some 4 week old lappies not so long ago now and OMG do they make VERY cute puppies :)
  21. An x-ray won't show how fat they are but an ultrasound will. Once again I am going with the experience and advice of my repro specialist vet :)
  22. Yes we have already decided on x-ray a couple of days before due and that she is absolutely not to go beyond earliest due date without a check up for progesterone level and fetal heart rates etc.
  23. Our vet likes to do between day 23 and 28. I went for day 26/27 from first mating but did wonder if another couple of days might have been better but I figured I would go with what the repro specialist clinic would recommend. Right now she is keeping me guessing. She has gone from looking very pregnant to not pregnant back to very pregnant. A couple of days ago she suddenly developed a waist again and I suspected maybe she was absorbing but then yesterday it had disappeared again. Although I did start to wonder was it more that her rib cage sprung rather than her waist shrunk?
  24. My order is placed now but the squeaker mat has gone Will keep an eye out and if it goes back up I might just have to do a second order!! LOL
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