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Everything posted by KittyCat

  1. Yeh our vet said something similar and that her teething time was fine!
  2. oh dear im a sucker for picking up Jorja Not when we go for walks but at home. She likes to snuggle in our arms or on our lap but the moment I put her in her basket she is a bundle of energy again... well until I pick her up where she dozes off lol
  3. mine does it too.. those long green shoots must be tasty because she nibbles every day
  4. Beacuse we got Jorja from a shelter her vaccinations are up to date and her next one is now due in a years time. We took her out the second day we got her. We had to go looking for a kennel for her so she came shopping with us :p Not excessively of course,just little trips here and there.
  5. JORJA LOST A TOOTH JUST NOW! she was eating and she came over to me and coughed it up Should I be concerned? She is about 14 weeks, is that too young? I'm taking her to the shelter vet tomorrow for another issue so I will get them to check if everything is ok.
  6. Thanks for that Rhi & Jak. I had actually asked my dad if pups had "baby teeth" and lost them. Back in the day dad often had unplanned puppies from their family dogs and he never remembered them losing their teeth so it was a surpirse to hear they do for both of us. Just another exciting part of growing up and being a puppy
  7. Jorj didn't go last night! fist time since we've had her that she slept through the night!! So neither of us had to stand outside in the cold pouring rain. But this morning was another story all together when she snuck into mum's room for number twos not a good idea... I got a phone call from mum on the way to school expressing her outrage lol Don't forget the beanie and umbrella
  8. hahaha a visit from the tooth fairy may be install WOW how exciting.. I didn't know pups lost their teeth So should I be expecting my puppy to lose hers about about 5 months?
  9. I feed my girl Royal Canin. She was fed that at the shelter so I'm just continuing her on that. A family friend feeds her dog Advance and swears by it, so when Jorja is almost finished her packet I want to try her on that. Good on your friend for adopting two pups from a shelter. You should invite her on to join DOL
  10. I've now had Jorja for 4 days and she is now getting the hang on the "toilet" concept. When I take her out (onto the grass) I walk around with her and encourage her to walk around her toilet area. At first it was not easy. She just wanted to play and eat grass. Now when I take her out she doesnt go immediately and if she shows no interest in going in bring her back inside, watch her body language and then take her out again. She was so good today (thank god as it is horrible outside). Poos have always been in the middle of the night on the newspaper but I took her out and she didn't go. I brought her back in and she headed straight for the door again and scratched at it. Out we went and she left two smelly little pressies for me good girl!! ETA: as soon as your bub gets the idea it gets so much easier... just be patient and persistant
  11. good to hear Zorrow is doing well... now make sure you take care of yourself too :cool:
  12. I can't really offer any advice but Zorrow will be just fine. I was quite anxious the morning of Jorja's procedure especially because she was only three months and so "vulnerable". Plus the shelter wouldn't realease her to come home with us till she was desexed so I felt helpless But she is just fine now.
  13. I'm sorry this is going to sound hopeless but what exactly is kibble? is it the same as dry dog food or are they different?
  14. WOW you guys just fantastic!! I love the OOB stuff this is my first attempt
  15. oh petal she is just a dream :rolleyes::p!!!! ETA: maybe you can call her dream hehe
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