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  1. Maybe try a herbal remedy like Bach Flower Remedy or speak to a vet that believes in holistic remedies. I had a very anxious kelpie that improved considerably after my vet provided me with a flower essence combination. Relieving the anxiety should reduce the clingyness. Good luck.
  2. Another Futon Mattress attack... I think I am still finding bits of foam and its six months later
  3. Can you tell us more about this letter ie which Government Dept she got it from etc. We were advised by a WA based assistance dog organisation that this letter is only required for puppy trainers so they could access shopping centres etc for training. We were told that they needed the letter because they didn't have a disability and that the letter is not available for a bona fide assistance dog user as the DDA covers them. The letter issued has names of all dogs and handlers covered by the organisation. It isn't an individual letter for each dog and handler. Which organisation were you speaking with? Do you have an assistance dog?
  4. I don't think WA has this yet, but in QLD we can get government issued ID cards, they're great and have law info and penalties etc on the back of the card. We also get the government issued patch to go on the dog's vest. This is only a new thing that recently came in. WA Assistance Dogs do receive a letter from the Government which is (should be) carried by the handler at all times. Melanie does have one of these letters.
  5. If you want another option North of the River for "club style" training try Joondalup Dog training Club Inc. Training is also on a Sunday morning at 9am at Lexcen Park in Ocean Reef...check out the website. Think it may also be cheaper than NSDTOC.
  6. Just a quick question ...are these your first fosters or have you had others before? I also foster (various breeds) and usually find that the dogs can be very defensive or on the other end of the scale, very aloof for the first week or so until they find their feet. Fostering pound puppies (especially long termers) is very different as they can learn some very bad behaviours as a result of other dogs they are subjected to while in caged runs etc. Usually these problems can be sorted wth the correct retraining and guidance just as you are doing now. I had a kelpie that became very reactive (she was my own dog not a foster) have no idea why but it seemed to be a chemical change in her brain (this was the diagnosis after seeking help from numerous vets ,"behaviouralists" and natural therapists). I used to walk her and allow her to participate in agility while wearing her plastic cage muzzle. You are so right the best thing it did for her was alert other owners that she did not want to be greeted by their "ok" dog. Well done for helping to save these dogs and taking the time to correct the behaviours before finding forever homes. :D
  7. This seems to be a common problem for most handlers when asking the dogs to change to weaving on the right. Next time you train this stop and check where your feet are positioned. As the dog needs to "go around" the first weave I would generally start off with my right foot "blocking" the first weave so she follows your leg out and around....gee this is hard to explain If you start to take note of your position when she makes a mistake you can look at how your body can help her to get it right. Go back to rewarding for correct entires and then add more weaves. I use this method when teaching my beginners to weave both sides and it is usually successful. Hope it helps you too
  8. ...and another for unusual colouring (although he is a mix Koolie x Huntaway). What would you call this colour? I am saying Blue/Red Merle but thats a huge guess
  9. This was a Blue Tri Colour merle BC that was surrendered in WA. She was from a breeder in Adelaide.
  10. I have found Glyde to work the best for geriatric dogs. Can be a bit pricey if purchased through vet $120+ but can be found online for about $80. Had used a combination of Sasha's Blend and fish oil prior to this and also one starting with "P" :D but Glyde definately gave my 16yo a few extra years of comfort.
  11. This is my first time posting to this site and I wish that it was under better circumstances. I have read a lot here and taken away some useful tips. On the 29th of December I had the hard task of choosing between my two beautiful girls. Shelb is 11 now and Mi Mi was six and a half. They were the best of friends until about six months ago when the fighting began. I know all dogs have their grumbles but this was getting too regular. Fights were becoming a daily event and were becoming so fierce and frightening. I had tried everything even medication. Nothing helped. When walking through a doorway is a trigger for a fight you know its time to step in. My vet could no longer offer solutions and something was just not right. The last fight went for over five minutes and I knew from then what I had to do. As Mi jumped playfully into the car she had no idea what I was about to do. As I held her so tightly and hoped it as a dream she slipped away. It was the hardest decision of my life and its tearing me apart wondering what may have happened if I had just managed it better. Deep down I know I had no other choice but it isn't helping. I just wish there was some other way. I still have Shelb and she is being spoilt wrotten, a result of my own terrible guilt. I feel so empty and we keep waiting for her to walk back through the door as if she's just been away. I hope she will forgive me and realise I love her more than anything even after what I have done.
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