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Everything posted by oakway

  1. If the dog is already in your name you don't have to do anything. If the dog is not your name you can send to the state it was issued in or the state you are a member of with the appropriate fee.
  2. Good little Australian, helping mummy to re cycle.
  3. I would like to suggest the what you have seen has come in from NZ.
  4. Exactly. Not only that, the person may not have have broken any rules what so ever. We have a thing in this country called the trade practices act. That act takes precedence over all. If it didn't we could have put the word puppy farmer to rest.
  5. hey Steve, thanks, email sent, however, if you tell her who you are first, she'd be an idiot admit to anything. If she doesn't the word entrapment comes to mind.
  6. Yes, but what does it imply to you??? A conformation call is needed, that's what I'm going on about. Is there something wrong with my written language, that ppl keep missing it???? It implies that people do not use the correct terminology. It implies to me that people are using the terminology of the layman.
  7. I have read the ad carefully no where does it say it will allow the matings of unregistered stock.
  8. Could this be case of to much weight on the puppies legs or a case of over exercise. Could this case have been man made.
  9. So you are saying that the dog is only of any value as long it has letter's after it's name. Rubbish. A good dog is a good dog no matter what.
  10. Lots of breeds do it. Remeber its a dog, they take a while to realise that they gain warmth from it. The more you rug them the more they come to realise they can gain warmth from it.
  11. Go to a registered breeder, preferabaly one that show's their dogs.
  12. It may also just be seasonal, perhaps the sign of an early spring.
  13. Glad to hear everything went well, its great stuff.
  14. Lovely to hear that she is on the mend. Must admit I thought it may have been far worse. Best of luck with her and the pups.
  15. Sounds worse to me. Did she have the pups normally or was it a C section. Sounds like a bitch with a ruptured uterus.
  16. Your breeder should have supplied you with a diet chart for your puppy. I would be contacting them.
  17. You're joking, aren't you? No poodlemun people are quite sincere when they say microchipping is not working in the way it was intended. What sandgrubber has written is the truth. Of Course we all support microchipping but be aware it is not working because of the reason sand grubber has stated.
  18. A full thyroid panel is necessary A must for some Greys. I would be seeking advise from from........................ http://www.hemopet.org/services.html Get the blood drawn here and send to them for complete analysis
  19. Another nail in the coffin of the dog world. Good heavens it will give puppy farmers an open slather.
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