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Everything posted by oakway

  1. I use the human Maxolon 10mg with great success. One half an hour before travel. Do not give food before travelling a dog if they are prone to motion sickness.
  2. No that is not true in my opinion. Use a different vet and just ask for a vaccination. Take the puppies vaccination card with you. Up to the owner what they want to give too. They can use any of these C3 C4 C5
  3. Not in Australia becks. Some of our country shows are quite laid back. I have had judges call me to the ring and ask me to organise a drink of some sort and I didn't win. I have had judges tell me often about shows where they had to ask exhibitors to get a cold drink for them. Some shows are just poorly run and/or don't have enough people to help. Must have been good a show to get morning tea delivered. Really? It is so difficult for the secretary to buy a crate or 2 of bottled water? I'm on a committee who runs a successful Premier Open show (probably averages similar numbers to your champ shows), we do this with 6 committee members at the show who are stewarding, providing refreshements for judges/stewards along with the necessary paperwork that goes with the show day and all the other little jobs. We are there early to set up the rings and tidy up at the end of the day. It's just courtesy to see the judges are being taken care of on the day - they judge for no payment and usually aren't offered any fees to cover their expenses. At the end of the day, we have all paid the same fee to enter under that judge, we should all be given the same time and consideration by the judge - in return we should all treat the judge in the same manner. Does the exhibitor who turns up with a present for the judge (be it cake or $100!!) expect their win (should they recieve a win) to be untainted by their actions? The show world is full of rumours, accusations etc etc so why add fuel to that fire? Becks, some of our champ show are run by Agricultural Societies and may be over several thousand Kilometers inland. Club shows are often better organised. Some of these shows may attract less than a hundred dogs due to their location. A steward and a writer for the one ring is that is all needed to get the show under way. ;) I have heard judges come back from some of these shows saying how inadequate the facilities are. But they also say these people are entitled to have their dog show, even if they the judge suffer a bit.
  4. Firstly let me say how sorry I am to hear that this puppy has died. There are many variables here. How old was the puppy when it was vaccinated Was the puppy still nursing from the bitch Had the breeder vaccinated the bitch before or during pregnancy What brand of vaccine did they use.
  5. Maybe we could take a leaf out the Toy Dog Club of North Queensland's book and take the dogs to the public instead of asking them to come to us.
  6. . I have had a litter of puppies stolen from my home. But what of single women who live in the boonies? What of people with children who dont want strangers coming into their homes? how many regsitered breeders live hundreds of kilometres from the areas where they sell their puppies? I just sold a pup to Perth and that made it impossible for me to have the new owner visit even if I wanted them to. How many reputable registered breeders sell puppies via their website? How many reputable registered breeders dont want to have their homes as open houses for anyone who wants to come and look at them ? Yet we give a tick to it on animal rights and animal welfare propoganda. Why? edited to add then there is a push for it to be made law and we are all too frightened to say - bugger off. We just agree because if we dont we are seen as the bad guys. What you have written applied to me personally when living in Queensland. It'd not easy when you live on your own away from the dog hating majority.I have not had puppies stolen but it can be quite frightening at times when strangers come to your home to look at puppies. I sell puppies inter and intrastate plus overseas. Some of these people have never been to my home but all have been satisfied with the puppy they received. I personally believe that it is not necessary for people to INSPECT your home to acquire a healthy well adjusted puppy. Yes, sure it helps the person looking to evaluate that the puppy has been reared in clean healthy surroundings. But it is not the be all and end all to purchasing a puppy. We should all be banding together and applying OUR set of standards instead of letting others apply them to us. We should ALL be aware of our LEGAL rights and be able to apply them when necessary. How many of you know your legal rights as to persons coming onto your property ....re....your dogs. Remember laws can vary from state to state so don't take it as gospel that one law applies to all. We should also have our controlling bodies support in all matters where our dogs and the breeding of them arise, but sadly this is not always the case. I read a book, an autobiography, by Sarah ??????? living at Bullo River in the NT. She said in it ...if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel........go light the bloody thing yourself. Maybe that's what we should all be doing.
  7. Why does he have to have his penis out. If it's in the right spot the sheath will just slide back as he penetrates the bitch.
  8. Sorry I do not think I am the poster? If it is me, what exactly are you talking about? :>) Sorry, I just typed the wrong name. All corrected.
  9. Toy dog In no way does what you have copied and pasted in any way give me or any other breeders immunity from this bill what so ever. If I have missed it please point out where it is.
  10. yes your answer was in the quote. still saw it though. Well your luckier than me because mine merged to a blur so I deleted It. I'll go in and give it another go if you like.
  11. Deleted because what I did didn't work.
  12. I am aware that other people have lives and what not, however it really should not take almost a week to answer my question considering it was only about their stance on registered ethical breeders and seeing how they already had stated that they were not opposed to them I would have thought that the answer would have been forthcoming very quickly. It also should not matter if I sent an email from a free email provider considering lots of people only use them. Manners is also a virtue, however it is one that is fading fast from this world --Lhok Do you really think they will answer you ?. I would be amazed if they did. The idea of the rally was to eradicate breeders. Full Stop.
  13. Knowing me half the old Sally's would be living in the house.
  14. yep well write to Wellington shire and see the response you get. its a circus in there. the councillors mock you. they are all lazy. No, write letters to the editor of the local newspaper, makes more aware of the situation.
  15. One of the greatest problems we have to overcome is, that it is not illegal to breed and sell dogs. It is in the manner in the way some of these dogs are kept is our problem. Let us say if I build a huge STATE OF THE ART breeding kennels and put in it Registered PURE BREEDS of dogs that I wanted to breed, would you object ? If the appropriate health tests were carried out and only those that pass the health tests were used for breeding would you object. Would you object if I had a vet in residence. If not in residence on 24/7 stand by. Would you object if these kennels were open to the public's scrutiny 7 days a week. Would you object if I followed my States Controlling Bodies code of Ethics. Would you have any objection if after X amount of litters I de sexed a bitch and placed it out for adoption. I am fairly sure the sane and reasonable persons would answer no. So we have established that if done correctly the majority have NO objection to the breeding of dogs. Now lets reverse the situation, would you object, of course you would and I would be at the head of the list. So we have now established what we object about, the way in which some of these dogs are kept not to breeding of them. Think.......think..........think......................... Hey!, don't we have organisations that deal with cruelty cases, Wait a minute, don't we have councils and shires that have rules and regulations that deal with any matters that arise from bad situations. Well go get them to get off their BUMS and get them to do something about it. Surely it is one of the reasons they get a salary.
  16. But every word of it oh so true. What Souff has said could have referred to any of our working dogs. Where they cared for..you betcha ... without those dogs ........?????????????????.
  17. Not in Australia becks. Some of our country shows are quite laid back. I have had judges call me to the ring and ask me to organise a drink of some sort and I didn't win. I have had judges tell me often about shows where they had to ask exhibitors to get a cold drink for them. Some shows are just poorly run and/or don't have enough people to help. Must have been good a show to get morning tea delivered.
  18. Sorry Toy Dog that could have been my back yard in the drought when I lived in Queensland. Actually it could be any backyard that has to exist on tank water alone. Many of us use electric fencing to make sure the dogs stay in. Even pet owners use it to make sure the dog stays confined to the yard where it is supposed to be.
  19. and substandard will include our homes... you will need DA approved kennels in order to survive as a breeder. The only other thing to do, will be move to NZ. Already on it LOL Well take me too. North Island please. You sure? I was thinking that South would be better. Little chance of another huge earthquake down there now. All the rebuilding wil make the economy strong. Lot of fresh air and wide open spaces, sure is pretty. Point taken.
  20. and substandard will include our homes... you will need DA approved kennels in order to survive as a breeder. The only other thing to do, will be move to NZ. Already on it LOL Well take me too. North Island please.
  21. and substandard will include our homes... you will need DA approved kennels in order to survive as a breeder. The only other thing to do, will be move to NZ.
  22. There are people even now working behind the scenes to repair the damade done by that rally. Ask no questions you will be told no lies.
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