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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Many stores sell out of date food at half price specials or two for the price of one. Many owners purchase and feed on a regular basis with no harm what so ever.
  2. And having a very popular breed has its downside too. EVERYBODY knows what a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is (or seems to think they do anyway but that's a whole 'nuther story! ) and most people seem to think that they should have one. But the reality is that reputable and responsible breeders screen very carefully and despite there being lots of people wanting a puppy, it can actually be very, very difficult to find GOOD homes for Staffords. Too many dickheads and not enough brains! True
  3. Understandable. So this is the bit I dont get - it's OK for a horse breeder to get into it big time and make a profit but the attitude seems to have cropped up here since I joined that if a registered breeder goes upscale and makes moneyin order to provide Jo Public with good dogs, they're automatically branded as a puppy farmer and/or hoarder. It can also depend on what breed you breed. As you will all be aware that some breeds are more costly than others. Having lived in a few different states it can also depend on the popularity of that breed in that state. I think my self lucky if I can get $850 for a show prospect. As ellz has tried to point out take out the expenses and keep a puppy for yourself also and their is nothing left for profit from 6 pups. Most of us are now only breeding for replacement puppies.
  4. Queensland for me. Day and night shows all year round in the South East.
  5. My above friend has had two litters in the last few months, 1 Whippet and 1 Beagle and I think has another due in a month or so for yet another breed. All up she owns about 7-8 breeds - I don't see a problem with it. 50 dogs???? It is an impossibility to ensure that all 50 dogs are given proper care and invidual attention. Yes, that does constitute a puppy miller! She is breeding as a means to earn herself a considerable income and that is a NO NO. It is a disgrace! Actually I've sent two of my dogs there. A much loved boy and a girl that was my pride and joy. I couldn;t be happier with the time and effort that goes into those dogs. The boy sleeps in the kennels, which is fine by me, that's where he was here. The girl, lives in the house and baby sits the smaller breeds. This lady is so far from a puppy farmer that it's not funny. Immaculate house, dogs kennels, acres of grass and care that is second to none. You should be very careful not to judge a breeder by their numbers. Where exactly did you send your dogs? are we talking about the same people that the poster is speaking of? If that is so, then I am relieved to hear that the dogs are well looked after! Even so though, I personally am of the belief that dogs should be a part of the family and not live their life in a prison cell. The dogs ARE her family. It's what she does all day every day and the dogs would get more attention each and have a better lifestyle than most single dogs living in a back yard. Sleeping in a kennels run isn't a prison cell. I'll back that all the way she has several of mine and better homes you could not find. What's more she is welcome to more. Sometimes I wonder if some of the people that post on these list have much knowledge about the breeding and rearing and kennel management that they make out they do. Some of you people worry me because of what some of you write shows that you have little knowledge of kennel management and it makes me wonder if you are just as big a threat to the pure bred dog world as the RSPCA. Maybe some of you should let us, the Pure Bred Breeders get on with the job of breeding our dogs or the purchase of your next Pure Bred dog may just dry up.
  6. Easy keep him out of the sun. Or is this dead coat about to drop.
  7. My above friend has had two litters in the last few months, 1 Whippet and 1 Beagle and I think has another due in a month or so for yet another breed. All up she owns about 7-8 breeds - I don't see a problem with it. 50 dogs???? It is an impossibility to ensure that all 50 dogs are given proper care and invidual attention. Yes, that does constitute a puppy miller! She is breeding as a means to earn herself a considerable income and that is a NO NO. It is a disgrace! NO it is not. I can remember back to the days of big kennels nothing unusual to have 50 dog or more. All beautifully cared for and in immaculate conditions. The only reason that most have more than halved their kennels is because times have changed a little and the restrictions placed on breeders. The bad publicity heaped upon us by a certain TV programme encouraging the purchase of designer dogs has cause a huge drop in the sales of pure bred dogs also. Also remember it is NOT elegal to earn a living from breeding and selling dogs. It has been hapening since the early days of Rome. The British have been breeding and selling dogs for years, and some brilliant ones at that. Half our problems have began because of dog hating neighbors, dog hating councils and and an un educated public, plus the idiots who gave dog breeding a bad name only to make a fast buck. We the breeders now have to suffer for the ignorance that others have now caused.
  8. In the bath tub tub with a shower attachment to water outlet. How often? weekly. Or extra if being shown.
  9. That was not what I heard. This was only about Tassie and only talked about stronger laws on dog breeders and RSPCA increased power. Was a short report, maybe 1-2 min. I went to look at the station and it was ABC News Radio about 8 am, maybe 830 am. Don't know and really don't care. Maybe they gave Tasmanian listeners a different report. I know I did prick my ears up when they said about mandatory de sexing before being sold. I have been searching for a press release about it to no avail. I do remember them saying something about a woman called Joan who said basically it was not breeders but they (the RSPCA) should put their efforts into farmer/farming cruelty)
  10. Right O, I heard a news report on the ABC this morning. It basically said that the AGM was yesterday and something about micro chipping and mandatory desexing before being sold. Tighter control on breeders. (I think) Also somebody also said they would do better to leave breeders alone and look at bad farmer/farming practices. Now that's about all I can remember. I didn't think it was anything that we didn't know already.
  11. SP why?, what's wrong with dog breeders in Tasmania. I live here and do no harm to anyone. One of my bitches was Best Of Breed at the show show yesterday. A lovely healthy well cared for litte dog. I produce lovely, healthy well cared for dogs that give owners many hour of pleasure. I obey all the rules and regulations and code of ethics, what more can I do to please people. ?.
  12. Just to keep you all updated. I have had no reply to all my questions asked re= the freezing of meat to kill Hydatis cysts.
  13. I must admit I have always had concerns of boarding my entire male dogs ... you would have no way of knowing if that boarding kennel (or someone who worked there) had used your male to start a couple of litters. I was thinking exactly the same thing!!!! Did you ever stop to think that many Boarding Kennels will not take entire males as they are to much of a problem. Also use a reputable ethical kennel. Why do people always think the Boarding Kennels would even want to use YOUR dog. Also many Boarding Kennels may not own your breed. They may not even own a dog!.
  14. oakway


    Exactly what I was told. I don't donate to either. Full Stop.
  15. Yes Panacur is available through out Oz. The only problem with it is, having to dose three days running as some people hate doing it once let alone 3 times.
  16. Wouldn't touch yearly heart worm with a 40 foot pole. Far to many problems reported over the years. As to vaccinations why not do a titre test to see if the dog needs vaccinating. No point in vaccinating a dog the does not need it.
  17. Wait a whlie and see how they feel about another.
  18. Never had that problem. I think chocolate flavoured because dogs like chocolate so much. I use Troy Worm Ban puppy syrup and as soon as old enough give the appropriate dose in what ever tablet dose I have at the time. Usually Paratak Plus. Tell me about it! I was at the Vets recently with Crystal when she ate a block of "Old Gold Rum 'n Raisin". So why give them a taste for it?? Never thought about it that way before.
  19. Hi Kaffy, Come now don't get to freaked out as lots of dogs live in Queensland and survive well. The cane toads...... now there easy, wherever you go to live you do nightly patrols and collect them and freeze them in the freezer and put them out in the bin on rubbish night. You will find, that over time you will have very few to deal with. I found only one or two a week after the first month. Snakes....again depends on where you live. Just put fine snake/mouse around the bottom of the kennels. Shade cloth......now this is good for the shade it gives, but if you enclose your kennel to much with it, you will find it stops the flow of air. I have never lost a dog to cane toad but I lost one to a snake and the dog was lose in the back yard/dog area not in the kennels, so it means snake proofing around the whole dog area in some way depending what type of existing fencing that you have.
  20. Never had that problem. I think chocolate flavoured because dogs like chocolate so much. I use Troy Worm Ban puppy syrup and as soon as old enough give the appropriate dose in what ever tablet dose I have at the time. Usually Paratak Plus.
  21. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Why won't my bitches come in season
  22. I don't see a problem over her having an anesthetic and a tooth removed.
  23. Spey and abort straight away from me. No matter how much care and attention you give the bitch it will still be classed as just another back yard litter that the world does not need.
  24. Council or Court can decide who they think is in the right. Regardless of what happened, the owner of the dog is still entitled to put a well prepared submission to Council and to defend their dogs actions. Owners who sit back and do nothing, will almost certainly be looking at a dangerous dog declaration, if the owner of the other dog chooses to push the issue with council. I totally agree. As I said food for thought.
  25. Now don't jump on me from a dizzy height. I am playing Devils Advocate here. What if the person lodging the complaint is in the right.......just food for thought.
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