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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Hi Jed, Just put that one up so they could get an idea of what may be around for purchase. :D
  2. The standard says White MUST predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings can be from the lightest tan to the richest tan (chestnut).
  3. http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/puppies/maltese.asp
  4. I had a dog that I had to have PTS sleep because of this disease and it was thought to caused by over vaccination. It was easy to remedy for future litters. Hoping for greater success than I had. All the very best for the dog.
  5. Anothger sugestion that can cause tummy upsets and blood is hook worm. Just a thought.
  6. Yep or women who work in the same office. Oh boy, who would want to live in a Abby.
  7. The same as all dogs they need to be socialized at an early age. The same as all dogs, where temperament can vary from dog to dog.
  8. Great little dogs arn't they, but you can't have mine.
  9. Well you could tell her that their are none so blind, as those that do not wish to see.
  10. All I can help you with is the one's I have been using for years and they do alot of nails here along with the grinder to finish them off has the brand JW stamped into the handle. They are stainless steel I brought them from the dog van at the show.
  11. Sorry , you don't. Through them away and purchase a pair with better quality steel.
  12. Be very careful with garlic & kelp, english ivy. Garlic is a member of the Allium family, the onion genus, so potentially poisonous in large amounts. I used to feed garlic now & again, but one of my dogs who has an auto-immune disorder is unable to stomach it, so I have ceased feeding it. Kelp should be fed only two or three times per week to avoid excess iodine uptake which is harmful. Chia seed is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. I would imagine it would have similar nutritional characteristics to flax seed (linseed). If the seed is fed, then it would double as a source of fibre. I am going to look into chia seed myself, as the dog I referred to above is unable to process fats in the liver & is consequently unable to digest flaxseed or fish oil, no matter how small the amount. +1
  13. Nekhbet, there are so many myths that older and some young breeders of working dogs for farms, are told, they would blow your socks off. Must never have toys Must never be patted Must never go near the house Must never do this Must never do that I always feel sorry for the dogs that are kept like this. Thank goodness they are not all kept like this and the message is starting to get through. Cheers.
  14. I personally avoid purchasing butchers mince as it is usually so full of fat it is hard to find the meat content. I go to Leonard's Chicken and purchase chicken frames and pet chicken mince, a far better quality than the butcher. I also add dry food to the chicken mince when fed.
  15. Depending on the manufacturer.........many on the forum say it is the same, some say the same basic shot with a few more antibodies added. Nobivac have a new vaccine coming out or is out that is given at 10 weeks that over rides parental immunity and is given once only and the dog is vaccinated for life. Think I will go and purchase shares in Nobivac. ;) Do you have a link to more information on this? No sorry I haven't, only what the Vet said. (I haven't bred a litter in about 2 years) I do have some cooking I hope. :D As Nobivac is in Bendigo Victoria, you can ring or google them. Cheers.
  16. Depending on the manufacturer.........many on the forum say it is the same, some say the same basic shot with a few more antibodies added. Nobivac have a new vaccine coming out or is out that is given at 10 weeks that over rides parental immunity and is given once only and the dog is vaccinated for life. Think I will go and purchase shares in Nobivac.
  17. Actually I think the problem will lie with Joe Public who believe accredited = good and end up finding out this is not always automatically true. I see very bad things ahead for the dog world with the very organisations which should be leading the way in defending our hobby folding up at the first sign of an animal rights nutter. :D ;)
  18. You should start breeding these Steve, they will do the job for you (and fast with it! :-D ) Or these Yep, one of those please. :D
  19. If the food was out of date it would most likely have have to be waaayyyyy out of date and it would be rancid and you would smell it. So many of us now days are on tight budgets and look for for cheaper out of date food. Some times we can find real expensive no grain dog food that can be purchased for half price, sometimes two for the price of one. Many dogs that are placed on light dog food improve because there is less fat in it. Often it is because they have underlying Pancreatic problems. If you have a dog that is having tummy problems take the dog off all fat and oil products and you may find a big improvement. You may find this may have to be the dogs diet for the rest of it's life. When you have these type of upsets I feel that it would be in the dogs best interest to have a thorough vet examination to try and determine the cause.
  20. To be quite truthful, I think that Sandra, myself and others could put enough holes in the accredited breeder scheme that would sink a submarine. Firstly I think people are believing that we against an accredited breeder scheme..........I believe we are not...........but I do believe we are against it in it's present form. As Sandra says it must be earned, not handed out willy nilly on self assessment and a fee.
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