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Everything posted by oakway

  1. I hear you Oakway and yes I just dont care any more either at the moment. I used to care. We might be members but in reality we are just numbers. I havent bred a litter in the time we have been in Aus and I may never do so but I have paid my membership money every year and have actively shown my dogs when I could. At the moment I just cant be bothered for numerous reasons. And it makes me really sad. Well to me, it's getting to be like bashing your head against a brick wall, it's so nice when you stop. I just can't be bothered anymore. We have all told the truth. If the powers that be can't see it, then it's their problem not mine. The strange thing is we have nothing to gain, we have no axe to grind, as we don't breed enough to gain anything.
  2. You know, I am getting to the stage that I really don't care anymore. After what has happened in the Qld Dog world in last week leaves me wondering about so much along with so many others. If we came up with stone cold evidence, you are asking for, the way the law is these days, we could be the ones that are in deep doo doo. People have stated on this forum that they have come up with the evidence and nothing has been done about it. Now that is not going to encourage others to do the same. Well it's not going to encourage me. I have stuck my neck out once to often over the years. Someone else can stick theirs out this time. Maybe someone that has a future in the dog world, not me as I am on the downward side of breeding. At the moment I just don't care anymore.
  3. Ummmmm, errrrrrrrrr, don't slap my writs, but why are people that are puppy farmers accredited breeders ?. The problem some of us breeders are having with the scheme is, that we have no desire to stand along side of these so called "accredited" breeders. We say it should be earned not paid for and you of all people should under stand that. It's not the pure bred pups that go out the front door, it's the ones that go out the back door. Cheers.
  4. Pleased to tell you you are one of many thousands of dog owners from around the world that owns a dog that does similar. Add some cheap tinned pineapple to the food seem to help in stopping them doing it.
  5. Back when I thought they were only breeding the oodles I was disappointed but there was nothing I could do about it. Now I have found out they are doing this... well... if I can get them in trouble I will. I have e-mailed dogsnsw. Will keep you updated if/when I get a reply. Gotnuthin: They want to show dogs but they also want to breed their "Moodles" and other mixes... basically they want to have their cake and eat it too. Shaar....if this happening in Tasmania go to the state body. It has nothing to do with Dogs NSW, unless it is happening in that state. It can be difficult to get through to people that in Australia that we have a trade practices act. This act allows people to breed dogs, any breed of dog to any other breed of dog should they so wish to do so. Yes, it makes us sick to hear of such goings on but it is legal. Before you continue with this matter make sure you are standing on very legal grounds as this could blow up in your face. We all wish people like this would disappear from the dog world. We don't need them and they give other registered breeders a bad name as people always want to believe that we are all tared with the one brush. Do be careful in what ever action you decide to take. ;)
  6. Why go to the ANKC they only meet once every few months. The ANKC delegates are made up from the state bodies. It would be more pertinent to go to your states controlling body. Unless they have used registered dogs there is little you can do. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  7. You took the thoughts right out of my mind.
  8. Do you mean fresh roo tails? If so, where do you get them? I (well my dog lol) tried the dried roo tails and then spewed pieces of bone up a few hours later. I use treat balls and bob-a-lots when i go out and leave her unsupervised (i've heard of dogs choking and dying with kongs ) Any pet food the is smoked, dried or cured in some way is considered cooked bone. The food is dehydrated in some form or other. Turkey necks, ox tail or fresh roo tail is so much better than the dried form. Chicken necks or the smaller end sections of the larger pieces can be used for smaller dogs.
  9. A nice warm dog rug for the cold nights. Weatherbeeta (the horse rug people) make some excellent ones. For those of you with giant breeds foal rugs can used. http://www.weatherbeeta.com.au/
  10. I agree totally becks. I think some of you are just totally overboard. Give similar to what Jed does the essentials. Give what they really need. The vaccination certificate. The feeding programme. The food the pup is used to eating The registration certificate (if available) The thing people always thank me for, is a list of nasties not to feed and the nasties that can grow in the garden. They always say I never thought of those.
  11. Good luck and best wishes to all of us having puppies.
  12. I thought we bred for the betterment of the breed.
  13. I always recommend Paws and Whiskers having worked their. All I can tell you, it is a kennel run by Dog People with the best of ethics. http://www.pawsandwhiskers.com.au/ Ring and ask for a kennel inspection. I leave my own dogs there, that's the best recommendation I can give. Tell the staff of your concerns at the office and also tell them that Jill sent you.
  14. Having worked in the kennel industry for more years than I wish to admit to, please may I give you all some advice. What I say is not derogatory in any way and you are all loving caring owners. Thank goodness we have owners like you. A vast majority of CLASS boarding kennels have more problems with the owners than the dogs. :p I have seen owners go off in tears and the dog has had a wow of a time. Most kennels are busy and have something going on all the time, from hanging the dog washing on the line to kennel inspections and dogs coming and going. Depending on the kennel layout the dogs are busy watching whats going on. Most dogs at night are happy to go to bed as they have been so busy keeping up with the kennel workings they need a need nights sleep to be able to start all over again in the morning with the kennels daily routine.
  15. I don't increase the food. I never increased my food intake when I was having children why would increase the food in take of a bitch. I often have have to half the meal into two portions in the last ten days or so. If you increase the food intake you run the risk of the bitch being over weight and having difficulty in whelping.
  16. I have fed the Great Barko when the stockist were out of Uncle Albers, never had a problem.
  17. Such a worrying situation for caring dog owners. Hope you see a big improvement in the morning. ;)
  18. True, I just try to keep it simple. Cheers.
  19. I suggest you prepare a strategy for what you'll do next time something happens you're not happy with. You can't change what happened. You can change your vet if you choose to do so. You can also change what you do in future when something happens you're unhappy with. As owners we are responsible for protecting the welfare of our dogs. My suggestion is that you channel this experience to produce a more positive result if there is ever a next time. You don't have to be confrontational.. a simple "he'll do it for me" and taking the lead would do. These things are always best dealt with at the time. But to answer the question. "Rough" handling isn't common in my experience. Not taking any shite from dogs, and the use of mild compulsion to achieve results is. Few professional veterinary practices I know have the time to bother about luring reluctant dogs into accepting procedures. Ditto groomers. If your dog put the brakes on, I'd not be surprised to see him towed onto the scales. Does he go on freely for you? If not, it might be something to work on. I'd also make a point of knowing what he weighs. The scales are the normal first point of call for dogs and owners entering my vet's surgery on every visit. With the amount of time some owners take to get their dogs on the scales and stable, I can understand why a vet might take a more direct approach. The more prepared your dog is for handling and normal procedures, the easier it is for the dog and the vet. Our club actually teaches a 'steady' for handling and tolerance by the dog of handling all areas of the body including mouth and ears.
  20. Correct on all accounts. But I think we may have to forgive them this time as it had to be organized quickly. Please members vote and have your say. If you wish to abstain that's your right of choice as in any democratic society where voting is not compulsory. (pardon the pun) (or more so an oxymoron)
  21. becks, I'm not sure that there is one here. (I use plush puppy) I have been looking for years and decided that it just easier to purchase from the dog vans at the show. As you and I are aware not all go to dog shows. I am just not sure the OP may find what they are looking for, if they find one let me know if they have Plush Puppy Cheap
  22. Oh boy! Thanks for the permission oh ruler of the universe! Don't try and be smart with me. We live in a democratic society, and I don't have a problem with that either. All I was say saying is thats it your choice and I don't give a dam which way you vote. sheesh.
  23. Even if your dog is vaccinated they can can still get kennel cough. Their are so many strains of it. If your dog is vaccinated it will be vaccinated against the deadly strains and may only receive a mild dose of Kennel Cough. Please don't blame boarding kennels. Kennel management can not tell if your dog is a carrier or has been recently been vaccinated and is shedding the virus. Vets don't know by just sighting the dog. Alway remember it may be your dog that is the carrier and giving it to others.
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