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Everything posted by oakway

  1. It's simple, go get your self a heater for a water bed. They are fantastic in a whelping box. I personally prefer a heat lamp over one corner of the whelping box with all cords concealed of course. Years ago I always purchased the infra red lamps, but nowadays I purchase the big round floodlights that you have to light up your back yard, only I purchase the red ones. The give off plenty of heat and are easy on the pups eyes and are cheap to run.
  2. Calm down, calm down, dogs have been killing bats for years. This is the first dog EVER found with Hendra. I have been led to believe that this is the first dog to have aquired the virus outside a laboratory It is also believed that the dog caught it off a "host" in this case a horse. Yes by all means have the bat checked. Bats also carry the Lyssa Virus. There is a vaccine for Lyssa virus and bat handlers are offered the vaccine or have been given it.
  3. I am so pleased that you posted I was starting to think dreadful things about his condition. I am so sorry this has happened to your boy but you have him and thats the best news any of us could hear. Yes, Phil Thomas is the best. Now for some light releif laughter.....if you ever need the Chiropractor you know where he is. :D
  4. Two different virus' There is a vaccine available for Lyssavirus.
  5. I would NEVER advocate the use of anything dangerous where dogs are concerned. All heating cords are placed in a position they could never cause a danger to the dogs using them.
  6. I have pm'ed you all the information.
  7. I have the full details for this man he is at Morayfied on your way down to the specialist. Which I assume will be Phil Thomas.
  8. Well you will all laugh at this....why not take the dog to a chiro and get him checked. I can find out the name of a good one for you that my friend swears by.
  9. You could always look into an electric fence placed just above the exhisting one. Certainly one of the more cheaper methods of keeping a dog in. Best check the status of your state first about electric fences.
  10. No, to the best of my knowledge it does not do for Hydatid Tapeworm, or maybe I should say it didn't when I used it last.
  11. Try a heat lamp suspended over one end of the whelping box. The pups can them move in and out of the heat as they require it. Hot water bottles can be chewed and leave a cold wet mess for the pups to live in.
  12. Good luck with the interview, you sure need some.
  13. Mine go outside permanently about 3 to 4 weeks.
  14. Yes my first thought to. I refer to it as winter nose. I have an Italian Greyhound whose nose lighterns every winter. It gets darker in the summer months.
  15. I would not be doing another vaccination especially in a 2 year old dog.
  16. I have been using it for at least 20 years or more. Yes, it is great. The only problem is that it should be used 3 days running. Why would you want to dose pups three days running when you may do the worming job on one day is my thought. But as I said it is a great product.
  17. Strewth, it never rains but it pours. Hoping the medication will improve matters.
  18. oakway


    +1. It's not their dog anymore. Talk about have your cake and eat it too.
  19. The low results may just mean that the dog has not been exposed to either virus. It may not necessarily mean that more vaccine is needed. If the dog was exposed to either virus the anti bodies would multiply rapidly and kill the virus as it should. If a test was done after the exposure one would expect it to be high.
  20. If you get this message in time there is going to be an interview with the owner of the Kelpie at 8.30. this morning. It is on the ABC radio but not the more formal ABC. Sorry I don't know more about it. But this ABC Radio does have talk back radio if that is of any help.
  21. Thank you for letting us know more about the Hendra virus as a retrovirus. I think we will understand the virus better from now on. I believe that many of us were hoping that it may have been an end to this dreaded disease.
  22. If the dog is carrying anti bodies we may already have a crude cure in the dog.
  23. No way should this dog be PTS. We need the dog to determine the degree of Hendra in the dog. Who knows, dogs may have carried this disease for years with out passing it on. If the dog is put down we will never find out anything about the disease in the dog. My suggestion would be to test every dog that has/could have been in contact. Anyone know if dogs are routinely tested along with their humans that have come in contact with this insidious disease.
  24. THE deadly Hendra virus has been detected in a dog on a Queensland farm, Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/hendra-virus-detected-in-dog-on-farm-near-beaudesert-in-queensland/story-e6frfku0-1226102090938#ixzz1TBYVoPcO'>http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/hendra-virus-detected-in-dog-on-farm-near-beaudesert-in-queensland/story-e6frfku0-1226102090938#ixzz1TBYVoPcO http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/hendra-virus-detected-in-dog-on-farm-near-beaudesert-in-queensland/story-e6frfku0-1226102090938
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