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Everything posted by oakway

  1. What a great way to start the day. Nothing better than hearing news like this.
  2. Mother Nature.......the greatest leveler of all.
  3. No problems what so ever. Their are All Breeds shows at Durack all the time. Western Suburbs on 25th Sept. starts 9.00am Dog Of The Year Support (2 shows both starting 4.00pm) on 1st Oct. Waterloo Bay on the 9th Oct. starts with Sweepstakes 8.30am Ipswich Kennel Club X 2 Championship shows 15th Oct. starting at 5pm.
  4. It is advised that puppies under under 8 weeks of age should not be vaccinated because they may still have the anti bodies passed on from the dam and it is known that these anti bodies will stop the vaccination taking place. There is a vaccination available at 10 weeks that overides any anti bodies and any further vaccination is not required for life.
  5. Hi Miss Danni, Please don't get upset over our quarantine restriction. We need those restricions in place for this country to be reletavily desease free. I know, it irks me to, when you see all the tests the dogs dogs have to go through to get them out of the states, but at least it ensures that this country keeps the nasties out.
  6. Hi dasha, Thanks for the info, much appreciated. :D
  7. How about using larger bones that can't be swallowed. What about chicken frames and Turkey necks would that be of any help. I do get turkey necks, cut the in 1/2 and mince the narrower end (the fat end doesn't go through my mincer)...the fat end I give to Daisy and Mac for their after-tea treat, Penny gets a 1/2 chicken wing, (I cut the shoulder-part cut off as she gets it stuck in her craw )she does chew her 1/2 wing a little to get it into the correct throat-shape so it will slide down. I can't give her lamb or beef as she gets itchy skin and I am worried that those bones that look like horse-bridle-bits in the turkey neck will get stuck. Boronis, You can only do your best and you sure are doing that.
  8. Agree. What makes me wonder is WHY do people think their is something wrong with Australian Quarantine. We have 3 quarantine stations in this country, and dogs and cats continually going in and coming out. I see some of these dogs in the show ring right after release winning. With the dollar as good as it is at the moment we have dogs coming into the country at a good pace. My only gripe with quarantine is the daily cost, which soared after the E I in the horse quarantine, but if that's all I ever have to bitch about, I'm glad. I also read sometime last week, about our Quarantine Stations being closed and only one will remain.
  9. Now thats the news we were all waiting to hear. Good girl China.
  10. No, I havent tried to purchase the large so far. A friend has a medium size on the way. I will be in future purchasing the large size. Especially if our Iggy family increases.
  11. My understanding is that the substance actually changes the pH level of their saliva. Not just while the substance is in their mouth, but works through the body. Perhaps I'm wrong. Oakway .... do you think I've misunderstood? But I agree with Oakway : if there's any way a good chew/not swallow bone can be given, nothing really replaces bones as being the best general dental care item. The only thing to watch there would be (my guess) that if your oldie's teeth are brittle/fragile, a hard chew bone might cause tooth breakage. Again - I'm not an expert in that department and learning as I go. Yes as far as I am aware you are totally correct about the PH level. It certainly has stopped the tartar from sticking on the teeth. As far as I am aware it is working for for my bitch and I am going to continue with it. The bitch was mated last Saturday so we will see what happens. Nothing like giving the product a good workout.
  12. How about using larger bones that can't be swallowed. What about chicken frames and Turkey necks would that be of any help.
  13. Itavendale Hi, which Plaque Off there seems to be serveral products with the same name.
  14. Westiemun my only suggestion would be to give any or all of them a try. I think many of us are using the the Seaweed one because of the good reports about it from overseas. It could be like many things, works on some and doesn't work on others. I have mine on it (ProDen) since the 5th Aug. and it has so far, the thumbs up from me. There was a bit of what looked like plaque around the front teeth and all I did was get the tooth brush and give it a whisk around the teeth and everything just disappeared. If that's all I ever have to do keep the dogs teeth in good order I will be very happy with the product.
  15. Yes that's exactly what I have done. Let's face it Quarantine in only a boading kennel for 30 days. Many owners that go overseas leave their dogs longer than that in kennels.
  16. This is the M A F site for New Zealand Imports and quarantine information. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/regs/imports/animals
  17. As far as I am aware New Zealand has the same 30 days as here in a Quarantine Station. This was not the case some time ago when dogs could do home stay in New Zealand and then after the time period was up they could then fly to Aust. If thing have changed I am sure many will tell you. I have a dog coming from the states shortly and I also made enquires as to home stay but was told not any more.
  18. No problems. You just let me know a time. Just remember that the breeds are judged alphabetically so if you are interested in a breed in the A, B or C's you will need to be there at 9.00am.
  19. I forgot to add this.................. People who read this please feed it to the dog that does the Poo that gets eaten. It is usless feeding to the dog that eats other dogs Poo that are not fed the Pineapple. I have had people tell it did not stop their dog after feeding it because when they took it to the park it still eats the other dogs poo, Wellllllllllllll???????
  20. Hi, Glad to hear you are being so sensibile over the matter. Keep that up and should go a long way. Although I must admit that when you said Import "I" thought you may have ment Europe or USA. Some lovely Rotties her in Aust and some breeders to go along with them.
  21. You are just one of hundreds of breeders that have the same problem. The easiest solution I can say is, off to the supermarket and buy crushed pineapple and add it to their food. I usually stops it, it most cases. It has nothing to do with diet what so ever it just smells good to them.
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