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Everything posted by oakway

  1. It is fed by weight of your dog. Daily amount. small dogs up to 10kg and cats 1/2 to 1 scoop medium dogs 10 - 25kg 1 - 2 scoops large and giant dogs 2 - 3 scoops.
  2. The frothing made me think Cane Toad or Snake.
  3. It comes with its own spoon. A very tiny one at that, It is about size of my little finger nail and very shallow. Not much is needed.
  4. The best advice I could offer would be to go to a few shows and speak to the others that are showing. Good luck with staring to show again. I've been doing it for over 40 years and still love every minute of it.
  5. I can offer nothing more than it has worked for me. The breeder had look at my bitches teeth at a show and was impressed with the result and has hers on it to.
  6. I have seen dogs do what you have described when they have had severe cramp.
  7. Glad to hear that your bitch is ok and home with you. Did the vet say if it was a closed or open pyro. I have been so lucky and only ever had one with pyro and that was an open pyro. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for the both of you. (I know how tiring it can be looking after them).
  8. Please people when you use a milk replacer why not try and use one one that is made for pups. Personally I don't care what any one uses but as many people read these forums they can get into difficulty and race off and purchase something that may be wrong and indeed do more harm than good. Many people don't understand that many dogs are lactose intolerant and could end up with problems by using some home made recipe's. I am not saying that any of these home products are no good, I am just saying be careful. Before we we had milk replacers we all did the best we could with what we had, but in this day and age we have prepared products meant for milk replacement with correct nutrition for baby puppies.
  9. I have only ever had in one and the symptoms where the same as the above.
  10. I have never found a difference other than the obvious.
  11. Their is a worm that dogs can get from snails. Now I am not sure if we in Australia have that particular snail, but I am sure with all the clever people on this forum we should soon be able to find out.
  12. I only use Divetelact with all mine. Never had a failure.
  13. They may be in Melbourne but they offered to help me get my dog from Georga USA to Sydney, I live in Queensland. Shippers have agents in most states.
  14. Try this addy, It's one of our own members. http://www.boardingkennels.com.au/transport_12.html
  15. It is not any of the usual symptoms of cane toad poisoning. Sounds like a sting. In a case as severe as this I would be looking at using an Epi pen.
  16. Sorry OP misunderstood. Think I would be Importing Semen.
  17. I keep it simple. You pay for the use of my dog and I sign a service certificate and offer you one free return if the bitch does not have pups at the time of the fist mating/s.
  18. I seen this for myself Well someone was smokin' somethin' :rofl: Maybe he had just had sex.!!!!!! :rofl:
  19. :rofl: Whilst wearing smoking jackets and sipping brandy? and don't forget the Cigar!!!!!!
  20. Quarantine charges for dogs is $39.00 per day for boarding.
  21. The best recommendation that can be given is to search the Siberians for sale on the DOL pages. The prospective purchaser can then research and research again then decide as to whom they wish to purchase off.
  22. We also have to bare in mind....what if the breeders circumstances have changes and can not take the dogs back. Would that not give a false impression that the breeder did not care ?.
  23. If that's true, then this idea might help the ANKC prove it. ETA - it would also be really interesting if the chip had to state not just who bred the dog, but also who sold the dog, i.e. would let us know how many rescues were initially bought from petshops as opposed to registered breeders or non-commercial BYB. Fair enough. I think who sold the dog is maybe more important than who bred the dog. Don't forget that so much is being heaped on us as breeders that we tend to get a bit defensive. Don't forget that the majority of us sell dogs to whom we believe to be excelleant owners/homes and it can all backfire.
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