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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Thanks for that, I wasn't sure. I am like most breeders, I just comply with the rules and have never asked how the mumbering by each compay is done.
  2. I totally agree the advertisement sounds to professional and the seller appears to know what they are doing. But we all jump to too many conclusions and we must always remember many an innocent has been hung. Personally I would be contacting the local authority regarding this matter and taking it as far as possible. This is just the type of thing that many of us said would happen over the advertising of chip numbers. If people are caught early over this and something is done and it is well publicised it may make others think before they try the same thing.
  3. I noticed that and thought it rather strange. Maybe we have a rogue breeder here in Qld. Could be a case of the purchaser now wanting to dispose of the pup and has thrown a spanner in the works by selling the pup on. That is if the seller is telling the truth.
  4. Alright lets go back to square one. Could this be a microchip number duplicated by sheer coincidence by another chipping company???? Just a thought. :)
  5. Will be down march umm 24th 25th beaudesert show.. See you then. :) Do u know if i was ment to bring this down? As she never gave me anything.. I know she said she was going to email u as she was going down earlier in march?.. I just phoned the other party that is getting the ProDen with me (Pugs) and the seller was in touch with her and as is bringing it down. She forgot to tell me. Thank you for your efforts in trying to help get it here it was greatly appreciated.. :)
  6. Concrete steel and weld mesh would be my choice.
  7. Gundog and Heavy Breeds is on at the Durack Showgrounds King Avenue Durack TODAY 3rd March and it does start at 4.00pm. :)
  8. Oh, poor you. I am glad I only have bitches these days. :)
  9. Sick in what way? Yes, stop it of course. Don't forget it is seaweed and could the dogs have an unknown thyroid problem as the manufactures warn about this. If they do have a problem thank your lucky stars that this product has given you a warning. Also could just be a coincidence. Please keep us all posted as to what happens.
  10. As far as I am aware you can put on the food of any dog at any age. I have not put it on the food of the babies here as their teeth will shed out with age, so I am waiting till about 6 months when their adult teeth come through.
  11. Will be down march umm 24th 25th beaudesert show.. See you then. :)
  12. Most say it just comes away with time. Always remember in my case the dogs get bones and of course it would break away after a while from the grinding. I am happy to report that there is still no plaque on the dogs teeth like there was before. If you have a tooth scaler why not try and remove some of the tarter yourself. :) It may just need a helping hand to start it on it's way. I have used artery clamps to remove tarter also. I use them like a pair of pliers and crack the tarter off.
  13. Hope you have as great a success as we have had with it. Any idea what dates you will be here showing ?. Need to know when to pick ours up. :)
  14. The most important thing is that they come home the way they went in. Or better than they went in.
  15. Loved enough to be Killed you mean? Is killing a dog who cannot make you a few $$$$s anymore doing the right thing? Thats correct, the owner won't pay the trainer to train a dog that is not fast enough. What do you want ??? a trainer with with more dogs than they can affored to feed, remember the trainer would now have to pay the feed bill out of his/her own pocket, just to appease your thoughts. Here's a novel idea...scrap the bloody greyhound industry, problem on the way to solved at least in one area ! And what are we to do with the thousands of Greyhounds that belong to the Greyhound Industry. :) Are we to put a vast majority of those down too ?. Always remeber when there is no greyhound Industry there will no owners to pay the bills. So who feeds and cares for those greyhounds left. Also don't forget the money the Government makes out of the Racing Industries in this country. While the Government is making money the Racing Industries are not going to go away.
  16. well you will just have to be appauled won't you, because dogs die all around the world every day just like this one and it does'nt have to be a greyhound. It's a fact and it's reality.
  17. Loved enough to be Killed you mean? Is killing a dog who cannot make you a few $$$$s anymore doing the right thing? Thats correct, the owner won't pay the trainer to train a dog that is not fast enough. What do you want ??? a trainer with with more dogs than they can affored to feed, remember the trainer would now have to pay the feed bill out of his/her own pocket, just to appease your thoughts.
  18. Excellent question. The Exhibition Greyhound is bred just for that purpose nowadays, exhibition or for inclusion in any of its sanctioned events. All Kennel Club registered only greyhounds can not be included in the Greyhound Racing Registrar. The Kennel Club does accept the registration of racing greyhounds onto it's registrar so some racing greyhounds do make it to the ring. So if you find a racing grey out there with conformation suitable for the ring you could always show it.
  19. And how many dogs in a week our put down in the pounds through out Australia.? Here you all are discussing ONE dog that was loved enough to have the right thing done by it. At least it was loved enough to be put down at the vets instead of being given away to some person who said they would care for and never did. I have seen so many greys that are given away and lead a life of sheer hell. There are far worse things in life for some greyhounds than dying at the vets. I have seen greys kept in conditions that would make a puppy farm look like a palace. Good on the woman that cared enough to do the right thing by the dog. Pity there weren't more like her.
  20. But if you only ever stick with one chemical you are helping to build resistance. Why do you think farmers rotate actives? One season it's a mectin, next it's a white drench etc. Expose a population to a chemical long enough and they will adapt. If someone uses Fipronil, then changes and suddenly the problem goes, then the new active killed the resistant fleas. If fleas killed like internal parasites then maybe dog owners would be as aware of this as livestock owners. What with the modern drugs we have to drench our cattle and horses, (and I do mean "our own" cattle and horses) with there is little or no need to rotate as modern drugs do the job. If the product is not working correctly it may not be being used at the correct dosage. :) I use Ivermec for heart worm in dogs. At the correct dosage my dogs do not have resistance to the product and are clear of heart worm. I have been using this product for nearly 20 years. I have been using fipronil on my dogs since the product became available. It is still working on them and the fleas do not have a resistance as it kills them :)
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