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Everything posted by oakway

  1. I just use the concrete, pick up and hose off and disinfect. Seems to be the easiest for me.
  2. We all do. I will be the first to say that the dog world has many rogues that should be disqualified from the organisation. But there is nothing that the good breeders can do but to advise new purchasers of their chosen breed to do their homework and in many cases this advise is ignored and people get burnt. Again their is nothing the honest ethical breeders can do but offer sympathy.
  3. Unless you're a judge or someone else important in which case this rule is ignored Well I waited till the dog was 9 months and two days and then missed the bitch by doing the correct thing. Ahhhh such is life.
  4. Yes the world is full of con artists, do your home work and don't get caught. You didn't get caught did you, bet you did the right thing and ask questions. :) If you were going to have an operation you would seek out the best doctors and you would ask questions everywhere to make sure you were going to the best. It's little or no different with anything else, it's easy to come on lists and point fingers at breeders, but if everyone did as we asked and did their homework we wouldn't have the breeder bashing we do have. Yes we will always some people that don't take heed, but it is rather useless coming on lists and wanting to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. Actually I put some blame on our controlling bodies for not advertising more in newspapers to advise people to contact their state controlling body if you are interested in purchasing a pure bred. People could at least be given some guide lines to follow.
  5. Hi, With Maxie it could pay to double the intake for a while and see what happens. I believe this is what PlaqueOff suggests.
  6. thank you, yes I saw the parents papers or papers I believed to be for the parents it wasn't until she'd been here awhile that we started thinking, she wasn't purebred (vet confirmed this down the track) but by then she was our dog and we loved her regardless. No nothing arrived when I tried to check with the breeder in case they sort of got"lost in the mail" they didn't respond to calls / texts / emails. even drove there once but no one answered the door. Yes, but did you ring Dogs Queensland and ask if these people were current members. Did you ask to see their current membership card ?. Did you go to dog shows and speak to other breeders to ascertain that these people were regular breeders ?. ease up, how would they know they were supposed to do all that? Easy they go on list and forums for dogs and ask. They seem to know where to go to if they have found a problem and they sure complain about us. :)
  7. How many regular Joe Blows would know to do this? Not many that I know of... T. I am sure their are plenty of people that check. I always offer my current M/ship card and the phone number of Dogs Queensland to check on anything they feel is of importance to them. Lots of people go onto list and ask questions as to "what to do when purchasing a pure bred" and I believe we give excellent advise. I am sure we all say do your homework and educated yourself first. For those that do not do their homework we can only offer sympathy. A card only states what club you belong to not the standards of practice that you engage in. The M/ship card I hold states that I am a financial member of Dog Queensland and also gives my Prefix. Mine and others ethics can be checked by ringing Dogs Queensland and or going to a dog show and speaking to other breeders.
  8. I "think" in Qld. the dog has to be 9 months of age. :)
  9. How many regular Joe Blows would know to do this? Not many that I know of... T. I am sure their are plenty of people that check. I always offer my current M/ship card and the phone number of Dogs Queensland to check on anything they feel is of importance to them. Lots of people go onto list and ask questions as to "what to do when purchasing a pure bred" and I believe we give excellent advise. I am sure we all say do your homework and educated yourself first. For those that do not do their homework we can only offer sympathy.
  10. thank you, yes I saw the parents papers or papers I believed to be for the parents it wasn't until she'd been here awhile that we started thinking, she wasn't purebred (vet confirmed this down the track) but by then she was our dog and we loved her regardless. No nothing arrived when I tried to check with the breeder in case they sort of got"lost in the mail" they didn't respond to calls / texts / emails. even drove there once but no one answered the door. Yes, but did you ring Dogs Queensland and ask if these people were current members. Did you ask to see their current membership card ?. Did you go to dog shows and speak to other breeders to ascertain that these people were regular breeders ?.
  11. I honestly believe while we have a fanatical element in the comunity we will always have this problem. It will not matter what we do we will always have fingers pointed at us because every person has their own idea as to how a dog should be kept. Remember Tricky Woo from Dr. Herriot, was this dog any better off then the dogs that were kept on the farms ???. While we have an element that elevate dogs above the status of people we shall get no where. While we have an element that believe every kennel should look like your lounge room or bedroom we will have a problem. While we have an element that believe that a dog/s should always be outside we will have a problem. I just think that no matter what we do we will always have somebody that believes that they know better. (I am talking about the persons here that DON'T know but think they do!!!!).
  12. I purchase mine off e-bay overseas at a greatly reducrd price than you pay here. Try here http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/PlaqueOff-Giant-420-gm-bottle-Stop-Bad-Breath-in-Your-Dog-the-Natural-Way-/300695254810?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4602d5771a
  13. Mine are all still in great condition with their teeth. I can only put it down to the use of PlaqueOff.
  14. Hey, it's your house. If they don't like it, tell them to go some where else.
  15. If this puppy has been shown it has had a huge ammount of contact. All /most show dogs have to be lead trained, taught gait correctly, taught to stand and be used to other dogs around it. Not only that it has to be used to strange judges examining it. It will have been with it owners at the show all the time and exercised and should be a good traveller. To me this would be a win, win situation. Don't believe all read, plenty of Cavs have owners that leave for work in the morning and come home to a happy dog that spends it time with them till the next day.
  16. You can not become a registered breeder of your states controlling body unless 1. You are are fully financial member of the body. 2. Have fulfilled all the requirements to apply for a breeders prefix. 3. Have been granted a breeders Prefix. To prove this a member has a m/ship card and the prefix is usually printed on it. Unless this can be produced I would take it that the persons claiming to be a Registered breeder is not. This person may be registered with their council only. Which in my mind only makes them a back yard breeder.
  17. I would never feed an in whelp bitch puppy food. Bitches in whelp need a complete diet of good quality food. Puppy food is for rearing puppies and then it needs to be of good quality with a not to high protien intake. :)
  18. Not if they are put on correctly. I have the original C Crate pens purchased of the original makers and they have not shifted, they would be 10 yeas old or more. When you fold them put the tops on the same side together then fold together the section with no tops.
  19. As close as possible to 8 weeks with a Nobivac C3. I use this time frame to allow as much of the anti bodies passed on by the bitch to have left the body so the given vaccine will work. Vaccines given under this age have been known not to work.
  20. Yep, see your point of view. I should have been a little more explicit when said no Quarantine. I should have said all dogs go to quarantine for formal check in then allowed to leave when everything is correct as long as they have done their 180 days. Those that do mot measure up STAY till all clear. (Hey it's never going to happen, but it would be nice for the dogs). Look don't get me wrong, I am not fully sure I agree with the 10 day stay. Sure it will be cheaper for me should I ever bring in another dog,and all other people bringing in a dog, but I love living in this country without all the diseases of some other countries and we have Quarantine to thank for that. We all in some way rely on Quarantine and must be guided by their expertise.
  21. I have often wondered and asked people (not officially) if we did the 180 days in the country of export, why do we still have to do the 30 days here. It does say that the last 30 days "may" be done in Aust. Quarantine. (I think) If it all factors on the 180 days after testing why can't we leave then in that country and not have to pay Quarantine fee's at all ?. Just asking, no more than that. And by the way I have my dogs Quarantine release papers to prove she did her time. Good heavens it sounds like jail doesn't it. :laugh:
  22. Thanks for that dasa, thought that may be the case.
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