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Everything posted by oakway

  1. I have tried every where to find out. As I said I think the only way to confirm this is to read ingredients on the new Missing Link. I might just google Missing Link and seeeeeee. Yes, it still has it in it but it does not give the quantities sorry I can't be more specific.
  2. Just be careful as it may not be powerful enough to do bone, such as chicken necks and frames. It would possibly be excellent for veggies. Thanks for posting
  3. Thanks for that, I may just use it sparingly with other oils.
  4. Oh well here goes. Now you will hate me for what I am about to type. I read this some where, and stopped using Linseed Oil/Flax seed oil and the raw linseed seed's ground or whole. It all started with Missing Link which is a very good product. You may all remember that it suddenly disappeared off the shelf's for a while. The reason was this........some bitches had been having fertility problems and it was traced back to Missing Link, or the content of Linseed. I know it's back on the shelf but with out the Linseed or the Linseed content very much lowered. Now I have never discovered the results of the test so I can not com firm it was definitely the Linseed. So use your linseed sparingly. I am sure Missing link will not say that it was their product that caused it, so it will be difficult to find out. If any of you are out and see the new Missing Link, it may be worth your while to read the ingredients list and see just what is in it. If the Linseed is gone again use it sparingly.
  5. Hi, Don't forget if you are feeding vegetables the only way the dog can get any nutrition from them is if you put them through a juicer or pulverize in a blender. Just a waste of time and vegetables other wise.
  6. I saw the Frosty Paws mince in the IGA supermarket. It was frozen and when thawed it was just a huge mass of water that I could ring out. Also when looking through it I found green and yellow split peas. Not cooked, looked like they had been added as a filler. It stated on the packaging that it contained selected vegetables. I picked the peas out and fed the meat to the pups. It certainly never hurt them but I don't think I'll be buying it again.
  7. Buy them from the place that sells them the cheapest. Chicken frames are chicken frames no matter where they come from.
  8. As rough guess the may be missing out on the money he used to received for teeth cleaning.
  9. Most people just mix chicken mince in with the dry food and feed it. In fact lots of people around the world mix their particular food in with the dry then feed it to the dogs.
  10. I have not read all the posts but has Encephalitis been discussed.
  11. What a shame the vets did not de sex before you got her. All of the dear little dogs problems would have been gone. I would just keep her inside as much as possible. Maybe just a dab of human repellent may help. The elevated blood cells could be from the vaccination, my guess would be, that it is. Such a shame that it is impossible to tell if they have ever been vaccinated in their life time, unless a titre is done first. Best wishes for happy healthy babies and their mother.
  12. Listerine does not sting on hot spots.
  13. Spray it with pure Listerine Antiseptic and it will go.
  14. What size are you using. You may be using the wrong size on the dog.
  15. Well that was good news. Just a matter of waiting it out and see what happens. Good Luck.
  16. Are you sure that she didn't react because you gave her to much to quickly.
  17. So sorry to hear this. An MRI will put your mind at rest. I do think if it was the air freshener it may have happened a lot sooner. I hope it is the air freshener and all seizures stop.
  18. Sorry seems little you can do for it. http://www.shilohgtf.com/Perianal%20Fistula.htm
  19. Right, calmly and quietly go and find the box you took the collar out of. It should have the contact help line on it.
  20. I have no mains water supply connected to where I live. I use tank water to wash the dogs. I have a baby that is changing coat so bathing every second day to get rid of the old coat and bring on the new.
  21. You can bath the dog as often as you wish. Just use a TOP quality shampoo dog or human AND conditioner, not something of the shelf at the super market. Most of us that wash dogs regularly for shows pay anything up to $30 - $40 for 500ml of shampoo then have to purchase the conditioner. As we have NO problems it's worth it.
  22. Good god, talk about some old wives tales. You can bath your dog when ever you like. What do you think the show people do with their coated breeds. I bath Whippets sometimes twice a weekend when I find them stained by the earth from some show grounds. Just use top quality dog or human shampoo's and conditioner. The dog will be fine and possibly better for the washing.
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