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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Feeding dogs is trial and error. Your pup may love the food you give it but the pup may not do well on it. Then it's off to try something else. But not before you mix some of the old food with some of the new. You just can't take one food away and give another. The compositions of the food could be vastly different and upset the pups stomach and your in for a big belly ache. Follow the breeders directions and should you want to introduce a new food do it slowly. Sometimes it can take a whole bag and more to find out whats happening. With the exception that if upsets the pup straight away take the pup off it. Sometimes some dogs show no reaction till about the third big bag of food. Some can react violently with one meal. Good luck.
  2. Do you mean the ones with the little hook like thingy on the end. If you do they are stitch removing scissors. Maybe ask at the vets.
  3. It's easy. Get a doggy door. I know you said you have a child that could aces the door but just purchase one that is lockable. You could lock it during the day and open it at night.
  4. I stay away from dog foods that colour their food. I don't care if they are natural dyes or not. I just stay away from Red, Yellow and Green. But thanks for the heads up.
  5. Over vaccination can be one of the many causes. A bad reaction to a vaccine should be mentioned to the attending vet. I hope all goes well.
  6. Bones are good for dogs. But please in moderation. Don't suddenly chance their diet, their poor insides what know what struck them. Mine usually have a chicken frame a day,but I include a cup of dry food with that. Now this works for me, and when I can't get chicken frames I use chicken mince. When I find I "have" to use brisket bones I break the whole brisket up into smaller pieces and have have no problems. If you have to change a diet do it slowly so as not to over load the stomach with something new, that it's not used to. Cheers
  7. That looks excellent to me. The only other thing you can do is clip him off. Every body has the same problems with coated breeds. Work, work and more work.
  8. Well I used one of those Pedi Paws on Friday at a show. A friend had purchased on of ebay for $6. I used it on an Italian greyhounds nails and as they are only battery operated the nail stopped the grinder. It only worked if the nail so ever so gently held against the course roller. I use an electric grinder at home with the coarse sand paper cylinder on. Does a perfect job on the whippets nails.
  9. Sounds like what some dogs get called blanditis. (sp) Most dogs have it and just keep themselves clean. You do mean the thick creamy yellow stuff that seeps out. Just wrap his coat so he does not pee or drip on himself. I assume the dog is getting bitches in to him, and if he is getting the bitches in whelp whats the worry.
  10. I know where you get it at Ipswich and not at PP if thats of any help.
  11. The weather conditions will play a big part in when ticks are around. If you are in a bad tick area and the weather conditions are right they could be about all year. If the vet said that they have been seeing cases all year I would keep the tick treatment up. Cheers.
  12. There's no way you would get me to go back and use that daily stuff. It contains a poison that you give daily. I would rather use one dose monthly. I also feel sorry for the Collie breeds that have to have the daily.
  13. Sorry novice dog owner crawling in here to ask probably a really stupid question.....I recently took my (recently aquired) 7 year old Labrador to the vets to get an initial checkup and to get wormed. The vet wormed her for me and told me to come back in 3 months to get her wormed next. I'm now guessing that what she was given won't cover her for heartworm?? :rolleyes: I did explain that I have no idea and would like her wormed for everything but maybe he has just wormed her for the basics?? If so what do I need to get?? Also the 3 month worming will cost about $80, is it cheaper to DIY at home?? Any help would be appreciated and sorry for crashing in one your thread APBT Jodi Do it yourself at home it's much cheaper. If you are wanting to include heart worming every month then one of the heart worm plus worming and flea treatments can be purchased over the counter at the vets.
  14. Nuh.....I use Ivomec (sheep and goat)monthly for heart worm. Also does for worms but not tape worm.
  15. Cop Rice Family Dog, Chicken and Rice.
  16. If it is only on the stomach area I'd think it was something in contact with the skin. If it was food related I would expect it to be on the body to. Cheers.
  17. If you want to worm your dog just go to the vet and purchase a product that you know is tried and trusted. Take the dog with you and they may even way it so they can give you the correct dosage. Most vets are more than happy to sell to you without an appointment.
  18. Firstly let me say, we all feel for you, but I am not going to say what you want to hear. We all know of cases that when people are in hospital under going chemo being so ill. You hear the family say in such sorrow...you wouldn't let it happen to a dog would you ?. And no, I wouldn't let it happen to a dog, even if I was billion air. JMHO, but I do wish you well in what ever you decide to do.
  19. Just great to hear that she is home with you.
  20. Have a look in his mouth to see if he has anything stuck in it or has an injury in there. If nothing in there make sure the dog does not have an tooth abscess. If you find nothing then it's off to the vet.
  21. No, the Listerine doesn't sting. Something to do with the yellow barrier that stops it stinging. Don't forget dogs are less bodily sensitive than people.
  22. Hope to hear she is fine and back home with you.
  23. If it is a hot spot, Listerine Antiseptic put into a small spray bottle and sprayed twice a day will cure it in few days.
  24. Any smell what so ever straight to the vet. Its imperative.
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