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Everything posted by oakway

  1. And we still have a good old laugh about it ;) I would love to see a photo of that. If it's the same handler as now, I would give the Darling HELL.
  2. I think it depends on the breed. I have seen many breeds do well on a walking machine. I have also seen some build muscles like they were going to explode.
  3. If the dog is in your name and your name only and you paid full price for the dog, you can do with the dog as you wish. I agree. No wonder we have people purchasing from Pet Shops and BYB's.
  4. Hi Black Bronson, It needs to be understood that their are different vaccines made by manufacturers and there are indeed ones than can be administered safely twice only with no need for a 3rd at 16wks as they specifically get through the dams antibodies. So if you go to your vet and he gives say a Protech C3 at 6-8 wks and then another 4 weeks later that is all that is needed. Other vets use vaccines which require three shots to provide full immunity. So trust your vet he has told you that brand does not require a 3rd 16 week vaccination as he knows the brand used. Sorry, but you wouldn't get me to touch Fort Dodge Vaccines with a 40ft pole after the class actions they have out against them.
  5. Nobivac C3 at 8 weeks and one after 3 months. Then if in doubt Titre test.
  6. It's quite simple, most breeders don't want other breeders to know what they are charging for their pups.
  7. I grade my puppies as I see them. Firstly, I look for the quality show pups. When the Show quality have been picked the other pups are placed on the limited register. Many times I am asked if I have a show quality pup for sale. (I am not breeding at this time) If the purchaser wants a pup suitable to show and wants it at 8 to 10 weeks they pay show quality price. People that want a pet pay pet price. If I consider them inferior why should you pay top price. Should persons be interested in purchasing one of the ones that have been run on to 8 to 10 months and are winning in the ring pay the highest price for a puppy from me. If you want a Mini Minor you pay the price but if you want one of top luxury models, you also pay the price. Their seems to be a stigma on breeders that get fair and reasonable prices for their pups. I see nothing wrong in getting the asking price for a well bred healthy, vaccinated and registered puppy, weather it is on the main or limited register. I believe that after many generation of nurturing these dogs we are entitled to it. Just remember all the breeders that over many years worked to produce the best they could for you to own.
  8. I just pray you get her back quickly.
  9. It's simple, just ask if they still want the dog and if they don't, offer to help re home it. I
  10. Sky SoaringMagpie, You take it any way you like. :rolleyes:
  11. Azaih, I have no problems with your thoughts on the matter. Nor do I have problem with any other persons thoughts on the matter. To each their own. I am a great believer in the saying........ I may not believe in what you say, but I believe you have the right to say it. :rolleyes:
  12. Well at least both of you that answered above didn't say it doesn't happen. :rolleyes: The 1000 km rule does not get people to enter. Fact. Those that want to go will get there no matter what. Fact. Those that cant go for varies reason weather it be, can't afford it, the distance is to great, work, don't like the Judge, etc.. Fact. These people have a right to go to the the show of their choice and support that show and receive Challenge points for their dog. In this day and age when cost has to be factored into many things, it is down right discriminatory for any organisation to say if you don't go you can't go anywhere else.
  13. Alright I'll be the mug who says it. What's so prestigious about a show that many of the owners of the breed can tell you who is going to win. Now don't say it doesn't happen it does. Many times I've opened the schedule and saw who was judging and knew who was going to win, again, don't say it doesn't happen it does.
  14. That was the case earlier this afternoon, I believe it hasn't changed. Thank you for replying. We are all concerned for one of our own.
  15. Please would some body confirm or deny that Jed is now on the critical list. I have posted this in both topics.
  16. I do not want to alarm any of you but I just told that Jed's condition is now critical. Would any body be able to confirm or deny this please.
  17. If the breeder did not consider the dog good enough then the breeder was under no obligation to up grade the dog. That just the way I read your post.
  18. Most people won't say anything on an open list, they are concerned that they will rock the boat. But then I have been rocking boats all around the country for years. ;)
  19. It's a method of encouraging people to attend nationals while also a way to discourage the gaining of undeserved points while the competition is away. The "bad" dogs shouldn't be awarded because they avoided the show with the "good" dogs that weekend (whether by choice or circumstance). If you can't get points anywhere except the national then maybe more people will start going. Otherwise they won't and they'll have a lovely weekend of non-dog activities. I can't see the big deal for either exhibitors having a weekend off or for clubs losing some entries occasionally. You would feel "discriminated against" because you couldn't get points for your breed one weekend a year at most? Nah, wouldn't bother me in the least. But it's not about me. It's about all the other people that would love to go to a show and show with points awarded. Just because you can't attend should not mean that points should not be awarded to worthy specimens of the breed. If the dogs are not worthy the judge has the right to non award.
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