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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Hi All, Just a heads up on the seaweed Ascophyllum Nodosum. I went with Starwest Botanicals (Aust.), cost was for about 500 grams (1 pound) for $37.95 post free, which I thought was a good price, but me being me put the product into E-Bay and came up with the same product at $15.95 plus postage of $7.90. No prizes for guessing where I purchased from.
  2. Sorry to hear this, breeding can be a real bitch. I would like to point out that ultra sounds don't determine the whelping time Progesterone test do.
  3. All what has been said I hope is helpful. I would just like to add that many breeders now only do puppy vaccinations then titre at a later date. Many of our dogs may never receive another dose of vaccine and what's more it is working for many of us as long as the titre comes back successful.
  4. Araldite it. An old greyhound trick so they can stay in work. :)
  5. Sorry to hear this, but yes of course whole litters can die if the bitch goes into uterine inertia. If the owner didn’t realise it and didn’t get a c section done immediately there is every chance the whole litter could die. Also, one does not vaccinate pregnant bitches. The bitches progesterone levels may have been way out. I suppose many of us could give plenty of reasons why it happens. Its one of the saddest thing we have to face as breeders and it never gets easier.
  6. Thanks Boronia and CavNrott. That's half the problem you just get so sick and tired with dealing with customs. I'll do my best to get it within Aust. :) and thanks for the sites Boronia.
  7. If you have had one that has had a reaction why would you vaccinate more ?. It has been noted that dogs that are out and about on a regular basis can and do pick up their own immunity. :) Titre test would be the way to go in the future. We have three Italian Greyhounds 2,3 and 4 y/o the first reaction we had was last year when our then 2.5y/o female had a very bad reaction and was covered in welts etc within 1/2 of returning from the vets
  8. I breed Italians, may I please ask why you are vaccinating them after the first reactions ?. :) Is it because you believe that they need yearly vaccinations?. Contrary to much belief they do not need yearly vaccination as this compromises their immune system. If this was me I would NRVER vaccinate them again. Ask your vet for a titre test in future and perhaps you should change your vet. When you contacted the vet what did the vet say?.
  9. I have used the Proden PlaqueOff for years with the greatest of success. In fact NO plaque at all, but then I do feed bones that will help break it away from the teeth. It is just not Seaweed. It is special type of Seaweed. But like all things the cost are rising and if this is the same as the one used in PlaqueOff and does the same job I will use it.
  10. Hi Boronia, is this product available in Aust.?.
  11. V I P grain free. I use it because it is a great product and the dogs do well on it. It is so easy to purchase it at Woolworths when you are out shopping. Other brands of dog food I have used are usually only located a long way away from where I live in a specialist dog outlet. :)
  12. I suspect you have posted the wrong standard? The OP is much more likely to have an Akita than an Akita (Japanese), unless you have more specific knowledge of their situation. Na, lol. just didn't look properly. sorry.
  13. Maybe you should read the standard. Akita (Japanese) Home Breeds Last Updated: 16 May 2012 [Print A4 PDF of Breed Standard] [print page] [Click to view breed extension PDF] Akita (Japanese) Adopted in Australia October 2012 FCI Standard No. 255 dated 02/04/2001 Group: Group 6 (Utility) History: ORIGIN : Japan. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE ORIGINAL VALID STANDARD : 13.03.2001. UTILIZATION : Companion dog. CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 5: Spitz and primitive type. Section 5: Asian Spitz and related breeds. Without working trial. Originally Japanese dogs were small to medium in size and no large breeds existed. Since 1603 in the Akita region, Akita Matagis (medium-sized bear-hunting dogs) were used as fighting dogs. From 1868 Akita Matagis were crossed with Tosas and Mastiffs. Consequently, the size of this breed increased but characteristics associated with Spitz type were lost. In 1908 dog fighting was prohibited, but this breed was nevertheless preserved and improved as a large Japanese breed. As a result, nine superior examples of this breed were designated as « Natural Monuments » in 1931. During World War II (1939-1945), it was common to use dogs as a source of fur for military garments. The police ordered the capture and confiscation of all dogs other than German Shepherd Dogs used for military purposes. Some fanciers tried to circumvent the order by crossbreeding their dogs with German Shepherd Dogs. When World War II ended, Akitas had been drastically reduced in number and existed as three distinct types; 1) Matagi Akitas, 2) fighting Akitas, and 3) Shepherd Akitas. This created a very confusing situation in the breed. During the restoration process of the pure breed after the war., Kongo-go, a dog of the Dewa line, which exhibited characteristics of the Mastiff and German Shepherd. However, sensible learned fanciers did not approve of this type as a proper Japanese breed, so they made efforts to eliminate the strain old foreign breeds by crossbreeding with Matagi Akitas for the purpose of restoring the original pure breed. They succeeded in stabilizing the pure strain of large sized breed as known today. General Appearance: Large-sized dog, sturdily built, well balanced and with much substance ; secondary sex characteristics strongly marked, with high nobility and dignity in modesty ; constitution tough. Important Proportions: The ratio of height at withers to length of body ( from the point of the shoulders to the point of the buttock) is 10 : 11, but the body is slightly longer in bitches than in dogs. Characteristics: Not detailed. Temperament: The temperament is composed, faithful, docile and receptive. Head And Skull: Cranial Region: Skull : The size is in proportion to the body. The forehead is broad, with distinct furrow. No wrinkle. Stop : Defined. Facial Region: Nose : Large and black. Slight and diffuse lack of pigment accepted in white dogs only, but black is always preferred. Muzzle : Moderately long and strong with broad base, tapering but not pointed. Nasal bridge straight. Lips : Tight. Cheeks : Moderately developed. Eyes: Relatively small, almost triangular in shape due to the rising of the outer eye corner, set moderately apart, dark brown : the darker, the better. Ears: Relatively small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded at tips, set moderately apart, pricked and inclining forward. Mouth: Jaws/Teeth : Teeth strong with scissor bite. Neck: Thick and muscular, without dewlap, in balance with head. Forequarters: Shoulders : Moderately sloping and developed. Elbows : Tight. Forearms : Straight and heavy-boned. Body: Back : Straight and strong. Loin : Broad and muscular. Chest : Deep, forechest well developed, ribs moderately well sprung. Belly : Well drawn up. Hindquarters: Well developed, strong and moderately angulated. Feet: Thick, round, arched and tight. Tail: Set on high, thick, carried vigorously curled over back ; the tip nearly reaching hocks when let down. Gait/Movement: Resilient and powerful movement. Coat: Hair: Outer coat harsh and straight, undercoat soft and dense ; the withers and the rump are covered with slightly longer hair ; the hair on tail is longer than on the rest of the body. Colour: Red fawn, sesame (red fawn hairs with black tips), brindle and white. All the above mentioned colours except white must have « urajiro ». (Urajiro = whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheeks, on the underside of jaw, neck, chest, body and tail and on the inside of the legs). Sizes: Height at the withers: Dogs : 67 cm, Bitches : 61 cm. There is a tolerance of 3 cm more or less. Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. • Bitchy dogs / doggy bitches. • Undershot or overshot mouth. • Missing teeth. • Blue or black spotted tongue. • Iris light in colour. • Short tail. • Shyness. ELIMINATING FAULTS: • Aggresive or overly shy. • Ears not pricked. • Hanging tail. • Long hair (shaggy). • Black mask. • Markings on white ground. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. Notes: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Last Updated: 16 May
  14. I was watching to and giggling all the way through. He's nothing but a back yard breeder and she was silly to purchase in the first place.
  15. Sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabei) is transferred easily between hosts. Also known as canine scabies, sarcoptic mange is caused by mites that are oval-shaped, light-colored and microscopic.
  16. So sad to know that there are now so many issues with this company. Years ago their products were the benchmark for crates and trolleys. C-Crates were the gold standard. I need a new trolley and love the C-Crate trolley design but I'm really reluctant to take the chance of ordering one and getting this sort of thing happening. Does anyone know if thre is a similar design available in Australia from a reliable source ?? PROBLEMS......only since the original owner sold the company.
  17. Fly the pup, it is a safer option. 8 week old puppy not lead trained how are you going to give comfort stops for 8 week old ? and if its hot its going to be worse. A quick trip from their to Tull is nothing and bit of waiting time and hey presto the pup is in Adelaide. You all forget it may be a one way trip for the pup but its a two way trip for the owner. :)
  18. Yes I agree.......but I know of a breeder that became complacent and got caught.....badly. I think what I am advising is always do your homework. :)
  19. Wouldn't you want to see the bitches papers to make sure she is main registered and make sure that the owner is a financial member of their governing body and holds a financial prefix. :)
  20. I think I would want most of those boxes ticked plus more before you got your bitch into one of my dogs. I am very fussy what my dogs go over. :)
  21. I think many of you people forget that we breeders and dog show exhibitors are freighting dogs all over the country and other parts of the world and yes we bring them in from other parts of the world. Yes accidents happen, but we have accidents with our own dogs at home and other places. Flying is the best method of getting a dog to its destination quickly. Over the years I have found that the owners have more problems with flying the dogs than the dog has. :)
  22. I have used them in the kennels and house since they became available. I live Queensland and the insects can be horrendous for people and the dogs. (dont forget heart worm and the mossies and we have insects that can come through fly wire.) I would switch them off in the morning and start them about dusk. Now days you can purchase more sophisticated models with timers built in. I bred the bitches to the dogs and never had a problem with anything so all I can say is that if they are for use in the house with babies and people there is no reason for not using them with the dogs. Just my findings. :) Sorry forgot to say that before these became available I used Mozzie coils everywhere. I would rather use the spray than the mozzie coils because the fire danger and to me the mozzie coils stink. lol
  23. Have you checked that the pup does not have a cleft palate ?.
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