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Everything posted by oakway

  1. If you want the best wet weather gear available go to a golf shop and purchase there. Possibly the pro shop at the local golf course.
  2. I was starting to wonder this to. Not only is it wrong to breed a litter in those circumstances and on chain into the bargain. I would be letting every breeder know what happened to the litter. Of course we can not stop other people allowing this retched person using another dog next time but I would be doing my best to see they never used another dog. Nothing makes me more mad than cases like this. On a chain, no heating and no supervision :D
  3. Hi, Being an breeder and owner of whippets for more years than I care to mention All the above posts are correct. A whippet is what you make it, the same as any other dog. They are wonderful companions for all. As previously said they are not good about cold weather and prefer to be cuddled up in bed with you. Some are totally quiet and others quite active. They can be as all pups great chewers. Love to play and chase the ball any other object that may be held. As they are sight hounds be prepared for them to run and chase and if they can catch it often they will kill it. (rabbits, hares, wallaby and yes the cat to). The more training the better especially re call. Most are food orientated so training can be easy. If you want to show, watch the ears as the should be rose shaped for the ring. Good luck in finding the right Whippet for your son. Oakway Whippets.
  4. [He emailed me pics of her last wk, didn't look very big, and i thought she'd go early. She did, only by 2 days. He left her that day on a chain and when he came home he found 4 pups and very cold. Poor girl and poor pups. Any person who keeps a dog on chain would get short shift from me. Give him nothing he doesn't deserve anything. I would never allow a person who looks after their dog like that person to use a dog of mine.
  5. Oh my, just as well Black Bronson wasn't getting a puppy when the new computer was first installed, just remind me how long was it down. I do remember something like 12 months no one had any papers or registration numbers. Gee how long ago was that.
  6. The above didn't come out the way I intended it, so here's the link to it. It is much easier to read on the site. http://www.provet.co.uk/health/diagnostics...thplatedogs.htm
  7. Just came across this and thought it may be helpful to some people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPIPHYSEAL PLATE CLOSURE IN DOGS First broadcast on www.provet.co.uk on February 27th 2000. Focus on Orthopaedics Week -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This information is provided by Provet for educational purposes only. You should seek the advice of your veterinarian if your pet is ill as only he or she can correctly advise on the diagnosis and recommend the treatment that is most appropriate for your pet. In evaluating radiographs of the skeleton of young animals it is important to know the usual closure times of growth plates in order to decide whether there is premature, or delayed closure. The following tables list the range and average closure times (in days after birth) reported by different authors worldwide. TABLE 1 - DOGS Growth Plate Closure - Range (days) Closure - Average (days) FORELIMB Tuber scapulae 117-210 186 Proximal humeral epiphysis 273-465 375 Medial and lateral humeral condyles 138-236 187 Medial humeral epicondyle 187-240 216 Proximal radial epiphysis 136-330 258 Distal radial epiphysis 136-510 318 Proximal ulnar epiphysis 161-450 258 Distal ulnar epiphysis 217-450 308 Intermediate and radial carpal bones 101 Central carpal bone 110 Epiphysis of accessory bone 113-180 135 Proximal metacarpal epiphysis 145 Distal metacarpal epiphysis II-V 165-240 203 Proximal phalangeal epiphysis I 141 Proximal phalanx proximal epiphysis II-V 131-224 186 Middle phalanx. proximal epiphysis II-V 131-224 183 PELVIS Acetabulum 112 Ilium 112 Ischium 112 Pubis 112 Tuber ischii 292 HINDLIMB Femoral head 129-540 320 Femur - greater trochanter 129-540 320 Femur - lesser trochanter 129-360 269 Distal femoral epiphysis 136-392 330 Tibial condyles 143-413 322 Tibial tuberosity 143-435 249 Distal tibial epiphysis 136-495 313 Medial tibial malleolus 138 Proximal fibular epiphysis 136-360 297 Distal fibular epiphysis 136-495 288 Fibular tarsal bone 159 Tarsal bones III and IV 101 Distal metatarsal epiphysis II-V 165-270 217 Proximal phalangeal epiphysis II-V 161-210 187 Middle phalanx - proximal epiphysis II-V 161-210 187 The range of time reported for closure can be quite great making interpretation for any individual animal difficult. CLICK HERE FOR TABLE 2 - CATS (Table 1 Modified after Newton. D.M in Textbook of Small Animal Orthopaedics 1985, and used with permission of the Publishers L:ippincott, Williams and Wilkins) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1999 - 2010 Provet. All rights reserved. Email: [email protected]
  8. Could be food allergies cause by the food you feed them. Do you feed prepared dry food or fresh.
  9. I am off Topic totally, I am off to chop wood for the last time. Reverse cycle air conditioning after tomorrow.
  10. Because there is no guarantee that that the bitch will re produce herself anyway. If it was a guarantee, all our best bitch would be our best producers.
  11. This is false. (If the above was true, how does it account for growth in pups that are desexed early ) Bitches continue to grow in height and breadth well beyond their first season. Mybe a vet might like to come in and explain what happens then.
  12. Mine is still growing and she's 13 months old At what age did she come in season?.
  13. I have just realised that nobody has said what happens when a bitch comes in season. I have always been told that once a bitch comes in season, that's the end of it, no more growth will take place. A hormone is released into the system and no more growth occurs. I suppose that's why you hear so may of us breeders saying I wish she would come in season, as the bitch is deciding to have another growth spurt. So that's it, once your bitch is in season that's the end of growth and only maturity takes place.
  14. poodlefan you beat me to it. Yes, its up to the individual to decide what is best for you and your dog. Breeders do not early de sex for no reason. Usually it is in the interest of the dog and the new owner. We sure don't want to spend all that extra money on de sexing, because we don't get it back I assure you. Well I don't !. Still charge the same sale price for a pet as before even if it is now de sexed.
  15. The puppy may have had 2 testicles when sold. They may have been on short cords and did not decend and went back into the body, As to being not normal he could have been born that way.
  16. Puppies 8-12 weeks bounce back quicker after being desexed than a older 18 month old. You pick the pup up from the vet early afternoon, by dinner time you wouldn't even know that they were desexed, you just need to contain them to a crate so they don't rip their stitches out... Puppies generally don't need pain killers where the older ones do. If you were going to get the dog desexed as it was a pet and wasn't going to be bred from why would you wait for them to have a season or 2 prior to this happening, can someone explain this please? What nickojoy has told you is the exact truth. I can guarantee it as I have seen the same results. It appears as though some people are concerned about growth plates etc, (rightly so) but I believe that young dogs should not have this type of exertion placed upon them.
  17. If that "pet" ends up in an athletic performance sport and early desexing is linked to increased risk of HD and CL rupture (as has been suggested) then growing "slightly different" will matter a great deal. Tubal ligation will protect against unscrupulous breeding as effectively as a full ovo-hysterectomy. I agree with you totally. But please remember tubal ligation is easily reversed. But like young horses, should young dogs be doing this type of work. Remember young racing dogs do little or nothing till they are 12 months of age. Other than a few minutes of fun should these dogs (performance) be doing any kind of work that would put exertion on the joints weather de sexed or not.
  18. I honestly believe that none of us like doing early de sexing, I personally don't, and neither do some of the vets, but with some unscrupulous people that can obtain our breeding, it appears that it may be the only way of stopping it. Lets face it no matter how many contracts we have signed by new owners, unless we know where they are, there is not much we can do about enforcing the contracts. Limited register does don't stop people breeding with our stock, it just means the puppies can not be registered. Keeping dogs in partnerships does not stop breeding taking place, again it only means that the puppies can not be registered. The average breeder can not afford to try and take the offending owner to court as the cost is just to great.
  19. Ok lets discuss early de sexing and it's out come. Firstly I have seen many early de sexing's and their out come was nothing different to late de sexing. This is of course, with pure bred dogs. Giant breeds I am not fully familiar with but believe the breeders when they say NO early de sexing. Who would know better than the breeders. I do believe that a lot of old wives tales does get associated with it. We all know that to protect our precious breed from the unscrupulous BYB's it some times necessary to early de sex. Some say that their breed gets small and squat others say they grow tall and lanky. I say, who is to say that is the way the dog may have ended up anyway. I have bred many over sized whippets that were not de sexed. Also we must look at the fact that the puppy is to be a pet/companion dog, if it does grow slightly different, does it really matter, it is a pet after all. Then we have the advantages of know that by de sexing we are not contributing to more unwanted puppies. I, personally have never hear an owner or vet say that the dogs health has been effected by early de sexing. I also believe that you only get out of a dog what you put into it. What, with today's available dog foods I can see nothing but a healthy future for our dogs, provided that we have sensible owners that use the foods available correctly. I do believe that the time will come when all pet puppies must be de sexed. Please don't say it won't happen, that was said about tail docking and look what happened there.
  20. What you have said does not apply to all states. Not every state has the same registering rules. Queensland has different rules to begin with. I evaluate my pups when wet and then not till 8 weeks. It would make it impossible to register my pups before 8 weeks. I can also, once evaluated register my pups directly in the purchasers name. (in Qld. that is).
  21. Yes your vet was correct. If you wish to Titre test and the test comes back positive your dog will not need vaccinating again for life for those positives.. If a dog is carrying antibodies those antibodies will last the life time of the dog the only thing that will kill them is irradiation or death.
  22. And if I bred pups that were sought after for the wrong reasons Oakway, I'd probably consider early desexing as a better option for the dog than being used to churn out pups for someone else. Sighthounds with their leaner structures might not suffer from the same issues that more solidly built dogs can experience when early desexing causes early growth plate closure with associated changes in femur length and angulation. Who knows? It's not like the issue seems to have been studied. The RSPCA study that concluded that early desexing did not create health issues for pups didn't look at anything past the age of 12 weeks. Who knows what may happen in in the future or what it may bring. Yes, I do understand that some of popular breeds need protecting from the unscrupulous BYB's. I also hope the OP is reading what is being said and makes a wise decision with their dog.
  23. One can only hope that it may now be produced locally and the price drop.
  24. I truely hope you are wrong. Most dog sports folk oppose the practice for a start. Many many breeds benefit from a structural perspective with longer exposure to hormones. There are links being researched between early desexing and a range of conditions including HD, increased cruciate ligament rupture, certain cancers.. all kinds of things. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a professional trainer to manage most breeds of dogs as entires until they finish growing. You can negate the "but they'll make puppies" argument with a vasectomy if that concerns folk. I really do believe that in time we will have to de sexed all pets before they are sold. But until then it's the owners choice when to de sex. I have seen sight hounds de sexed at 12 weeks with nothing happening that was detrimental to the dogs health or growth. I can but only tell the truth.
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