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Everything posted by oakway

  1. Why don't you just print all of this out for them. They may just get the message. Woops double post sorry.
  2. Why don't you just print all of this out for them. They may just get the message.
  3. Holey shmoly, I think I would have had heart failure. With my breed the only ones I let go early are the over sized ones. Every thing else I run on. They can go off badly but come back later on.
  4. How about joining in the Italian Greyhound list on dol. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=106172
  5. Yes we all suffer from this. Best Baby Puppy In Show one month and a pet in someones back yard the next.
  6. Oh dear, that's not good is it. Don't to harsh with the first vet as some times things can become more complicated and specialist's do need to be contacted. All you can do hope the situation can be resolved as soon as possible and you baby is home with you again as quickly as possible. All the good luck in the world to you.
  7. Good luck do keep in touch and lets know how things are progressing. Cheers.
  8. http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/mature...n-greyhound.asp
  9. Oh boy what a task you have set. Almost nigh impossible except the conditions the dogs are kept in.
  10. Often you may see it now days as iiu. Imported In Utero.
  11. Well it would look pretty weird moving away. ;) As I said previously I have heard this story so many times before about false Testes. I have heard it about every breeder that somebody wants to start a rumour about.
  12. I'll bet the vet's don't want you to do. They, or some of them will prefer to have your money for the work they have to do when the anal glands get impacted and abscess.
  13. Any news about yesterday's vet visit ?. Have things moved yet ?. Hoping all is fine.
  14. Did any body ever stop to think that if the dog is white that spray on pressure pak chalk may have been used to cover any staining of the feet, and I assure you if you are to liberal you will send the nails white from the chalk. Next time you use it, you are far more careful.
  15. I heard that one 40 years ago.
  16. Where did you hear such rubbish about food digestion in a dog... So many of us feed our dogs dry, mixed with minced chicken frames. I can assure mine have won plenty on it. If they eat it and they do well on it, feed it. I say tongue in cheek ...it's a wonder the acid in a dogs stomach doesn't dissolve stones.
  17. quote name='whippets' date='25th Jun 2010 - 01:30 PM' post='4629843'] I use a hair straightener on my whippets. There ya go...the secret is out. :D :D
  18. No, nothing unusual about breeders vaccinating there own pups. You can buy vaccines, in fact some companies advertise them. They are killed vaccine. Only vets have access to live vaccine. The breeder may be waiting for all the pups to be sold so they may register them directly into your name. You did check with Dogs Queensland that this breeder is registered with them ?.
  19. I would abide by what ellez has on the bottom of all her posts.
  20. Could take up to 10 days and you should start to see a difference. Just depends on how quickly you can eliminate everything from the diet. Also don't forget that it may be more than one product that is causing the problem. That's why I would only feed one product at a time. It works for me but does not necessarily work for everybody. Good luck with it all.
  21. I don't think the diet is high enough in fat and protein. How about feeding her a lamb flap along with the dry. I feed two Whippets a full lamb neck, cut length ways by the butcher with all the fat attached, half to each dog.
  22. I agree with sas and stormie. Actually if I had a dog with an allergy and if I thought it was chicken I would just feed the dog chicken. That way you find out real quick if it is chicken. You get a great flare up of the problem and then you just eliminate all of the chicken from the diet. All dog food has some kind of preservative in it or it would not keep. Natural preservatives are used, or so called ones. but how do you know that isn't the product that is causing the problem. Just because things are natural doesn't mean that you dog isn't allergic to it. Some dogs are allergic to grass and whats more natural than grass.
  23. I use the Oz Trail Deluxe 3 x 3. Altegra is to expensive and heavy for me.
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