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Everything posted by labsrule
So where does this leave the Annual Heartworm Injection insofar as being a "safe" option as this is the option I use?
That's funny and even more so with the picture I have in my mind of my Lab boy donned in a baker's apron & hat in his bakery :D going one for me none for you, two for me none for you, what the hell, I may as well eat the lot
Very saddened to hear of the loss of your little girl Page :D - my heart goes out to you during this very difficult time. You gave Page the happiest years of her life and she returned in kind. RIP Page and run free at
Very sorry to hear of another wonderful Labrador's passing :D - he will be desperately missed by his grieving owners - please pass on my heartfelt sympathy and condolescences to your friends from me and my "wriggly boy". RIP Razor - hope you get to meet my "wriggly girl" at
My thoughts are with you on your very sad anniversary :cool: as I know how hard anniversaries are to deal with - very distressing to hear that creep's actions caused the premature passing of your baby Brodie - as they say "what goes around comes around". Brodie was obviously a very loved boy and his memory will be treasured by you and your family forever. RIP Brodie
I am feeding my 6 year old male Lab a combination of dry food and barf with two small cups of the dry food in the morning and a variety of BARF for his evening meals. The dry food is Hills Science Diet Light as being a greedy Labrador he is prone to putting on weight and the diet liet is "low fat". However, I am a little concerned at the fact that with the two small cups he has, he can have anywhere between 3-4 poos a day BEFORE he even has his evening meal. I understand that the fibre content of the "diet light/light" brands is higher, but was surprised when I stumbled across the following analysis/comparison on the internet between Hills Science Diet Lite & Eukanuba Light, with Hills Science Diet Lite having "3 times" as much Fibre as Eukanuba: Guaranteed Analysis (as fed) Eukanuba Light / Hills Science Diet Light _______________________________________ Protein 19.00% / 22.20% Fat 9.00% / 8.10% Fibre 4.00% / 13.00% Moisture 10.00% / 10.00% Apart from the impact on the number of daily poos my boy is having, does anyone know if such a high fibre content in comparison with another "reputable brand", is potentially harmful in the long term?
Hi Elsa You need to give yourself time to grieve properly as it is only 6 weeks since you lost your baby and all the feelings you currently have, are the "normal" feelings associated with grieving for the loss of a treasured and beloved pet. I personally don't believe there is a time limit on when you come to terms with the loss of a beloved pet as everybody has different ways and timeframes for dealing with their grief. The closer and deeper the bond, the longer and harder it is to come to terms with For me personally, losing a beloved pet, is like losing a child and you never truly get over it, you never ever forget them, but time allows you to "deal" with it and cope with life. I truly feel for you during this extremly difficult time as the pain and anguish I experienced when I lost my darling Cassie, my beloved black labrador 7 years ago, is forever "seared" into my heart. Even though you are heartbroken, profoundly sad and totally devastated, you WILL get thru this, as time is a great healer.
You Maybe Gone, But Never From Our Hearts Jenna
labsrule replied to Joey Rocks My World's topic in Rainbow Bridge
I was thinking of you all day yesterday, knowing the terrible pain you were going thru as you prepared for your darling Jenna's last day. My heart goes out to you and your family for your profound loss of your darling Jenna as you set her free from her pain. She has given you a wonderful lifetime of treasured memories and you will never forget her, nor will she ever forget you. I know your heart is heavy, many tears have flowed and will continue to do so and you will struggle with the overwhelming sadness of the loss of your special girl. Be comforted in your memories and the love and strong bond you had for each other. RIP darling Jenna and lot of hugs for your mummy, daddy and Joey. Run free with your buddy Sabre :rolleyes: -
Poor baby - but sounds as though thing are definitely improving which is fantastic news :rolleyes: You will probably have to "wrap her in cotton wool" for a little while longer till she is futher on in the recovery process. I know it is easier said than done with a doggy with a boistrous type personality who just wants to get out and there and play and have fun and have no idea of the danger they have been through, let alone the heart attack stress that you have suffered as a result Sending our best wishes to the both of you for your full recoveries
So sorry to hear of the loss of your Sam in July 2000 - he was a very handsome boy and you must have some wonderful childhood memories with him. To lose your beloved Sam so quickly and without reason, is a double whammy and I so feel for you. Our beloved babies, very quickly take hold of our hearts and are always there for us and help us through some of the most difficult times of our lives. My own darling Cassie, my black lab who I lost in September 1999 used to just lie there and be so comforting and loving as I cuddled her and drenched her in a river of tears during one of the most difficult times of my own life. They listen, they don't judge and love you unconditionally, what more could you ask for in life. Keep talking to Sam as he has such a special place in your heart and will be loved and remembered by you for a lifetime. ;)
The first anniversary is particularly the most difficult and I so feel for you on this very sad day. ;) Cherish the memories of your gorgeous Phantasia as she would have given you a lifetime of extremely happy memories. It is great that there is a forum like this for likeminded individuals where you can place a public memorial and people "understand" and emphathise as many of us have gone thru what you are going thru today. She will be running free of pain at the bridge where she will be waiting for you.
Im Almost Ready To Let Go..
labsrule replied to Joey Rocks My World's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
My heart goes out to you and my thoughts will be with you and your darling Jenna during this very difficult and heart wrenching time -
Very sad news that poor little Hope and the other two babies didn't get their chance in life despite all the best efforts to save them. RIP little darlings
Extremely saddened to hear of the passing of your beloved Sam - he sounds like he was a wonderful boy and you obviously love him greatly. Free of pain, he will be waiting for you at the bridge My heart goes out to you during this difficult time.
You poor thing, how terrible for your little girl, you must be pretty worried and stressed. Best wishes for your little girl's recovery. I had no idea that rat bait would take that amount of time to react. pretty frightening stuff. I had my own scare with my greedy scavenging black lab in November last year when he ducked down between some rocks at the beach and came up chewing on something and I couldn't get it out of his mouth in time. Anyway within 15-20 mins he started vomitting violently (in the car) and as I was out of my normal area, about an 1½ hours from where I live, I had to find an emergency vet as he continued to vomit, on the footpath, road and in the car again. He was hospitalised on a drip and pumped full of antibiotics and other medications in a life threatening situation as he had some sort of poisioning. Thank god he pulled thru, but took him a couple of weeks to recover and me a lot longer from the stress. Dont beat yourself up to much as "hindsight" is a wonderful thing. She sounds like a little fighter and is getting the best of treatment. Our thoughts are with you and your little girl during this difficult time.
Im Almost Ready To Let Go..
labsrule replied to Joey Rocks My World's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
thank you for replying to my PM, I didn't know about this thread and only stumbled on it when checking something in the nutrition section. I thought it might be timely to add that I do know exactly what you are going thru and share the heartache I had to go thru myself 6½ years ago when my darling Cassie, my black lab was diagnosed with kidney disease at 13½. I was completely and utterly devastated when I received the news and had trouble coping knowing I was going to be losing the love of my life . Despite my devastation, I vowed she would not suffer and I would do the right thing by her when the time came. I immediately cut down on my work hours and spent as much time with her as possible, fed her favourite meals to her every day and took her to the park she loved so much, albeit I had to drive her as she struggled to walk the entire distance. She semi collapsed at home twice within 3 weeks of her diagnosis and had to be hospitalised overnight the first time and two nights the second time to be rehydrated. During both of these overnights stays, I thought this is it, but funnily enough each time I picked her up from the hospital, she seemed almost normal, bounding around like her normal self before she was diagnosed with the kidney disease. Anyway after her second hospital stint, I spoke to my vet and he said I think the time is drawing nigh and he said he would come to my home when I needed him to. I couldn't go to work during the two days she was in hospital as was a wreck, in tears and not coping at all. The night after I brought her home from her last hospital visit, she had her favourite dinner and then I helped her up on to our bed and we lay there and I cuddled and stroked her and told her how much I loved her and what a wonderful life we had had together and she looked up at me and I told her "darling, you can let go if it is too much for you, mummy will be alright" (not) and we both drifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up and she had gotten off the bed and had gone around to the floor on my side and she had passed away, peacefully during the night. The awful decision that I would have had to make was taken out of my hands and she died in her favourite room of the house and with me there, albeit asleep. Even today, 6½ years later, it seems like yesterday and the grief and devastation is as raw today as it was then. For me there are no half measures when it comes to loving my dogs, I bond extremely closely to them, treat them like my children and am completely devoted to them, so when their time comes, I suffer terribly. All this pain is worth the price of having them in my life and loving them so much and I am so grateful to have had the most wonderful 13½ years with my darling Cassie. I know I will go thru exactly the same when my darling Fitzy, my 6½ year old male black lab's time comes. :D So the devastation, helplessness, terrible sadness, frustration, anger, anguish and gut wrenching pain you are feeling as Jenna's end draws nigh is "normal" for us dog lovers who choose to have these wonderful babies enrich our lives, albeit for such a short time. Just cherish the time you have left with Jenna and know that your love for her will be a lifetime love. You are not alone and all of us that have had to go thru what you are going thru now, cry with you. -
;) :p Truly sorry and saddened to hear of your darling girl, Maggie Moo's passing to the Bridge. She had found happiness and love with you and your family and I know how devastated you must be all feeling right now at her sudden passing. The best years of her life were spent with you and she was obviously a very special girl who was truly loved. My thoughts are with you during this distressing time. ;)
Truly sorry and deeply saddened to hear of your tragic unexpected loss of your beloved Folly. To have it happen the way it did with no apparent reason and in her prime, must have been so devastating for you. My heart goes out to you and your family. She will be waiting at for you
I used them in Sydney and cannot sing their praises high enough either. They were wonderfully compassionate when they came to pick up my darling girl when she passed away over 6 years ago now and returned with the urn containing her ashes along with a red rose. However, the most wonderful thing they did for me was replace the urn containing her ashes a couple of years ago, after my exhuberant current male lab who was about 3 at the time accidentally smashed it. I had placed my girl's urn onto my bed when I was dusting her memorial bookcase and was devastated when my boy bounded onto my bed and knocked the urn onto the floor and it smashed and spilled her ashes onto the floor. They replaced the urn free of charge and were just so great in getting this organised as I was so heartbroken when it was smashed.
My heart goes out to you for your very sad loss of your "Baby Bear". She was obviously a truly loved and treasured member of your family and the happiest years of her life were spent with you. Your tribute to her was so heartfelt and extremely moving and I too am typing this thru a haze of tears. ;) Rest in peace Baby Bear and run free - she will be waiting for you at Rainbow's Bridge
Terribly sorry to hear of the very sad news of your beloved Nooshka, you must be pretty devastated. He will be waiting for you at Rainbows Bridge
Truly sorry to hear of your very sad news with Jye going to the bridge Our thoughts are with you during this terribly distressing time.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your Darling Annie. I know the grief you are feeling right now is almost impossible to bear, but over time it will slowly diminish, but never go completely away. Everyone has different ways of handling grief and different timeframes for coming to terms with it and I personally believe it has a lot to do with the relationship you had with your baby. I share my own loss with you to let you know you are not alone and what you are feeling right now as heartbreaking and overwhelming as it seems, has been experienced by others like myself. When I lost my darling Cassie on 11/9/99, I really really struggled to get through the grief as we had an extremely close loving bond during her wonderful 13½ years with me. I wondered if I would survive at times as I was so completely overwhelmed with feelings of deep despair, total heartbreak, anguish and such profound sadness. I felt that I could could not talk to anyone about it as they just wouldnt't understand the depth of feeling I had for my baby. I actually wrote (typed up) a tribute to her in the first week after she passed, in a haze of tears and in a very emotional state, about our life together from the time she came into my life until the time she left. I also put together a memorial for her which I have in my bedroom that contains her ashes in an urn, her collar, flowers and various photos. To this day, I cannot share this tribute with anyone, as it is so personal, but I treasure it greatly as it was from the heart during the worst period of my life and even though it saddens me greatly to read it, I still do thru a haze of tears. :cool: The fact that I got another dog a few months later did not help ease the grief, but it did give me something else to focus on, as I was responsible for another puppy who lit up my life and very quickly wormed his way into my heart and is as treasured to me as my darling Cassie was and still is. Even though he was a high bundle of energy, he would just stop what he was doing the many times, I just broke down and cried whenever I thought of Cassie and he would come up to me for a cuddle and shoulder to cry on and to this day that still happens. A piece of my heart died with Cassie that day and no doubt the same will happen when it is my boy's time. :D :D Take the required time to mourn the loss of your darling Annie who will remain in your heart and thoughts until you meet again :rolleyes: . My heart goes out to you. Denise & Fitzy