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Everything posted by Chocolate

  1. Hi, Does anyone in Perth know if there are any agents in Perth that ship direct from here or do they all have to travel interstate first in order to be sent overseas?
  2. Thanks for the responses. She's going home Monday and I'm sure she'll be fine.
  3. Thank you all for your replies. Apparently this bitch is on Heartguard Plus and the bitches owner doesn't want to risk missing it. I personally don't like giving drugs to pregnant bitches but the owner says she has always given it without problem.
  4. Is it acceptable for a pregnant female to be given a monthly heartworm tab?
  5. Hi, I have a bitch here which has been mated to one of my males but the owner is worried about flying her home as she doesn't want her to terminate pregnancy. It is a 2 hr flight home. Does anyone have any knowledge on when is the best time for a mated bitch to fly?
  6. Hi, A question for those who have exported f. semen. Have you just sent it overseas or did you have to send an export pedigree with it as well?
  7. I've recently got some Artemis Maximal to try. So far all my doggies poos have been black and very soft. Really messy to try and pick up that's for sure. They've been eating it for about a week now. I'd just like to ask what experience others have had with it.
  8. I haven't read all of the posts but does this mean if I fly interstate to a Vic Specialty the show can be cancelled so $2,000 goes down the drain or are the clubs able to reschedule from say an 8am start to a 6 or 7pm start or move the show into an airconditioned pavillion?
  9. I have a friend with Petplan. First claim for kennel cough they paid. 2nd claim was for a puncture wound in the dogs foot. They have full accident and illness cover but the claim was put in last Sep/Oct and has still not been paid. She rang and asked them about it and they said they were not going to pay. Considering the dog is fully covered and it was without doubt some kind of accident from another dog or sharp object I can't see any possible reason to refuse payment. The dog was treated by the vet.
  10. Hi, I don't know the answer to your questions but I'm interested to know more about this product. How long does it take to rehydrate? Ta.
  11. Hi, I've recently helped rehome an almost 7 yr old dog and a bit shocked when the new owners announced they were going to change the dogs name. What's your opinion?
  12. Is anyone in Australia feeding the new k9 Natural that's come onto the market?
  13. Thanks for the replies so far. Are there any other players in the game or is it just these to companies?
  14. Hi, I'm looking to send f. semen to Germany and am looking for reccommendations on companies I can contact for quotes. Any info appreciated.
  15. Wow what an amazing surprise for your family! Lovely to see mum and baby doing well.
  16. Apparently the entries are terribly low this time so everyone should be able to win something!
  17. I need to contact the Artemis rep but their website has been down for a week now. Anyone got an email address?
  18. From reading about Buscopan I didn't think it was a drug but a plant extract that helps with muscle spasms. I've never used it and wouldn't unless my research discovers it to be worthwhile for the medicine cabinet. Puppy stomach ache sypmtoms are persistent crying, unable to get comfortable to sleep and visuals of any type of contracting at the rear end. You can tell like a mum can tell with her baby it's second nature.
  19. I don't want to hide anything. I've never used Buscopan but I was reading an old DOL thread that referred to breeders using it on young pups and I wondered what kind of dose you would give. I looked up Buscopan and it seems to be a natural plant extract so I thought I'd ask the breeders who use it or know about it. I don't actually have a pup or adult with constipation or diarrhea. I do keep slippery elm powder in the cupboard if I needed it but wondered if I should also keep Buscopan as well. From what I read about the Buscopan it doesn't hide anything but gives actual relief the way it works.
  20. How would this product compare to the Grain Free Maximal do you think - the proper name escapes me!
  21. Does anyone use Buscopan or something similar for pups if they can tell they have stomach ache?
  22. Yes see what you're saying. Perhaps I should change the thread then to which give best discounts for multiple dogs:-) 15% with PIA seems best so far.
  23. Hi, I would like to find out if anyone knows whether there is an insurance company that does breeder pet insurance for multiple dogs instead of individual policies for each dog. In other words a policy that say covers up to say 10 dogs owned by a breeder. thanks,
  24. Thanks everyone for your concern. The dogs are okay this morning and I'm so thankful it doesn't seem as though they were bitten. The danger of my dogs playing with a snake doesn't bare thinking about I could have walked out to find dead dogs and not a dead snake, I would have been heartbroken this morning and in dispare so I'm so thankful. I lost a pup to a snake a few years ago, found her dead and there was nothing I could do, it tore me apart. Lab Rat the Emergency Vet is Murdoch University, nothing else is open in the evening in Perth and the tests they were a blood clot and urine test from a snake testing kit, very expensive I agree. Your country vet was GREAT pulling your dog through for minimal mark up Murdoch is quite different in that respect. I'm certainly going to be investigating pet insurance now.
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