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$5 for a 2kg bag here.
Yep, let her wake you up. I'm a fairly light sleeper and had Sofia crated in my room so when I heard her stir I take her straight out. She got the hang of it very quickly.
Thanks Erny, just about to start making calls now. I don't think she would have appreciated a call at midnight!
I have an appointment with homeopathic vet Clare Middle tomorrow morning and just realised the street address for her home clinic is not on her website If you have it can you please PM me urgently, thanks!
Sorry very sorry to hear of your loss. What a brave girl and what an incredible fight she put up. I've also been following her story over the years. RIP Lucinda
I paid about $120 nearly two years ago for all three. Results were back from Scotland within a week. He got only 10 for the hep score too I might add.
Personally if my dog was under getting one done I would have done the other at the same time. Hindsight however, is a wonderful thing!
Meeting A Butcher - Perth People Rejoice!
peigirl replied to Garden Girl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Only been there once before - is this the butcher on the left hand side as you come in and go past to IGA? Have just moved to this area and this shop is local for me -
Ascot Vet Hospital on Great Eastern Hwy in Belmont will also do it 9277 7488.
Thanks CL What do you know, its morning and the bleeding has stopped. Wish me luck keeping her quiet for the next week or so. Try telling this little girl she had major surgery yesterday! Just snapped this pic of her destroying a paper towel roll while cuddling her brothers bear that she pinched off him
Ok, point taken its not morning Just a worried mum. Thanks for the reassurance guys (and the explanation PB). She is perkier by the hour.
Thanks AF. I've never had a girl desexed either but I did some searching and couldn't find anything. I just don't do 'patient' very well when it comes to my dogs, especially the baby after such big surgery I'm a bit of a worry wart.
Sofia was desexed around lunch time today (so roughly 10 hours ago). She has been resting in her crate with the exception of a couple of toilet/meal breaks. I've noticed after she wees there is a very diluted drop of blood on her vulva. I rang the vet soon after we got home who told me this was normal and it should cease by the morning. It does not appear to have ceased so far. Should I be concerned? She is fine within herself and making a steady recovery from the the anesthetic, though still a little wonky on her feet and has eaten a small meal. Her stitches are causing her no apparent concern/discomfort and she is resting quietly, wags her tail when I approach.
What properties of the meal were you wanting to benefit from? If you are after the fibre fine, but if you are after the oil unless you are buying meal from cold pressed linseed I would't bother. Plus there is hardly any oil left in the residual meal either.
Happens regulary with my pei boy (they have very waxy ears). Generally a piece of wax has formed somewhere causing him irritation. I use a Malaseb solution and flush his ears with a good ear/canal rub after - it always does the trick. Sounds like the oil has probably disloged what was causing your girl the problem too.
Thanks everyone. Went to the shops chasing a Sunbeam model today and instead found the Ezidry at 15% off at DJ's. Sweet potato on the go right now, can't wait to see it in the morning
I'm looking to invest in a food dehydrator and was just wondering what models everyone else is using? I'm primarily looking to do just vegies like carrot and sweet potato (dog with sensitive stomach) so I'm wondering if a Sunbeam model like this would do the job? Or should I spend a bit more and just get one of the Ezidry models instead? Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome
Puppy on a mostly raw diet with occasional kibble (more used as treats in kongs). That kibble is currently EP Holistic Chicken, looking to change over to Artemis grain free shortly. She'd probably get around a cup a day so a bag lasts a long time. Adult on a homemade special raw/grain free diet for IBD and food intolerances.
Thanks JME
Can you pls let me know too JME? I have it on my radar aswell.
What are you feeding? It sounds diet related. Have you tried an elimination diet at all? DB funny you say that about pumpkin - it makes my boy (with IBD) literally poop pumpkin soup.
I've seen more blood come out of my boy's bowels than I'd like to admit. Bones have done some very nasty things to him. If you are seeing whole bits of bone in his poo then it sounds like the bone has cut him on the way through. Wormers can also cause loose motions but generally not blood - though saying that my boy has pooed blood after a heartwormer. He however has IBD and has an extremely sensitive gut/bowel. I've also seen my boy eat and food pass out the other end in under 1 hour too. Trip to the vet at your discretion. I would certainly give some probiotics to soothe the stomach and some yogurt too. Depending on how much blood and if it continued vet would probably prescribe Metrogyl to help the healing process.
Also a 15 week girl puppy here with a 3 year brother. She is the instigator 90% of the time and the older one is the one covered in scabs from the puppy teeth! As long as they're not getting too carried away and running the risk of accidently hurting themselves I don't see a problem. Lots of noise too - mostly when they are both rolling around on their backs on the floor!
Perhaps an Elizabethan collar and some socks to wear overnight too in case your boy has a chew on the wound or a scratch?