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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. I feed my guys at night to keep the weight on them If she was going to cut a meal, cut the night meal, so he works it off over the day
  2. Ooooh its gonna be big! Hanging to see the running order & divs Hanging for the whole week really, cos we are making a holiday out of it 2 weeks to go
  3. Weeeeeee, looking forward to it, the caravan and the dogs are ready to go
  4. I cant go on the treadmill by myself anymore!
  5. I just wear a polar fleece one, with pockets, I think it was from rivers, but its not special, anything with pockets is good, I only use food and or an orbee the fishing type ones are good if you want to carry around heaps of stuff, but i keep it minimal
  6. I think Ed was about 3 and he got 92 and second place, he then took 3 more trials to get 2 passes, and picked up another 2nd in ring Molls was 3 1/2 (cos I had to get Eds 3 passes first) and she bombed out twice and then scored a 2nd in ring, then bombed another then won her ring twice and got her 2 last passes at state and nationals Ed novice earlier in the year (4yo) he got 2 passes then bombed out 5 times and I have to enter something now to try to get his 3rd pass! I probably could have entered them earlier, but I wasnt ready and why not wait and get some good scores, rather than get disheartened, the dogs arent in a hurry, and they arent going anywhere With flyball, Molly started at about 3 yo, and she now has her 4th flyball title, Ed hasnt competed yet, but he still trains, and he is pretty much ready, but Id focussed on his obedience more. He doesnt know he isnt competing! He loves training!
  7. The 2 I was gonna reccomend have both posted, Erny and Cosmolo!
  8. I know some people teach focus on their hand rather than their face so that their little dog doesnt curl around the front to be able to see them I train Ed in drive with food and I throw treats, or drop them for him, but mostly when heeling he gets his marker word for nice focus (that was taught with throwing it) , and the big treat at the end.
  9. This is the one off the website and its also the one Steve emails me with [email protected] Maybe PM him here if its bouncing
  10. Oh . I thought it was me giving you a kick in the pants to do it that got you there. Yeah it was you who gave me the confidence to do FOO!!!
  11. FOO is fantastic for anyone wanting to trial, FOO is what gave me the confidence to enter my first CCD trial, and now both my dogs have their CCD and one is 2/3 to his CD Thanks about the southern date too
  12. Yeah too true, I have holes in the insides of most of my hoodies with pockets, I dont like having treats in my pants, I prefer in my jumper, but yeah got to remember they are there!
  13. Oooh I might have to try to enter Southern, try to get that last CD. is it a double? ETA What date is southern?
  14. Another thing you can do is have a specific piece of clothing, like a sleeveless vest, that you wear for training only, then it doesnt matter if it gets icky, and then you can wear the same vest to your trials, in the ring, with no food in the pockets
  15. October 4 sounds like a good amount of time to get working on her, but not too long that you chicken out hehe Were there specific areas that she really mucked up? Try writing down what went wrong, so you know what to concentrate on the most
  16. Well done on getting through your first trial!!!! The first ones always the hardest, so thats a big step Now you also know what you'll need to work on, in a real trial environment, which is another bonus, Enter another soon, then you have a specific date to work to
  17. Ed has always been hard to keep weight on, he stays pretty skinny/lean, and he drops any weight he puts on very quickly too, he is a bit of a nervous dog, who lazes alot, but when he does use energy he uses all of it Even when he had the suprelorin implant, which fattens up alot of dogs, he didnt put on any extra weight I'd be wary of the satin balls, I was giving them to Ed, but after a big scare to do with a mystery tummy thing, that may have been related to pancreatitus, where he had gassy loops in his intestines, had surgery, then had seizures afterwards, I dont know if it had anything to do with it, the vet couldnt tell us exactly what had happened, and neither could various other vets they rang and got to see him at the time but I wont give them to him again After the op he had dropped alot more weight, so we gave him his usual barf mix, and some eagle pack power formula (the one for working dogs) and he put the weight back on, but he still never gets fat I also feed him late at night so he doesnt get a chance to burn it off before bed, and I have a friend whose dog lost weight, by giving the same amount of food only earlier in the day so he ran it off during the day Sometimes I think they might just meant to be a certain weight, like us humans when we diet, our bodies seem to stop us at a certain weight, haha, I'd rather have an Ed body than mine though!
  18. Ive found Ed doing that, and then he ends up doing a 270 degree turn around my body for a simple left turn not a great look
  19. Yep we're doing Yarram, cant wait! It feels like forever! Then its comps every week for a while huh, Frankston, Nationals, Echuca
  20. Woooooooo! Good work Bundyboy! :D He's doing awesome I look forward to running against him, well, except I reckon he'll be a fast one haha
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