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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. Cool, let us know how it holds up (and guard it well when not training )
  2. lol he will probably prefer the wooden one but cos it feels nice to mouth! Ed's dumbell from outer to outer is 14.5cm The large size on this site http://www.callicoma.com.au/training1.htm
  3. I thought about it as our wooden one had the same fate as yours (even though it was never left alone with her, staffords just have a wonderful skill at destroying things in the blink of an eye, even holding a wooden dumbell when teaching them leaves toothprints every time), but instead went for the hard plastic one, got 2, one to train with and one to trial with
  4. Very cute! Have fun with 2 terrors! Double trouble
  5. 2Tollers makes yummo bckies, Ed and Molls very very impressed
  6. Ohhh I only just saw these! Gorgeous piccies, Mencase is like Richard gere, grey and distinguished and handsome! Bunds is just hot stuff, especially in pink :D
  7. Its for arthiritis pain in the spine, she's hoping to try something new to relieve it
  8. Thanks guys, I will find out specifically what it is she wants it for, but thats a great starting point
  9. A friend is looking for a canine acupuncturist in Victoria Anyone know of any good ones, or any ones full stop? Thanks heaps
  10. Yeah I normally take notice of the first 1 or 2 turns, they will normally give you either a halt or a right turn at the start, and also when the fig 8 is, most do it at the end, but a few surprise you by going straight into it
  11. I dont cope, I am nervous the whole lead up, just make sure sometimes you train in front of someone who makes you nervous and your dog will be used to it! I do get less nervous while Im actually in the ring though, and by the time Im done nerves are gone
  12. Holy crap, thats full on!!! Closest mine have gotten to that was when we had a play at agility which was set up next to our flyball demo, and half way round Ed ran off to go see if there was a ball in the box
  13. Harri's got it going on now! Well done on both title and PB
  14. Yeah I wouldnt suggest teaching them to do it that way! But Molls tends to do it when shes hot, some how she does it without moving forward at all, so she must have learnt to be sneaky about it!
  15. Well Mollys given me beautiful runs at flyball and is only around 25 points from her FM (flyball masters title) With 2 more comps still to go this year she's got a great chance of nabbing that Havent trialled her at all this year Ed got his 2 novice passes - just got to get that third one, and he got his FD then FDX in 2 flyball comps which is brilliant, and another 2 comps to go for the year, bring on the FDCh ET idea got dropped due to pregnancy laziness! Best of all they are enjoying it much more, and foo run through last night went great, they were happy, they did their exercises great after a big break, and though the heeling was rusty they got into the swing of it pretty quickly (even with me waddling around like a duck with my big belly!)
  16. Can be helpful to get the dog more comfortable but you dont have to do it, plenty of dogs are comfortable in the sphinx drop for their downs, or Molly for instance who prefers to frog her stays
  17. My boys had it a few times, didnt seem to bother him, did the websites say whether it was bad for them? I would think it would just give them a good clean out Just dont want it to happen in the car or house!
  18. LL, love the pic, you look thrilled!!! LP, well done on Leo and Kinta! Awesome work for both of them Seita, 196, well done! Well we had the Flyball Nats and Mollys team won their division, didnt lose a race the whole 2 days, so very proud, and then last weekend we had Euroa flyball comp, where Ed debuted and got his first flyball title, FD, he did really well, and I'm extremely proud of both of them.
  19. DD, same with the run throughs, can get there at the 4.30ish, or the 7ish Tell the wife dogs are less messy than the kids!
  20. Ah cool, thanks DD, you gonna be there for the other foo run throughs?
  21. When do entries close, Id like to enter this, try to get Ed's last novice pass
  22. Woohoo! Was a great weekend, and Molls ran her ass off! She was in the Berwick team that won Div 4, they were undefeated all weekend! So am very proud of her, Jade, Spike, Jess, Jackie, and Flash
  23. We're in gundaigai eating breakie now, after the pups had a great swim in teh river Only 4 more hours driving! Ran into some corydenites at the pizza shop last night ;) One more sleep til Nationals
  24. Ah no chance of any earlier, or a sneaky one? all of us interstaters will already be long gone by thurs night, though Im gonna take my laptop and hopefully use the wireless at maccas on our way
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