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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. I know there's been a few threads on how much time people spend training, etc, but after reading the recall thread it gets me wondering how people who have limited time per day with their dogs can get up to the higher levels of training How important is constant time spent with your dog? Can people who work full time get the same results as those who don't? Should I be putting aside specific time each day as I find my nights go so quickly I don't end up doing all the training I sit at work day dreaming about all day! lol Also, much as I am trying to stress the importance of the dogs being more loyal to one person, my OH is a pain, and he sometimes wants to train Molly and sometimes doesn't, and I can't let her go without as I have to live with her too, she needs to learn Will me spending some time with Molly affect my relationship with Ed? Do dogs get jealous or competitive is those type of situations? I am the only one who trains Ed, at least I have gotten through to him with that part! lol
  2. Ok, great! Gives me some ideas to work with Stella figure 8's next tues sound good, we've done a little bit but not much, have been doodling abit at home too, his focus has come on great lately, wonder if its just the age or that his implant is wearing off? I can prob borrow the book from the vca library then, hopefully its open one of the next times I'm over there, otherwise Stella if you're there, can you grab it for me? Oh cool, another stafford person! You know what they're like then when they only reach your knees lol and how solid they are when they get in your way :D
  3. Oh I'll have to pinch that book off Stella (WMR) too!
  4. Thanks dogdude! I do need to look up more, any tips on knowing whether the dog is in heel position if I cant see him? (disadvantages of short ass dogs!!!) In regards to the left hand thing, I have a feeling Ed's focus is my waist height/hand posi as for dogs like staffords I think he'd have to look up too high to get focus on my face, though I might have to get someone to watch him to see exactly where his focus is when heeling With other work his focus is to my face but thats cos I am far enough away to see him I'm hoping to trial, hoping to start CCD next year! Looking forward to seeing your vids and other peoples vids, I love watching others work
  5. Anyone else got any comments? Or am I that bad :D Good or bad I don't mind
  6. I wish they could do it by themselves, then I wouldn't be so nervous! I walk really funny when I'm heeling, I never realised I must also be doing something wrong on turns as he's lagging
  7. Oooh bugger, I did do that didn't I? lol I'll try to be more consious of it!
  8. Yeah, sad but true, Stella's dogs make mine look like delinquents!
  9. Those vids are from last night before you guys got to training! Yeah I always thought I walked wonky, but seeing the vids I realise I go off on an angle! lol Still using the long line depending on distractions, but he's so much more responsive than he was This is the vid from months ago for people to compare (no laughing at when I slide in the mud though!)
  10. After boxagirls videos, I thought I'd video some of Ed working First one is just some heeling Second one with some of the freestyle, spins and weaves Happy for comments, as I'm all for improving, and I apologise that the vids aren't the best quality, but the little black blob is Ed and the taller colored blob is me :D
  11. http://www.furrballz.com/flash/index.html
  12. Yeah for sure, I want to get more of them, I love them!
  13. Yeah I reckon I played with it as much as they did too! It's a cool little toy!
  14. I'll be singing it for the rest of the day!!! Our furball thingy came from Robbo's pet Barn in dandenong Even after they had destoyed the ball (which took a while for staffords so they must be pretty tough), they still carried the fur around and treasured it for months!
  15. LilyW damn you I have lamb chop stuck in my head now! I used to have a hairballz for my 2 and they loved it, it was their absolute fav toy, til it went to toy heaven!
  16. I had a great year, I learnt how to clicker train and I met some fantastic people (esp Stella!) who have helped me heaps to understand this new fandangled thing called dog training! lol Next year I hope to start trialling in CCD and do some more freestyle and agility
  17. Oh how sad But how wonderful for him to go out as #1 though I'm sure he would have been their #1 anyway
  18. It's so hard to keep them still, I remember what it was like with Ed, he had to be on lead or crate at all times, he hated it I look back now and think I should really have used all that lead time as heeling practise! lol
  19. Oh so glad he is home and doing well Big hugs from me! He's not looking too fazed, or was he still drugged up?!
  20. I'm so sad cos its great outside now, but the dogs were too tired to run
  21. Little bastards my dogs are! Could have killed them, glad you got a laugh out of it! I thought you might! Is it definitely blood? Very strange
  22. Shit TB, not good about the blood Glad he seems better though
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