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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. Only person I saw doing training last night was me hehehe
  2. Jesus At least she is with people who care for her now
  3. hahaha Yup video and then we can put the Benny Hill music in later!
  4. Oh yeah its boxing day next Tues I don't care - we'll probably end up down there anyway OMG I tried not to laugh at Kerry's kids when they'd run with Ed and molly then go a over t But they kept coming back and wanting more, silly buggers :D Plus their mum couldn't stop laughing at them
  5. Eddie rarely ever barks, as a pup and now It's only when he feels it absolutely necessary, and even then he will whimper instead of bark alot of the time
  6. Was great to meet you both tonight! Bosun was a great little guy, and he looked like he was having a ball by the end of the night!
  7. Nearly time to leave work See those of you who are coming some time soonish :D
  8. Oh wow, doesnt look so bad I think he needs a big hug from me! lol
  9. Oh I recommend using the clicker for everything, the dogs respond so much more quickly to it, but get used to the clicker first, get your timing right I have heard that bouncing a tennis ball and clicking at the exact moment the ball hits its highest point in the air is the best way to get your timing right, as you need to clikc right at the exact point the dog is giving the correct behaviour I was clicking Ed last night for giving me nice ears, it was hilarious!
  10. No probs pawprints Stacking http://www.dragonflyllama.com/%20DOGS/Writing/confstack.html Gaiting http://www.dragonflyllama.com/%20DOGS/Writing/confgait.html Good luck for your shows when you enter them too :D Rexy, can you imagine how impressed Ed would be if I was with Remy?
  11. Try a big pouchy pouch!!! :rolleyes: ;) :D
  12. I'll see everyone who's coming tonight If I leave straight from work I'll get there between 6.30 and 7, but I'll still meet at 7 just to be safe
  13. You think feeling the tummy's bad, I've never had a dog before, my first is a show dog so I have to touch his balls to stack him
  14. I'll meet you at the off lead area, follow the signs as you come in Is 7pm ok? Then if you want you can hang around with us at training, bit of fun
  15. Thanks Shek! It's funny cos I get the most enjoyment out of the training that goes into the showing rather than the actual shows lol Yep we can run away together Kerry!
  16. Oh bloody hell! Are the closing dates after the jan shows? So I can run away if I make a fool of myself?
  17. As I've entered some shows next year, (thanks Sway! lol) I need to really get my butt into gear I started teaching Ed "look" this morning and he is now understanding the difference between look and watch and just starting gaiting v's heeling, using my lead arm held out for gaiting He is also now stacking nicely and letting me hold his muzzle, and move him around without resisting I have been reading some articles on line and some lovely dolers have pm'd me with info too (thankyou!) I am getting excited now, as he's starting to look like a real dog! I dob't really know what the purpose of this post is, I guess it's just that you can tell OH and such and they don't get it! lol So anyone with advice or remarks or just to tell me I'm silly post away!
  18. So the article I was reading mentions holding the arm out to the side in gaiting so the dog knows the difference, which makes alot of sense All these new things to learn lol I'm going to get to show training soon too so I can be ready for shows next year Sorry Tony!
  19. Yeah good point I've just been reading up on gaiting and its making more sense to me now! I'm such a noob sometimes! lol
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