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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. Barf Ed was weaned onto barf, Molly was on Eukanuba when we got her but we changed to to barf fairly quickly with no problems
  2. 2 staffords and they have 40m2 backyard that they rarely use except to go to the toilet, plus a smaller paved area that they laze about on if the suns out and they get walked and have an offlead paddock that we take them to reguarly
  3. You cant tell if the dog was in drive from a photo, unless you were there, and everyone who took their photo was there, and also posted it so they obviously believe their dog was in drive at that time I posted pics of my dogs in a non working drive (at lure, so therefore not working for me) and of my dog working in drive, in a trailling obedience situation a few pages back This is also a vid of my dog while building drive My OH is doing this work with him, and he is learning the techniques as he goes under the TID program
  4. My friend had a stafford x called Dave, (he was a boy though!) I loved that name Love Denozo
  5. I like human names for staffords, cos they really are little furry people My boy is Eddie, and my girl Molly (I didnt name her but felt too weird changing it, it does suit her though) I dont like the really butch names for staffords, I dont think they need them
  6. Barf mix, and chicken carcass or bones every 3rd day or so, so about $4 a day for both my 4 year old staffords, one weighs 16kg and one weighs 19kg
  7. Nic, Cody should be female with those back seat driving skills!
  8. Some pics and some of my thoughts, hard to write it down though, as everyone puts different meanings to different terms, and what I say may interpret differently to someone else Ed and Molls in drive, for lure, which is the reward, ie, training in drive is using the want to feel this drive to get them to work for us to achieve it And Ed for training, what i think is a controlled drive, because over time he has been taught that to achieve his drive satisfaction he needs to perform certain tasks, just waiting to be released, his muscles are tense and he is extremely attentive, not wanting to miss the important release to his reward. The longer he works the more attentive as he knows he is getting closer and closer to satisfaction
  9. Excellent, and good timing with the anaesthetic Fingers crossed for removal with clear margins
  10. It kinda looks like a histiocytoma, google images will show you a few examples, cos its only small would be hard to biopsy and the vet will probably tell you to leave it a few weeks to see if it grows My girl got one on her ear, I got it removed totally and they tested it and it came back as that. It was worrying me and if it had grown more it would have worried her too on her floppy bit of ear , but I went to 2 vets and the first told me to wait and see Always better to see them right away if you think you will stress for the next 11 days, but otherwise you could just keep a good eye on it, maybe even measure it, so you can tell them next week if it grew at all
  11. Oh wow Kei thats expensive, the vet today said about $120 for titres
  12. Argggg just wrote out a long reply then accidently hit back and lost it all Thanks Stormie for posting that comparison again for us, Spoke to a vet today while in there with a friend getting her dog vaccs, he said he'd asked the rep the same, if it was a triple dose, and they wouldnt say yes or no, just that its within the min and max dosage that is required, so he wasnt satisfied enough with that to be reccomending over the 1 yearly. He did say he much prefered the titre testing, but I guess unfortunately until clubs/kennels etc get to know more about it, it wont be accepted just yet (I know a few are but not the majority, and unfortunately not my club)
  13. Thats what I was thinking It seems like live canine distemper virus (CDV) 1yr 103.2 TCID50 3yr 104.0 TCID50 live canine parvovirus (CPV) 1yr 105.9TCID50 3yr 107.0 TCID50 live adenovirus type 2 (CAV2) 1yr 104.3 TCID50 3yr 104.0 TCID50 canine parainfluenza type 2 (CPI) 1yr 105.3 TCID50 3yr n/a I just dont know how the measurements works, ie, how different 105.9 is to 107.0, that could be a big difference or a small difference depending on how that unit is measured, I googled TCID50 but it was a bit over my head! I cant do a titre after the 3 years as my obedience club wont accept them however they have said they will accept 3 yearly vaccs (but who knows, by 3 years away maybe they will!)
  14. Awesome Rommi, thanks So to compare to the Protech C4, can someone smarter than me help me understand, or have I not got enough info? Nobivac DHP ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: Each single dose contains at least: 104.0 TCID50 of live canine distemper virus (CDV) strain Onderstepoort, 104.0 TCID50 of live adenovirus type 2 (CAV2) strain Manhattan LPV3 and 107.0 TCID50 of live canine parvovirus (CPV) strain 154. Live vaccine to provide protection against canine distemper (CDV), infectious canine hepatitis caused by canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV1), canine parvovirus disease (CPV) and respiratory disease caused by canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV2). Protech C4 Canine Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus And Parainfluenza Virus Live Vaccine http://www.apvma.gov.au/publications/gazet...-02_page_10.php Active Constituent/s: Canine distemper virus (Onderstepoort strain, 103.2 TCID50), canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV2-V197 strain 104.3 TCID50) and canine parainfluenza type 2 (CPI strain 105.3 TCID50) and canine parvovirus (Websters K3i strain, 105.9 TCID50) grown on continuous cell lines.
  15. Dont slice it too thin, cos it really shrinks down alot when dehyrated BP, Ive made beef jerky and silverside jerky a few times in our ezidry, not as moist as shop bought, but still good I mainly use it for dog treats, but Ive also used it when Ive bought cheap bulk mushrooms (I love mushrooms), dehydrate them and bag them and Ive always got mushies! Tiggy, (I swear I'm not stalking you, I just always seem to reply to your threads!) my treats always come out on the drier side, but you could always just dehydrate for less time to keep them a bit softer, and then bag up and freeze, incase they still have enough moisture to go mouldy (I'm a bit paranoid about things going mouldy) ETA and cleaning wise, the ezidry trays dont fit in our sink, but we just stick half in and brush with a dish brush then do the other side
  16. Has anyone been able to find any written studies/information on it, as opposed to what the vets have said, I'd really like to look into it more, but its hard when there are conflicting opinions, or does anyone who has the 3 yearly vaccs cert have the exact name of what their dog was given that they could post here?
  17. My favourite thing about flyball comps is when all the dogs are so so settled in their crates early morn when we are setting up etc, then as soon as the organisers start testing the lights etc, they gradually get noisier and noiser and all hyped up! Luckily then then learn to settle in between runs and rest during the day! (well most do, I know a few who stay on edge all day!)
  18. Stuart isn't actually a Lancashire Heeler, I have no idea why she thinks he is but they are not a breed in Australia as yet Ok, didnt know that, he looks very similar then, I dont know anything about the breed
  19. How old is Ness? I think its worth it, and worth taking at least a few months out of trialling to do ETA Even though it takes a while but I really didnt care, as I enjoyed the process so much
  20. Best thing I have ever done, Ed is a different dog, as Seita said it takes a while, if you want to do it properly, but the time is worth it to get the results ETA I think in a way its better (for someone like me) to get all the info from one person, I was researching on the net, and starting bits and pieces, and pretty much confusing myself but the structure of Steve's program was great, and left me with not too many ways to get it wrong I understand Ed alot better in general than I used to, and its even carried over to Molly, though she could really do with doing the whole program herself, but I can read her better now
  21. We have one in our flyball team, he also competes in UD, his name is Stuart Little
  22. Very cute! My 2 staffords are best buddies with 2 beagles!
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