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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. :rolleyes: Yep & with that jacket she had on Fri night for sure! Careful Isiss she will get you!
  2. Cant help much but I hope he is ok :D He is such a lovely looking boy You could always take him to see Tony, the manipulator in Hampton Park
  3. Aww poor Margot! I tell you that confused me for a while! Todd was such a good boy being the decoy for all the others! I've never seen any pics come out great in the pavillion, unless they are close ups, the light is shocking
  4. Ah ok, hard to tell in the vid! Yeah I reckon the video and uploading is harder than the training! ETA I'm always getting in trouble for looking down hehe
  5. Your challenge for this week is to do a vid for us where you dont look at her then! hehe She is focussed on your hands anyway isnt she?
  6. Jules, are you looking at the ground or looking at Poppy? Cant believe how much both of them have grown up
  7. Yeah for sure, use all the info, see how much you can freak out the owners when they come to pick them up Jules, how did your testing day go?
  8. Wags, just start doing drive training with them! hehe
  9. OMG that is fantastic!!!!!! Congratualtions
  10. There were a few really lovely dogs there, and some were awesome to watch I am so glad I took today off work, I only got up half an hour ago!
  11. We were good on Fri night cos we had a Springy telling us off!
  12. Awesome work LP with Kinta!!!! And congrats on the title LD and Suzie, thats fantastic!!!!
  13. Bloody Ed! Steve was on a really serious subject and all of a sudden this loud stafford snore starts up, making us laugh at an inappropriate time, felt like a naughty school kid trying not to giggle
  14. I agree with Suz, Vic and NSW are lucky to have both of you! And everyone there on the weekend were double lucky to have you both in the same place! I learnt so much my head is spinning! Ed has crashed as well, after a big day of snoozing and a bit of fun too! And lots of cuddles from all those he sucked in and others who used him to warm up their hands
  15. Ok, who else is buggered? And we still have one more day to go! Really enjoying it though and learning so much ETA I am so tired I cant spell!
  16. I have the black dog one with a liner, lucky as I have forgotten about the food in it a few times :rolleyes: My completely food obsessed staffords cant get it open while its on me either (if it was off me I think they would get there though!)
  17. 2 tollers, I felt horrible having my 2 sleep in the car at the Nats this year, but they werent bothered by it ETA I am hanging for this weekend, dont know how I will get through the day at work tomorrow! Since my consult I cant sit still lol
  18. I'm so sorry Bella and family
  19. Yep, and I found its generally the answer that the vet nurse will give until you give them a reason why you want to go for temp desexing instead of surgical I found that when I talked to the actual vet their responce was alot more helpful
  20. Well done on those stays last night!!!!
  21. Love the pics! Was a great weekend, even tough we froze our butts off!
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