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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. Oh and yep I'm using the dessert bowls out of the cupboard No one come to my place for dinner ok! Well if you do, just dont have dessert
  2. Bloody animals, put Ed away so he wouldnt get in the way and went back to trying the bowls with Molls, put the food in the bowl, and guess who comes along for the fun, and steals Mollys treat molly just sat there looking at me like "mum, she's eating my treat!"
  3. Nah she has started creeping forward on that one, little bugger, got to go back to basics! Not enough to be half body length but it looks messy and not good enough! OH wishes she would get him a beer, but he wishes more that she could go to the supermarket to get me icecream like he just did LP doesnt Leo get a drink from the fridge too?
  4. Oh yeah I have cut my hair! Choppeded it all off! Ptolomy, please, something to pick on from those last 2 vids so I can make excuses to LP for not entering Novice yet!
  5. :D You're not supposed to say that you are supposed to tell me all the bad things and give me more time! Oh and for anyone who noticed or is confused its Molly in the vid, I accidentally uploaded her vid into a folder named Ed hehe
  6. Here are some better vids of Molly retrieve on the flat from tonight Please let me know anything we are doing crappy! lol
  7. :D yep thats what we had here! Tonight I used a heavy bowl though and ta daaa, no more trying to bring it back with her! I have to admit I went out to the paddocks near our place tonight, and did some dumbell work, and the grass was so long she couldnt see it so she did a bit of a tracking retrieve poor moll moll She did find it and race back to me though, so she's a good girl
  8. Cool, will work that, I havent really been training much yet with the direction, more did the vid to show where she (and I!) were at Started doing the bowls, and the little bugger kept eating the food then picking up the bowl to bring it back to me then I got myself stuck, as I didnt want to tell her not to bring something back, shoulda just come here for advice, like heavier bowls probably ;) Will still work the glove retrieve seperate to the directions, but you can see she is hardly mouthing now :D and no more flipping it around and I've got her holding it now even when I bring my hands down Ohhh and ETA so right about my signals, I am flapping like a chook
  9. Ok started this tues night (cos after LP asked me how it was going I realised I'd been slack!), 2 gloves, she has stopped mouthing 90% of the time, she is so clever Trying not to use my body too much, but I think I could probably guide her a little better with my signal
  10. Does she love her dinner? maybe you could put her dinner on one side and her on the other Dinner might be a much bigger incentive than a treat Show her how the first few times then the next leave her say 15 minutes then take the food away and try it again later? Just dont take it away and give it to her later without her having to go through the door!
  11. Yeah going well, still just focussing on retrieves with different things now, and gonna get me some UD articles in the next few weeks to start with them Am hanging for FOO to start back again, so I can see where my real weaknesses will be, Molly just loves to surprise me with these things
  12. Im at an open show at KCC on the 11th already so thats a good one for me, 25th is out as Ive got as flyball comp on that day and wont be in melb
  13. Yeah hoping Incs will be ready for our Dandy comp!
  14. Im pretty sure I would get kicked out if I did that I meant games without toys or food If your naked where do you hide the toys and food? :) :rofl:
  15. Im pretty sure I would get kicked out if I did that Sorry!!! it is hard to get started, and I thank FOO or I would never have been able to gain the confidence to enter my first one
  16. Yeah I work too so weekends are good Have a few comps and stuff on so hopefully will be able to work in with whats good for you guys Nov better than Oct for me
  17. Oh Bernie (Wilkinson, trial judge) is doing another talk at southern in a few weeks to, I think on a Tues night (7th oct pretty sure)
  18. AHEM - didn't you get a pass first time, first go with BOTH of your dogs You had it made! Too easy!!! Howz that Novice coming along? no! Ed got his first 2 passes on his first 2 trialsand a place both days (even with a slowdown in his recall to pick up a piece of duck poo on the way), but Molls blew a potential 98 in her first trial by sitting there with that stupid look on herface saying "come? i dont seem to remember what that means?" then that arvo she decided she hadnt ever learnt the auto sit and she would just stand instead! Luckily the next morn she redeemed herself with a 2nd place and pass (this was the southern quadruple trial, for their 50th I'd be up for a training day though, and foo starts in a few weeks too Trying to decide if I will enter novice with Molls in Nov
  19. The lack of faith from the instructor wouldnt have helped you at all, Both times I entered the first trial for my dogs I felt they were ready, and in the few weeks in between the worked like absolute crap, making me doubt myself and my decision I figured I might as well just do it and get the first one over and done with and it didnt turn out nearly as bad as I thought it was going to And remember you can always scratch on the day if you decide you really dont want to go in
  20. I use a photocopy of an entry form for obed, I havent got around to buying entry forms For showing I use the online ticket printer on the VCA site, but they dont have an obed one yet
  21. Yeah going well, Molly will be racing both Frankston and Euroa, and hopefully by Nov Ed's daughter Inca will be nearly ready to race!
  22. Thats excellent! I love days like that, and it builds your own confidence so much too
  23. Yep I've always been asked which end I want to leave I normally watch the heel pattern of those in before me, mainly to see when the fig 8 is, and also to see what they are going to give me as soon as I heel off, normally a halt or a right turn
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