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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. Thanks Ptol Ah yours is rolled, this one is the stitched one, the rolled wouldnt show toothmarks as much I'm guessing Molls is so proud of herself when she finds it, I love it! And love seeing her use her nose, its really cute, can hear the sniff sniff sniff so loud
  2. If the pups parents have been tested you just get the pup profiled, its around $50, and they dont need to retest, they just make sure the pup is definately out of those parents
  3. We have 2, a cat one set up normally, and a dog one which is set up temporarily in the second track on the sliding dor so we can still close the normal door all the way if we want to I'm happy with them, much easier than trying to get flaps put into glass doors, and all of our external doors are sliding doors (cept the front door)
  4. Ah yeah I'm sure I'll need another set later on! The teethmarks on the leather arent so much from chewing but everytime she holds it she gets new toothmarks on it Glorybea, have started doing that with her, she surprises me sometimes, she picks it up so quickly, and will keep on looking til she gets it We tried it on grass for the first time the other night, was quite amusing, but she found it, and though it took her a while sometimes she was constantly searching, (well except the one time she got distracted by a different smell and it smelt like a good place to wee ) She was using her nose, which was great, sometimes would come back to me, and need a bit of reassurance but it was a good start and she had alot of fun with it
  5. Yeah and the youtube one she drops the reward too, I'd give that a go
  6. Just reading the zen one again, they drop the treat when teaching it, so the dog doesnt get a change to snap it, and get confused in the beginning
  7. Oooh cheeky bugger Keep the distance so that you have time to close it again before he gets the treat, and use very calm praise and releases, are you using gentle? Say it slow and calm while your hand is opening, give him a good chance to get it right
  8. I know I saw!!! Well done Sorry TSD!!! We all know Zig is gonna do great!!! Just got to get that first one out of the way!
  9. Theres a good site which has zen on it, scoll down til you get to it http://www.dragonflyllama.com/%20DOGS/Leve...vel/1Level.html Put simply a closed fist and when the dog backs off they get treat, teaches them that rushing it doesnt get them anywhere, gradually move to open hand
  10. Yep been there done that too, at my own clubs trial, but all because I used a show entry form which doesnt have that part on it! Sooooo........ Which trial????
  11. Yep it does make sense, thanks Rommi, sounds like a great way to start Just out of interest, I know its bad form to rock up to a trial with a chewed up dumbell, is this the same with leather articles, the new ones are preety soft, and the seekback article just from a bit of playing around and holds and finds etc is now looking like an old worn out piece of leather shoe
  12. Sitting at home sick, and sick of being sick and I finally ordered my articles, and seekback article the other day and wondered if anyone has tips, methods, links etc to teaching seekback Thanks heaps
  13. I used paw paw ointment on Ed, he had burn/chaffing after surgery for abdominal gas and afterwards he got extreme diarhea, his skin was peeling off, and the paw paw healed it up quickly, I also used it on his incision/scar and you can barely even see it (and his belly is pretty bald)
  14. you're gonna hide Little (Big) Man behind midget Molly?
  15. :p Big cheers for Maimai and Oongy! Knew you could do it!!!
  16. Erny, dont worry, I'm bringing Molly, and she is proof that the saying about obedience dogs only being good in the ring and being turds everywhere else is completely true!
  17. at your friends dogs erny! Ed does that to Molly too!
  18. My 2 are shocking with visitors, and jumping around and sitting on them and trying to kiss them, but you could teach him to sit on a bed, while you are on the couch, have him sit/drop on the bed, and throw treats and build up the time gradually You could also try time outs for silly behaviour, each time he goes over the top, walk him outside and keep him out for a period of time, if you are consistent enough he will learn that sillyness gets him booted outside Ed with a visitor
  19. Everyone's doing so well! Rubystar, hope Ruby's ok, what a bugger Sounds like Kenzie is doing awesome too! Gives you such a buzz when people like them so much that they make a point to comment Well, last night I started teaching Ed to hold the dumbell, he is doing well, taking it every time, and holding for a second or 2. Then cos I felt bad that Molly was shut out I thought what can I do with her, so I found a metal article, and got her holding that, she's never held a metal article before, and she picked it up so quickly, I was thrilled!!! Quick vid She's a clever little bimbo!!! Seems theres a few of us that are doing this (obedience/flyball/agility thang) with our first ever dogs, and we're getting places with it too :rolleyes:
  20. Excellent work, sounds like you are doing all the right things As for no comps in WA, you'll just have to move wont you?
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