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Everything posted by shoemonster

  1. Was he chomping or just holding it still in his mouth, if it was still I would wait him out, but I'm not the most exp at this, hopefully someone who knows will help out
  2. What did you used to do when you wanted him to give it? Did you try to pull it away? Or just stop dead?
  3. Haha yeah lil bailey thats what Molls is like, she likes to tug but she prefers food She really likes this one though, I know they are desinged to teach them tug, but she already knows tug, so dont see the harm in just using this as a foodietug Doglova, I'm using wings cos they have skin on them it holds them together, unlike the ham which oozed out and fell on the floor The mesh is open enough that they get the taste of the food through it, and Molls wasnt really worried about eating the insides, but you can always give it to them after if you want, its nicely crushed up if they tug well lol I'm finding washing it is a bit icky, all mushed up food, but just been turning it inside out and washing in soapy water and hanging to dry, not too bad
  4. Awesome work TSD and Zig, thats excellent Sorry i wasnt there with my pompoms!
  5. It was great, it worked just how I hoped it would, and I'll be able to use it at comps which is great Found the ham that I tried at first was too squishy, and squeezed out the mesh which would be no good in the ring as it would drop and I'd get into trouble Mel, poor Geordie and poor ed and Mollmolls, their mum is shocking too
  6. Just got home from flyball, and for the first time I got Molly sucessfully coming back to a motivator the whole way through team training, so much so that I made an extremely late cross as I couldnt get the tug out of her mouth My miracle, the clean run tug it with chicken wings inside! :p Best of both worlds for Molls, she loves to tug but get her in the ring she just wants to do her run and get her food, but I've been wanting to speed up her return, and holding my hand out with a piece of food in it just wasnt doing the trick I think hers is the starter mesh, http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...mp;ParentCat=29
  7. Oonga found this tonight, I knew they were working on it, am glad to see its up and working now http://www.vca.org.au/assets/forms/perform...-form-final.pdf
  8. Kavik, yep you have your tug or food or whatever you use in the ring in comps, only thing you're not allowed is to throw the reward, ie if your dog loves the balls you cant throw a ball at the end, you have to keep hold of the reward Squirt, i was reading about the power jumps in the last newsletter, sounds good, I would like to try it (glad you reminded me!)
  9. Dog obsessed with food - sounds perfect for TID with food to me :rolleyes: Better to work with the things that make them go nanas than to try to avoid them IMO, then they really want to do it, and if someone next to you has what they want they wont nick off to them for it, or lose their concentration on you
  10. We worked out the ultimate answer for beagles and staffs at the last comp - leg of ham as a motivator, guaranteed to get them going that bit harder!!!! :rolleyes: I think about this problem alot, the dogs that do flyball, but dont have that Ï have to do this faster than a speeding bullet" attitude I have the same problem with Molly, though she will never be a super fast dog, she has more than she is showing me, she finds the actual run self rewarding so nothing else is really that exciting at the end to get her coming back any quicker than she does, though I'm sure she could, I know she could go faster, just need to figure out how to get her doing it I'm thinking that through the TID she would pick up, and am tossing up what to do - if I go back to the start of TID with her, get that ultimate focus on her reward, but for a dog you havent taught and dont have all the time it might be a bit hard TOT is sure to help, with control and focus Give Vegas a big smooch for me, I wont get to see him for agesssssss!
  11. The profiling is more to make sure that the pup is out of the sire and dam that his papers say he is, as they dont retest when they profile Aparently there have been litters that even the breeders were unaware that the little has 2 sires etc, the profiling showed this up
  12. Nah no email I dont think But you could email southern obedience and ask, they sell them there and Bernie is there pretty much every week anyway http://www.geocities.com/southern_obedience/
  13. Mine are 1.2m I can pm you his number if you like, then you can suss him out on collars too, and how to get leads later on etc
  14. These are my Bernie leads, he also makes them thicker like he did for Teebs or thinner like he does for puppy leads, mine are about 1/2" so not show thin but they dont feel chunky either Ed's is plain leather and Mollys is spesh - Bernie made it for her cos she ate through about 5 of the plain ones They are about $12-15 I think
  15. Saturday staffy! Another breed I don't usually pay much attention to but his beautiful froggy smile and energy won me over. lol So we have a Satdy lover and a Sundy lover, thats good cos at least neither of them will get upset! Anita, I didnt realise who you were while you were there, but I know now Sorry!
  16. Here tis http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=161721&hl= (Im good at stalking to find stuff lol)
  17. Glad hes not too sore, hope Charles fixes him up, and theres nothing major
  18. Yep Bernie is ace! teebs it was bernie who made yours too I love my Bernie leads
  19. Having seen him today I would wait til tomorrow, just keep him as confined as you can (lol yep realise this wont be easy!) He may have just twisted awkwardly when he was kangaroo hopping, dont stress too much yet Big hugs
  20. Home and stuffed after a great 2 days, learnt lots, met some great dolers and caught up with others we hadnt seen in a while!
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