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Everything posted by swain

  1. I've personally never come across that before....is it worth you calling some of these vets and explaining how you do things (not that you should have to!!). I've used mobile groomers a few times and never found any probs. I always check out the person before i leave my furkid with them though. Some people have different disciplining techniques than i do.....
  2. That's a bit harsh....by the sounds of it Sheltie has been trying to communicate with them in the past. You can't deal reasonably with unreasonable people. They just don't get it. Hope it all settles down though Gsdogs2!
  3. Hi everyone, i spoke with Angie at the Sunny Brook Health Store (thanks again Crazy Beagle Lady), she was great. She has made me up a mix and it was only $15.95. I'll let you all know how it works. I live in Ballarat and she was happy to send it to me!
  4. Great! I'll email them now crazy beagle lady. Thanks again
  5. Thanx crazy beagle lady. Much appreciated. As i live in Ballarat i might call them and see if they can send me some Ta again
  6. Hi Crazy beagle lady, i would love a contact for the bach flower. My kelpie cross has been on all kinds of medication with no success. i'd rather try natural stuff than persist with chemicals. If you could help that would be great! Ta,
  7. Awesome!!! Would be interested in attending the workshop.
  8. I would be interested in some training in drive training. I'm in Ballarat but would travel if it means my little psycho could learn to behave outside!!! Or can K8 teach us via coraspondance?
  9. I agree, and i think that scope is after some help / training. At least she came to ask for help knowing that what she had done would get people upset and even off side. Hats off to scope for having the balls to admit she made a mistake and ask for help!
  10. Scope, i can relate to your frustration. I hope that you can find a way that you can all live happily. Having troubled animals can be very tiresome, mentally and physically. Do you have a partner that can maybe help with one of the dogs? I find being able to share the problem can make a world of difference. If there is no one to help perhaps it would be kinder for the dog and yourself if she had a new home. She obviously has some ingrained issues that will need heaps of work to change. Don't beat yourself up about loosing control. No one is perfect.........unlike humans, our pets seem to be a lot more forgiving.
  11. Thinking of you at this time. As sad and horrible as it is at the moment you will soon be remembering all the good times. At least he is in no more pain. Look after yourself.
  12. Pauline, This is such a heart breaking time for you..... a few months ago my little pom was diagnosed with liver disease. I was told that he might go down hill really quickly or it could take 6 - 12 months. I was struggling with the situation/decision when suddenly it was taken out of my hands. He passed away extremely quickly in an unrelated incident. I am now at the stage that i can remember him fondly without being extremely distraught. You never forget them but it does get a little easier to accept. I'll still have a bit of a cry sometimes but i mainly look back at all the fun we had and smile to myself or my husband will remember something and we'll share a laugh together. As hard as owning pets is when it comes to this time in their life, i wouldn't trade it for the world. I hope that you can enjoy the remaining time that you have with Cooper. He sounds like he has been a great friend to you! I also hope that both of your pain is short lived. Thinking of you both
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