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Posts posted by swain

  1. Hi, anybody know of any dog shows near or in melb this weekend? Trying to do research for a future addition to our family. Is that the best way? In past have used backyard breeders (before becoming informed of course!!!).

  2. Hi, just wondering if anyone knows about American Bulldogs. My BIL has one that for the past 1.5yrs has had skin issues. He gets big blood blisters showing up on the skin, itchy raw patches between the toes. The vet originally thought it was skin allergies but now thinks it's an immune problem. The vet is pumping him full of cortisone (sp??) and antibiotics but nothing seems to be helping. They have spent thousands so far. The vet now wants them to go to a dermatologist but if it's an immune problem how would a skin doctor help? Any ideas would be appreciated :D

  3. Would a kennel take a dog that has kennel cough? We are going away on Saturday and the dogs need to go into the kennel but the little fella has come down with KC. How long are they contagious for?

    Definitely not!

    Looks like you may need to have them looked after at home.

    didn't really think so :( i guess i was just hoping!!! Thanks

  4. Hi, is this more trouble than it's worth? We're going away for a week soon and there is a chance i can take my little Pomeranian with us. What do you do if you want to go to places that dogs aren't allowed? Like out to tea. The accommodation we have is a ground floor apartment. Would a portable dog enclosure be useful. I don't want to be stressed or for him to be stressed on a long earned holiday. Should i just book him into the kennel. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanx :cry:

  5. Hi,

    About 8 weeks ago my lil pomeranian had an operation on his bottom (basically it was reconstructed :love: ). The problem that we are still having is that he is straining all the time and his bottom gets quite red and sore. I have expressed my concerns to the vet but they just keep telling me to feed him oily fish with high fibre vegies and to use parafen oil (not to use the oil every day though) anyway none of this seems to be making much difference. Does anyone have any ideas? He doesn't need runny poo, but they need to be soft and not overly big (fussy i know!!).

    If anyone else has been through something similar or has ideas it would be much appreciated :rofl:

    Add some pumpkin to his food, I just steam some in the microwave and add to their food.

    Thanks very much, but i did try that and the poor little fella still had issues

  6. Hi,

    About 8 weeks ago my lil pomeranian had an operation on his bottom (basically it was reconstructed :love: ). The problem that we are still having is that he is straining all the time and his bottom gets quite red and sore. I have expressed my concerns to the vet but they just keep telling me to feed him oily fish with high fibre vegies and to use parafen oil (not to use the oil every day though) anyway none of this seems to be making much difference. Does anyone have any ideas? He doesn't need runny poo, but they need to be soft and not overly big (fussy i know!!).

    If anyone else has been through something similar or has ideas it would be much appreciated :rofl:

  7. Hi guys,

    I just want them to listen a bit more to what i say. Like Wait, sit, down. The basics really. Is clicker training the way to go or just your basics (using food rewards). I'd also love our lab to be able to walk on a leash nicely and not get so excited before a walk. It stirs them all up and they get uncontrollable.

    Might look into some training places in our area. Just thought if i could start off at home might not seem as daunting. :laugh:

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