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Everything posted by glorybea

  1. Hi all went into Robertson book store and that book sold for $34-99
  2. I found if there is mainly female at your club /friends that you get as many males as possible to exam.-- my worse exam was for my title pass it was raining and the judge had a hat on ,leant down to exam and the brim of the hat was filled with water which of course tipped onto my dog -- who stood and took it until the judge said return then she shook unfortunatly being a small dog when she shook so did her legs NO PASS NO TITLE well not that day glorybea
  3. if what dogs feel is loyality --what is loyality??? it is faithfulness, devotion, thats the dictionary version that will do me until something better comes along ,I am sure we all love and receive love from our dogs and as humans they all show their love in different ways all we have to do is enjoy . Glorybea
  4. I am so glad they don't love the same way as we do because we destroy so much with what we say is" love " I am sure they love because I have gone through a lot of trauma the last couple of years and to sit and cry with ywo dogs licking away your tears as they fall brings a smile to your face and THAT SORT of Love is unbeatable don't you agree . Glorybea
  5. hELLO ALL I have been reading all of your comments I hope it's okay to jump in with my pennies worth ,I have a Malt/shihtz had real trouble with lagging and although K9 offered advice unfortunatly I could afford the cost but Steve gave me some pointers for drive . It's just not there .so backtracked to use the old [new to me ] "doodling " walking and using food and being unpredictable some times throwing food ahead then always turning beside her for her to have her heal placing I did that for about 3mths .We now have our CD tiltle taking second place as well YEA !!! started on open and that too will be a challenage , didn't like fetch /retrieve call it either , pushed on an resorted to a "Panda bear" worked until I took it out of my back yard SO off to other grounds she is coming around slowly . we are trying for d/bell hold WOW!! thats a big ask but patience will win out .{IDEAS please ] So with all that I have written what I am trying to say is collars etc; afraid my one is patience and it's hard to keep sometimes . thanks for reading this I just wanted to say something cheers Glorybea
  6. Hi Daniel, great name by the way cause my grandson is Daniel --back to the subject --I have two malt/shuhz crosses and they are very loving . I am not much of a 'LET'S PLAY A GAME ' person but both have different personalities --no1 is loving, strong minded and I did use heaps of food to teach them - and my voice gives her all the indication as to if she is naughty and when she cuddles on my knee I know she loves me no 2 is loving but "bloody" minded if I speak to her in a sharp voice I 'm not kidding she looks back at me with "don't you speak to me like that " then if you please she walks off with another glance to say "i"m not staying here for that' lol So in answer to your question ,Show them that you love them - when they are not being naughty call them with "come" give them a tit-bit ,and love them and they will really LOVE you back . and when they is naughty a ah! will do . use reward system it always works --and relax he/she is a puppy - have fun Glorybea
  7. Hi all , my husband is going to get me some very fine dowel [wood] it is like a fine round beading that you might see in cupboards ,buy some nice wooden brackets and put them across the wall above my computer for me to use the double sided picture tack to secure my ribbons -I just hope it looks good or my name will be mud lol Glorybea i
  8. hi I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY i HAVE BEEN READING THIS THREAD AND WANTED TO SAY HOW MUCH I ENJOYED THE HELP AND ENCOURAGMENT YOU WERE SHARING. P/S I am not shouting I just noticed it was in uppercase --if that's the right word ,getting used to coputer jargon cheers Glorybea
  9. Hi all have been reading with interest my comment is one of the handlers I know brought some chicken pet mince and one of the bones that had been minced even though it was small had pierced the dogs stomach and caused at tear and the dog died . So I don't buy it now Glorybea
  11. hi all just a comment about ,I have a breville Juice fountain it takes a whole apple the shute is very wide and REALLY reduces the the carrot apple to almost a dry sawdust mixture .When I mix with other ingredients I used the juice from said pulp as the moisture .I hope I explained that so you understood .my husband AND i HAVE CARROT, APPLE +LEMON at night with our meals and the dogs get the same , would recommend juicer -Cheers Glorybea
  12. hi Ruffles,I have never heard anything so stupid in my life ,WHAT a comment what an instructor --'you shouldn't be there'----WAIT on second thoughts you shouldn't you should be at a better club,I would go to the president and ask for refund of fees etc; and join a more helpful and understanding one ,it is hard enough at times without negitivity good luck in the future Glorybea
  13. hi Rusty , just to say I am glad to hear that your girl is eat even if only at little it gives you something to hold on to - they are so much the love of our lives Get well wishes to you both, Glorybea
  14. so sorry to hear about Goldie , I know she is much older that my 4yr old who has the beginnings of Kidney failure and the diet my vet has her on is NO dry food ,and feed her protein to make the kidneys work .so she has chicken, ox heart , small veg and pasta every day to give her energy ,I hope by the time you read this that your Goldie is showing all signs of being brighter and kisses you all over . mine was diagnosed in Oct and I give urine samples every 2 mths thinking of you both Glorybea so sorry to hear about Goldie , I know she is much older that my 4yr old who has the beginnings of Kidney failure and the diet my vet has her on is NO dry food ,and feed her protein to make the kidneys work .so she has chicken, ox heart , small veg and pasta every day to give her energy ,I hope by the time you read this that your Goldie is showing all signs of being brighter and kisses you all over . mine was diagnosed in Oct and I give urine samples every 2 mths thinking of you both Glorybea
  15. "" fan-bloody-tastic "' WELL DONE !!!!
  16. hi Alison ,sorry if I confused you -I am feeding her a capsule a day of vit e ---the cream I have rubbed on the bad areas where she has scratched and pulled out a bit of hair . In just 2 days the cream has inproved the dryness and healed the areas where she scratched and left like cut marks . the vet didn't suggest the cream I thought if it healed me after an 'op" why not her . CHEERS gLORYBEA
  17. thanks alison will look into the omega pet she is even better today and I have rubbed in some vit e cream in the VERY dry areas cheers Glorybea
  18. talk about confused there is sooooo much difference in what we read mine says quote +++ vitamin e depends very much if diet includes unsaturated oils corn oil,codliver oil sunflower,linseed then the need for vit;e can increase 5 times -fish oil have no vit;e stress of infection increases the need for vit; e particulary if polyunsat or fatty acid are being fed natural vit e found in green plants,veg oilshave highest levels of v3 wheat germ has the most then cottseed salflower soya bean peanut oil etc; sorry this is so long ,but my dog has had a habit of picking up a virus which has caused her stress of itchy scratchness and began pulling out her coat and scratching so much she broke the skin vet gave antibiotics first it eased off ,but came back second time to cause that pulling hair etc. the vet gave her a shot of cortosone which was to last 12 hrs which would hopefully break the cycle of the virus and a follow up of and antibotic.That was yesterday and I now have a part hairless NONSCRATCHY dog YAHOO!!!! But as far as oils are concerned I have to add vit;e to her diet because of her dry skin that is how I came about reading the above info about oils . And I was giving her Cod liver oil and as you can see the above statement says I have been robbing her of vit;e So you reconmend I give her Vegi oil ? I am giving her vit;e capsules Glorybea
  19. HEY ! YB YOUR SHHH SHHHS WEREN'T QUITE ENOUGH , you know that if your pass you can't go back -- naughty naughty -- you never know who is reading OR watching ,I've learnt that one . Glorybea
  20. hi I found that washing paws and then massaging with Alloveen conditioner and leaving on helped also if you feed dry dog food they can be allergic to the dyes used - I stopped using it and licking stopped stopped too just a thought good luck I had been down that horrible BLOODY road glorybea
  21. I too am sorry for your sudden loss may your memories hold you close . Glorybea
  22. Hi Ness a follow on from the above post -- I just looked up my notes and you were one of the people who gave me the advice -- so I thought I wuold let you know I have started and will keep you imformed to progress . Glorybea
  23. HI Ness , can I but in here please when you said you are using food with your dog for dog aggression is that done through the desenstiization training towards dogs which I started today ,or did you use another method ???? Glorybea
  24. thanks you guys , you gave me the kick in the bum I needed , although I must confess my bums a wee bit sore , and your right I just needed to be encouraged and lifted up when I fell down ,I just did a bit of training with them . HEY! Yogi Bear would you know Stella ???? Okay the inspiration Fairy has landed so come on all you Flat people WAIT on I did say flat not fat lets put our best paws forward and take out those titles this year and don't forget to boast on dol " and away we go " Cheers Glorybea
  25. Help I NEED INSPIRATION I seem to have gone flat no interest not all that interested in even walking the dogs ,let alone training them. I seem to have hit a is it worth the bother training them 'hole' please help me to crawl out and get started again. you try so hard and feel let down again I have given them a long holiday but "now" it's like when your on a diet you hit a plato SOOOOOO come on an inspire me pleaaaasssssse gl;orybea
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