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Everything posted by sonni
wow 21 years thats great, i know how you feel, it broke my heart when i had to put my old dog down, there was just emptyness and great sadness. very very hard to do.
i totally understand, my mums neighbours dog barks all day long, but were use to it now, and yes you will always have those neighbours that complain about every god damn thing in the world. but if your dog isnt barking all day, you can get all your other nieighbours to sign a partian, and your complaining neighbour can get s*****d we did that with our rooster our old neighbour complained about him, and we asked all of our other neighbours to sign, and the council couldnt do anything. if you have neighbours poisoning your dogs you need to call the police, that is illegal. but if you have a dog barking all day, you need to finds out why, and you cant really blame your neighbours.
i personally think it's sick, i love it how my dogs communicate through there bark, thats the whole point of owning a dog. they alert us to noises. ect. now this is my opinion, and my families opinion.
so sorry to here about your dog, sending you big hugs
sounds like me old buy, he was 18 and we knew they day would come, with in 1 week he went right down hill very weak had no appitite, dring lots of water and looked very tired and no strength, couldnt stand that, friday i took him to be put down cos, i ddint want him on anymore mediation for the sake of him maybe living another few weeks or months, it really tore me apart but if i thought about it to long it would of been even harder to do.
yes puggles my dippy was a pug, i got her at about 10 months old, and i noticed her acting weird at times like when she got frightend or something startled her like a dog jumping on her ect, little things, and she would start to shake and get very puffed out, so we just reassured her she was ok, and she was fine, and we just put it down to just being a more sensitive dog, then a few times it was much worse and she started to knock into walls and she was walking like she was drunk and she couldnt recognize where she was, she was very confused, so i took her to the vet a few times explaining this and i was saying something is wrong with her, but as they couldnt see anything physically wrong, they said maybe she is getting over heated, i said how when this happens on a freezing day???? anyhow one day she had a very bad seizure and i picked her up and she was thrashing madly and i could barely hold her she was very strong and it was violently scarey, i thought she was chocking dieing couldnt breath we didnt know what was happening, my brother got in the car with me and we speed about 100kms in a 60 zone, we made it to the vets and they were there thank god doing after hours surgery, and they took my dog in i was crying a screeming i dont know what is wrong please help, anyhow they said to me she has epilepsy, and we put her on meds, she was doing really well for about 12 months and was having a episode about every 4 months but we noticed they were a long time apart but they were getting very bad they would carry on for hours and she wasnt her self for a long time after, this happend the last two times, i took time off work to look after her as i was worried it would happen again when i went to work, anyhow sadly the third bad was the end and she couldnt be revived, and her little body was very over heated and she wasnt responding at all when the doctors tried to take her off the sedative coma, she would just fall back into a sezuire and by the end of the night her body was struggling so much the vet said he had to put her down, so so sad. if only i had known to put her in a freezing cold bath she we probably would of saved, her by bring her temp down. but we just didnt know and by the time the vet put her in a ice bath, too much damage was already done to her little brain. DIPPY http://images.faces.com/io/302933.jpg
thanks staffy lover, we all miss dippy very much, everyone was shocked that we lost her just over night, it broke our hearts as she was a very very special sweet puggy girl. she had the most sweatest soul ever.
hello, i was so desperate to write so i havent had time to read all the previous posts, but PLEASE PLEASE LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT EPILEPSY AS IT CAN KILL YOUR DOG!!!! sorry to scare you but i lost my 5 year old dog last year to a very bad seizure, the way i lost her was mainly due to not knowing how to keep her cool, she was on medication and very rarley had seisures, but one night she had one that she just couldnt come out of, and she went into acoma as her temp rose to 42 degreez as her body was so stressed and she really struggled to breath, at one point she stopped breathing and was rushed to emergency, i had been speaking to an unfamiliar vet helping on the phone but as he didnt know her history i dont think he knew how serious things were. but she was way over being helped her brian was not reponding, what killed her was not knowing everything about it, what i would do is stay with the same vet and only get the best and most experienced one to support and guide, you, so from what i have learnt you must keep you dog calm, cool and in a dimly lit room when having a sezuire, also some dogs like to be held and craddled like my dog it made her comfortable, and also she may have been blind during seizures were not sure, if you see your dog not come around after 15mins take them straight to a vet. also if you know your dog suffers seizures make sure you keep you yard and house safe, eg pool ponds anything they can fall int on band into also things where they may jamm them selves in to like between kennles on anywhere maybe a death trap, as they may have a seizure when your out. please ask me anymore questions if you want i'm only happy to help, i dont want anyone else loosing a speical friend like i did. r.i.p dipXXXXX