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Everything posted by ravensmyst00

  1. Hi Curlyking, Try Greenpet, they have a generator on their website. I have used CS in the past and my sister and her family swear by it. Its pretty good for cleaning wounds as well. You do have to be careful as to how much you take as silver can build up in the system, if you do a google search you will probably come up with the right dosage or check with your local naturopath for advice.
  2. I recommend the Greenpet suppliment as well. There was a vast improvement in my dogs appearance, coat and general wellbeing. It wasnt just me who saw the difference but I received compliments from many friends and breeders about how good my boy looked. Greenpet All of there stuff has been fantastic.
  3. Try this. I have used it for cleaning up accidents with my boy or any dog for that matter and I havent had any issues. It gets rid of the smell and none of my dogs have gone back to the spot. (its also a great bathroom cleaner as well). 1 cup white vinegar 50 ml eucalyptus oil (make sure its the real stuff) (adjust eucalyptus to what ever strength you prefer) 20-30 drops of cold pressed lemon essential oil. Shake well - let set for a day. Top up spray bottle with water - shake well before use. (I used an old 1litre Amway bottle)
  4. Sentinel only stops fleas from laying eggs - it does nothing to kill live fleas as I found out. I'm currently using Revolution - after the vet gave my boy the once over - he swore my boy didnt have fleas. I gave him a bath less than a day after his first Revolution treatment and I was amazed to find dead and dying fleas in the bath!
  5. Best advice to give is to discuss all vaccination regimines with a qualified Vet.
  6. Chicken is another major culprit when it comes to skin allergies - while I dont think it is the chicken itself but more what they are fed and what the meat is processed with that causes the issues. Wheat is also another known allergin as well especially if the dog is allergic to grass. Doesnt help much as both of these are in just about every dog food around.
  7. Are you serious? What on earth would a drug company gain from a dog getting parvo? There are no drugs available to cure it - parvo is incredibly expensive to treat due to the intensive care and amount of IV fluid required - something to reduce the vomiting or diarrhea might be used, but is generally ineffective. Keeping the patient hydrated and keeping it's will to live going are the two most important factors, not drug treatment! As there has been no canine hepatitis in Australia for years, not vaccinating against it would make no difference whatsoever, kennel cough is still caught by dogs who HAVE been vaccinated against it, and once again, there are no drugs available to treat it ;) Haven't you noticed that the diseases that are vaccinated against are viral, and there are very few effective anti-virals around? My vet says that all vets are aware that current vaccines last at least three years, but still recommend annual boosters to protect themselves against any liability. As I said what I posted was mine and my vets own personal opinions. If you take a look at this in the same view as the human vaccinations and what has happened recently - you may or may not see what I am getting at. Quite a few years ago there was a very big scare campaign that went around telling people to stop vaccinating their children because of side effects. Out of 10 mothers in my mother group only 3 of us continued to vaccinate our children. That was 14 years ago with my eldest - of those 7 children that were not vaccinated each one contracted - measles, mumps, german measels - they were lucky that none of them contracted polio - however there was a reported case that scared the medical community enough to urge doctors to vaccinate parents at the same time as their children. I was revaccinated in 1993. Just this year while listening the news a couple months back - it was noted that there was an increase in whooping cough amongst children and adults. When I came down with the flu this year and couldnt shake my cough the first thing my doctor asked was "have you been around anyone who could have whooping cough". How do pharmaceutical companies profer from this you ask - When you are sick - what is the first thing you do? You go out and buy over the counter treatments - if that doesnt work, you go to the doctor who gives you a perscription. If its bad enough you go to the hospital which in turn give you more medications. These companies are not stupid - why would they try their best to put themselves out of business by wiping out all disease either viral or bacterial? All businesses are designed to make money and most companies that I have worked for will do what ever it takes to make that money. Dogs do not have the same immune system as humans and while we all look at our pets as if they were humans - when it comes to this subject it isnt the best thing to do. While titre testing may be a great way of reducing the number of vaccinations required - how do you know if the coverage your dog has doesnt deterirorate to such a level that your dog winds up getting a preventable disease? The answer is you dont until either the dog gets sick or until your next titre test - which from my reading is only done on a yearly basis - for me that is too great a risk to take. I am not expecting people to accept my views on this - I am only offering another side of the arguement because it does make you sit back and think. You need to weigh up both sides of the issue before any one makes a decision especially when the health of either yourself, your family or your pet is concerned. Once again these are only my own personal opinions - please do not flame me for speaking my mind.
  8. But doesn't the "horses mouth", in this case the drug manufacturers (I assume that's whom you refer to), have a vested interest to continue to encourage people to believe that annual C5s are necessary. I am just a humble dog owner, and I confess I am in two minds on this issue and I intend to do further research, but I personally would be taking the word of a company selling the product with a grain of salt. Given the questionable history of drug companies who provide human drugs, I admit I am a little sceptical of drug companies generally. This is not a "shot" at anyone, but I believe that the source of any information needs to carry some weight when deciding the value of the information itself. :rolleyes: There is another side to this to consider - wouldnt it also be in the drug manufacturer's best interest to do their best to make you believe that their product wasnt necessary so you stop vaccinating your dogs - there by in turn leaving your pet vulnerable to the infection or disease making you spend more money on their products to help cure your dog from said infection or disease???? Kind of makes you sit back and think a bit.... While I have heard all the "horror" stories regarding the C5 vaccine my boy still receives the C7 vaccination with no side effects what so ever. He will also continue to get the yearly vaccinations. My vet and I have had long discussions regarding over vaccination, side effects of vaccinations and the 3 yearly vaccination. My vet has come back to me each time saying until there is independant scientific proof (ie not sponsored by said pharmaceutical companies) they will not endorse the 3 year vaccine nor will the encourage people to stop vaccinating their pets. While there may be those pets that do suffer the side effects from these vaccines - the percentage of pets who have these side effects are minimal when compared to the number of pets actually vaccinated. Mind you these are mine and my vet's own personal opinion so please refrain from flaming me for speaking my mind. In the end it is up to you the owner of the pet to make the decision to vaccinate or not.
  9. Unfortunately not. We had Ty flown to Sydney from his breeder in Melbourne, so that is definitely not an option, the only breeder she can refer me to is 4 hours drive away, so not ideal thats for sure. I found some very helpful websites which demonstrate different taping techniques that I think I can follow. They just don't give good info about how long they need taping etc. I wonder if I should post my question on the general dog part of the forum because other bullmastiff owners who have adults may not visit this area?? I think I will try that. This website will offer you some information - Bullmastiffs Online - Ear Taping Get in touch with the NSW Bullmastiff Club from there you can get in touch with people who can help you with all of this.
  10. Same here - while I do have a vet that is only 5 minutes from my door step (Monash is a good 45 minutes away in off peak traffic) which I use for vaccinations and less serious stuff such as nicks and scrapes - I use Monash for the more serious stuff. They make you feel so at ease and take the time to explain things clearly. They also dont give you "worst case scenario is the only scenario" opinions when looking over your pet like my local vet does. Ray Ferguson and Mark Fowley are fantastic and I couldnt recommend them highly enough.
  11. Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach has absolutely no Chicken or chicken by products in it at all. It also doesnt contain any wheat either.
  12. I had my boy on Barf for a while - unfortunately it kept him way too lean - not something you really want for a bullmastiff. I also found that by feeding him completely raw his energy levels were way down. Now I do a mix of both raw and kibble. Its up to you as to what you feed your dog. Do your research and try things out - trial and error are the best ways to learn.
  13. I own a large breed dog. At the age of 3 months I had my vet hounding me to have him desexed as soon as possible even after I explained to him my dog is a show dog and will not be desexed. I am still receiving reminder notices to book him in for desexing. When I am in a position to start breeding - I will be discussing all options to ensure those pups sold as pets can not be bred with. Possible ways to ensure this happens - 1 - Charge more for pet quality pups so that it includes the cost of desexing and pay for the operation when the pups reach 6 months. 2- offer refund via desexing contracts - these would not stand up in court unfortunately and if people didnt want to desex you have no legal standing to make them desex their animal. 3 - have the pups sterilised via vasectomy or having their tubes tied. 4 - early desexing at 12 weeks. As a future responsible breeder I will do whatever is necessary to ensure my pet quality pups are desexed in a timely manner. I will also ensure that any show quality pups that do not end up in the show ring or end up with faults are desexed as well. To me it is up to the breeder to ensure their puppy owners are responsible and if that means desexing early then that is what needs to be done.
  14. Maybe its just me and I keep running into these threads but there seems to be a lot of dogs getting kennel cough lately. Just out of curiosity - what vaccination are these dogs receiving?
  15. Seems like its that time of year again. Allergies are starting to reappear. My boy drinks heaps when he his on a course of cortizone, wees alot but appetite remains the same.
  16. I have heard of NILIF a few times unfortunately I havent had a chance to research it yet. Sounds like it works - my only concern would be if the pup is suffering separation anxiety the additional stress of being frightened may cause more problems instead of fix it. Maybe Haven or Herr Rottweiler can shed some light on this. Either of you reading this post and have any suggestions.
  17. Sounds like a Barkbusters method and not something I would personally recommend to anyone with a new pup. The only thing you will end up with is a very skittish and freaked out puppy. Best bet is to ignore the puppy when he is carrying on then the moment he stops praise him like crazy- puppies respond much better to praise.
  18. I just imagine you chasing around a 60kg dog to give him each of his 6 tabs. See your point, quite inconvenient :rolleyes: jls He would sit there for the first 2 but I wouldnt have much luck getting the rest of them down his gob. LOL. :p
  19. I have found drontal can be a bit harsh on a dog's system. I've had to go back to using it recently because no one seems to carry the 20Kg tablets or Chewies by Canex. And when you have a dog that weighs 60Kg giving 6 worming tablets is not practical. The last worming treatment my dog had was with Drontal (this was his second treatment with it) - he had runny poo for a week - was off colour and just not himself. Vets explaination was he must have been loaded with worms - I found that hard to believe as his worming has always been up to date and never late and his previous treatment he was fine. Not to mention there was no sign of infestion in is poo's. I was warned about drontal by the breeder of a chow chow that I owned about its side effects being quite severe - part of the reason why I have stayed away from it over the years. But when you cant find something that will cover a large dog its a bit hard not to have to use it. I currently use revolution on my dog because it happens to be more effective on fleas than any other treatment I have found the down side is it doesnt cover worming.
  20. I used to use Sentinel Spectrum but switched to Revolution for the simple reason of SS doesnt kill adult fleas nor does it kill mites. Currently I use Revolution and Drontal - and will be changing to Canex for worming as soon as I can find the 20Kilo chewies or tablets.
  21. I am looking into the NDTF course as well - have had a look on their website and so far I like what I see. Would be nicer if they posted to full course cost on the website though. I will definitely follow this thread with interest.
  22. There are days HR where one would prefer to curl up in a corner and give up but after last weekend - I think I can keep going forward.
  23. Thanks Erny. By the way my thoughts are with you.
  24. Xander did really well in the ring on Saturday. He moved well and we even got focus a few more times than usual. I am happy to say he also got his title on Saturday as well. Granted only a CC win but still he got his title so he was spoilt rotten for the rest of the weekend. As of tonight we are back to training. He looks at me like I'm an idiot when I praise him for looking at me but he seems to be looking at me more so I dont mind his looks of "mum are you feeling okay because all I did was look at you and you started acting all silly! " Will keep everyone updated on his progress. Jean eta - fixed grammer issues
  25. Good to hear, Raven and good work, Haven. I'll look forward to hearing the outcome in relation to your training progress, Raven. Over the coming weeks I am hoping for an improvement in focus from him to the point he actually keeps his eye on me at all times. Then the next task is getting him to heel at the same pace I set. Granted Bullmastiffs do tend to "plod" but I know he can keep up however at this moment I will work on one thing at a time and I will keep everyone posted on how he does.
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