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m 'n' m

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Everything posted by m 'n' m

  1. Wow, My vet does look after me :D Just a couple of months ago I had my boys dew claws removed (on his hind legs) while he was being desexed he only charged me $15 for each. They were not attached to the bone.
  2. My old girl Brandy has the annual, Proheart SR12 injection for heartworm prevention and Drontal for intestinal worms.....My other pooches are on Advantage Duo for fleas and heartworm and Drontal for intestinal worms. I have not had a problem with any of these products.
  3. m 'n' m


    Farewell dear man Only joyous pain free days now with lots of beautiful friends to play with over
  4. I have 5 dogs and i feed 3 of them Science Diet and the other 2 Bonnie.They also get raw meats,veges and rice or pasta.
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