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Everything posted by ShesaLikeableBiBear

  1. My understanding (from when I sold a puppy in NZ going from the North to the South Island) is that 10 weeks is the minimum age for flying domestically and 12 weeks internationally. I think you will find that no respectable kennel will take a puppy which has not had its last vaccinations. It would be far safer for you to leave your puppy with the breeder until you return from Canberra.
  2. Once a month with Sentinel Spectrum as it covers the dogs for heartworm. Cowanbree is in NZ where they do not have heartworm. When we lived there we used to worm every three months.
  3. Am so very sorry Tilly to hear of your loss
  4. We change our shelties over at 12 months, in some cases it is recommended with the Large and Giant Breeds that they remain on puppy food until 15-18 months.
  5. Suggest you contact one of these agility clubs to ask if they have flyball: http://www.adaa.com.au/adaaclubs.htm
  6. Suggest you look at a Zoom Groom, here is a link: http://www.mollycoddledpets.com.au/catalog...category46/p577 Unlike the slicker which you can only use with the lie of the coat, the zoom groom can be used backwards and forwards and in a circular motion.
  7. Sorry forgot to add that our instructors are both ANKC judges as well
  8. Well we know your qualifications, Tracey, who are we then to argue with both an instructor AND a judge, everyone must have their own opinion then and perhaps as you say our instructors are wrong, oh well, never mind, as you know they are leaving MrsD thank-you ever so much for correcting my thread
  9. MrsD, we were informed by our instructors that the minimum age for ANKC style herding training is 6 months, hence we waited until Cassie turned 6 months prior to even giving her a smell of sheep.
  10. Audrey there was a training facility at Moorina near Caboolture but the owners are moving overseas. We hope to set up a facility at Woodford in August, perahps you can send a pm. You can commence herding training when a puppy is 6 months old.
  11. This link will help identify Wandering Jew http://www.balgownievet.com.au/1_gen_derm_...ndering_jew.htm
  12. Understand Inspector Rex?. She has not been well so doent post here often, atm, but am sure she would be happy to answer a pm. She too has Collie Rough's.
  13. At that age it will be hard to get a tablet into them, we use Canex puppy suspension which is a chocolate flavoured liquid with an eye dropper and we use this until they are 6 weeks old and then Sentinel Spectrum monthly.
  14. panda, no reaction to treats or air dried they dont have tripe. Just the can of venison with tripe will try again. He was the only one out of five who had a runny, but maybe it was something else.
  15. Am so very very sorry to hear about your baby, she was the most amazing little girl, full of spunk, run free Suki and enjoy Lure Coursing :rolleyes:
  16. panda, umm this is confusing but Panda (my dog) had a very mild case of a runny pooh last week and we put it down to Ziwipeak canned, the venison and tripe. He has had venison since he was about 2 (now 6.5years) so we presume it was the tripe which he has not had before.
  17. We also feed Nutro and Ziwipeak, the dogs just go silly over their food and the cat also loves his Ziwipeak canned but not the daily cuisine. We sometimes look after a friend's sheltie (she has 8) and they have yet to refuse either Nutro or Ziwipeak.
  18. We also use sentinel spectrum for worms, we are in a high tick area and use Advantix every two weeks Sep-May and once a month otherwise. The annual Heartworm injection can have disastrous effects on the collies, shelties and border collies so not worth the risk. We too feed super premium food- Nutro- and Ziwipeak. There will probably be many other questions you may have regarding grooming, bedding, etc so fire away DONT be afraid to ask no question is a silly one.
  19. Kristie there have been numerous threads in general discussion on neighbour problems. What was the gist of the letter?, are they totally irate?, can they prove it is your dogs barking?. Why are your dogs barking at one out of six fence-lines? , there must be something on that fenceline that is upsetting your dogs. Are the others complaining as well?.
  20. flycow I hope you can substantiate your argument? :D "because I don't believe commercial foods have the best grade of ingredients". Are you referring to a particular product, or commercial foods as a whole?. Would appreciate some enlightment on your statement ;)
  21. Yep with my older dog, now passed on, used to use an ice cream container
  22. Cavnrott, follow the link here for an analysis of one of the Ziwipeak products http://www.naturalpetfoodsaustralia.com/
  23. Cavnrott, I dont know of any super premium which does not have at least one grain in its ingredients, Ziwipeak has no grains and no fillers. Their main ingredient is venison, folllowed by green-lipped mussel, neither of which are particularly cheap. We feed both Nutro and Ziwipeak
  24. The super premium brands are more expensive but then you are feeding a lot less than many others, you are paying for quality not quantity, and for far better ingredients. Ziwipeak is the most expensive at about $117 for 5 kg. This is a much more highly concentrated food than even the super premium kibbles, a little goes a long way, and its ingredients again are far superior.
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